Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 338 - Trinity - The Meeting Of Two Queens VOLUME 3)

Chapter 338 - Trinity - The Meeting Of Two Queens VOLUME 3)




It was a long walk from the garage to the throne room where we were to meet the Queen of the Fae. There were a lot of corridors that we had to twist and turn down. Occasionally we would pass others in the hall. I couldn't tell if they were residents or workers in the castle. Still, every one of them looked at us with awe when we passed.

Did their stunned expressions mean that I was dressed beautifully or did it mean that I had totally failed and I looked like a freak? I guess I wouldn't know until I spoke to the Queen.

I had thought that I looked good. My hair had been braided in an elegant style and was draped over my left shoulder. My makeup was perfect and light so as not to look too overpowering. And the dress I was wearing was full length and draped the floor. It was a light powder blue with an empire waist. There was a black gold chain that went all the way around the waist and accentuated my already rounding belly. The dress was strapless so there was a matching lace shawl that wrapped around my shoulders and gave me the appearance of being a little more elegant than I usually did. Paired with the dress was a pair of black, crystal embellished Jimmy Choo sandals with four inch heels.

Finally we reached the throne room. There were four guards standing outside the doors and as we approached two of the guards opened the door to match our walking speed while the other two guards lowered their heads in a sign of respect and deference.

Inside the throne room there were dozens of people. There were at least twelve small throne-like chairs that lined the long aisle, six on each side. I had learned from Casey ahead of time that these were the nobles of court and they would most likely be in attendance for this meeting. Standing on either side of the aisle way, with no thrones in sight for them, were about three dozen more people that looked high ranking but a little lower than that of the nobles.

At the end of the long carpeted aisle was a massive throne where the Queen of the Fae was sitting and waiting for us. She was seated on the throne and smiling at us as we made our way toward her.

Queen Gloriana had long, flowing, black hair that looked like it reached down to her bottom. Her eyes were a wonderfully luminescent shade of her sky blue. And her skin was a pale, nearly perfect shade of white. She was beautiful and definitely looked a lot more regal than I ever thought I would be capable of.

Next to the Queen's throne was a smaller, yet still elaborate, throne with a smiling man sitting next to her. According to what Casey had told me, that throne would be occupied with the Queen's current arm candy.

Queen Gloriana apparently had never found her mate but she had a lot of men she had fancied over the last couple millennia. I guess that was actually understandable. It's just that I could never imagine a life like that. But, then again, I was mated so I only knew this life.

Standing around the Queen's throne were six women. What I would think of as ladies in waiting. Apparently, Casey used to be one of them until she mated with Cedar. Being a lady in waiting was one way to be part of court when you would otherwise be excluded.

There were likewise men gathered around the consort's throne as well, but there were only four of them and they didn't look as pleased as the women did.

Aside from the men and women that were essentially personal attendants for the Queen and her consort there were also guards standing watch at the front, back, and both sides. They looked highly efficient and good at their jobs.

When we were close enough I saw that Breon and the guards were bowing, but I had been advised by Casey ahead of time to not bow fully. My guards did, as did Casey and everyone aside from Reece and myself. We were royals and we were not supposed to bow.

Instead of the full bow that the others were doing, Reece and I lowered our heads with a smile.

"Queen Trinity, thank you for taking the time to visit my court." Queen Gloriana spoke in a voice that was girlish and sounded young, it was soft but still carried through the whole room.

"Thank you for the invitation, Queen Gloriana. I am honored to be granted this wonderful opportunity." I had been working hard to sound more regal and worthy of the title of queen. I needed to do as Casey said and start modeling myself after the Queen that was in front of me.

"I am the one who is honored. You, Queen Trinity, are blessed by two different Celestial beings. That is an amazing and marvelous feat. Did you know that we Fae are descended from the Gods as well. We are more closely related to them than even the shifter children. Some of us even used to be worshipped as goddesses and gods." She winked at the end of that. She was clearly telling me that she was once worshipped as a goddess. That was a little intimidating. "And now my people and your people are intertwined. I think this is a wonderful twist of fate. To me it feels as if the celestials that still hold places in the heavens are trying to unite the world for one goal or another."

"Yes, I do agree. I think it is marvelous and that we will be able to do much as allies." With that statement I told her that I was hoping to work together in the future and that I had nothing against the union of Cedar and Acacia.

"Come, Queen Trinity, let us not take any longer. There is a banquet in your honor." I watched as Queen Gloriana rose to her feet then and beckoned me to follow her. "Let us walk together so that we may have a lovely conversation along the way."

I made my way to her side and Reece stood in his place behind me on the right. Queen Gloriana's consort and current arm candy had risen and positioned himself opposite of Reece at his Queen's left shoulder. With our consorts in place our guards moved to stand around us as we made our way toward the banquet hall. Queen Gloriana wrapped her right arm around my left, holding onto me as we walked.

"It is wonderful to meet you, Trinity my dear. I have so been looking forward to it. My dearest niece, Acacia, has told me much about you and your endeavors. It sounds like you've been through a lot. How are you holding up?" Queen Gloriana's voice was soft and sweet, it made it easy to listen to her.

"I am doing just fine, Queen Gloriana. Thank you so much for asking."

"We're both royals and I am hoping we may be friends my dear. Please, call me Gloriana, or even Glory. I know I am much older than you but that shouldn't make a difference. We queens are timeless." There was just the slightest hint of laughter in her voice now. Just barely enough for me to tell that she was amused.

"Yes, Gloriana, I hope that we may be friends as well. I think that would be a wonderful idea."

"Excellent, excellent. I am sure we will have much to talk about during the banquet." Gloriana was patting my hand that she was holding with her left hand, our arms still linked together.

As we approached the banquet hall I could smell the food that was being prepared for us. The scents were beyond delicious and intoxicating. I was nervous about eating any of the foods that were being prepared though. I had heard that humans shouldn't eat foods prepared by the Fae, they could have 'interesting' effects on them.

I guess I wouldn't be the one to get the effects though, since Gabriel was going to be acting as a proper guard attendant. At least that's what he called himself. He was going to be taste testing all the food that I was supposed to eat. According to Casey, it was common for visiting royal and diplomats to have an attendant or guard test their food if they did not yet trust the queen. I just hoped it wouldn't offend Queen Gloriana. I would hate to do something that would cause us a political disaster and possibly start a war between the Fae and all of my shifters and warlocks. That would be unpleasant to say the last.

'Please, Nehalennia, let this meeting and banquet go smoothly. I really don't want to cause any trouble.'

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