Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 340 - Trinity - Trouble Arises (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 340 - Trinity - Trouble Arises (VOLUME 3)




The taste testing of the food went a lot more smoothly than I had ever thought it would. Vincent and Gabriel acted like they had been doing it for years. Perhaps they practiced it and rehearsed it over the last few days. I was proud of them for what they had managed.

Following the taste testing, and the next several uneventful minutes, it was time for us to eat. The fact that neither Gabriel nor Vincent got sick after waiting for several minutes meant that the food was safe for Reece and I to eat.

The true implication of the food being safe meant that the Queen of the Fae was not actively working against us. Though I hadn't missed the warning in her words. She had implied that there might have been those in her kingdom, possibly even those right here at this meal, that didn't want her associating with me and my people.

Who were my enemies here? Who were the people that didn't want me here? What were they likely to do to me because I was here? The possibilities were endless in my mind. I just didn't know what any of them were truly capable of.

The meal was delicious. Once I stopped worrying so much I actually allowed myself to enjoy it. There were a lot of dishes that I had not tried before. There was something that looked like miniature mincemeat pies but were actually more like a shepherd's pie. What I had taken for the pastry on the outside was actually a golden brown coating of potatoes and it was stuffed with the beef and vegetable mix. That was the most normal of the dishes that I had seen.

There were also plenty of dishes that were also a lot more fancy than those pies. There was a leafy salad that was made with brightly colored vegetables that I had never seen before. The soup we were served was thick and blue. There were very few meats that I could tell you for certain what they were but they all tasted good. Everything was good to be honest. It just all looked different than anything I was used to seeing.

While we were eating Queen Gloriana asked me a few different questions. I wanted to ask questions as well instead of just answer, but I didn't really know what I should ask. I was nervous and I wasn't certain what I was allowed to ask and what I wasn't. I mean, what can you ask an eternally young immortal Faerie Queen?

"I hear that the warlock that was causing a big issue over the last few years has finally been defeated. Was that your doing, Trinity?" I didn't know if she was friends with my father or not, but I was going to air on the side of no. If she was a conspirator to Edmond then I don't think that Acacia would have been able to stay with us.

"Yes. I killed him a couple of months ago, following a training trip to France."

"That is marvelous. I am glad that he has been eliminated. He was causing so many problems for the supernatural communities. If we didn't end his shenanigans soon then he would have completely exposed us to the humans."

I was a little upset that Queen Gloriana referred to the death of so many innocent people as nothing more than shenanigans. Though, I guess when you've lived as long as she has you start to get a little desensitized to the issues going on around you. She had lived for over two thousand years. That meant she saw quite a few wars between the humans. The massive loss of lives during them all. I guess in comparison the crisis with Edmond was minor when put next to things like the world wars and all those other tragedies the world has faced.

"Is it true that Gannon was your father?" I didn't detect any judgement in her voice, but to be fair she had hidden all of her emotions since I had met her.

"Yes. The warlock known as Gannon Cornelius Edmond was my father."

"I am sorry that it came down to you having to destroy your own father." She didn't show any emotion yet again but still I felt the sincerity of her words.

"It's fine. I didn't consider myself related to him. He was nothing more than a sperm donor, a DNA source to make me. He was a monster and I would never consider him my family. My dad, the only man worthy of that title, was a million times better than Edmond."

"That's wonderful, Trinity dear. I am glad that you have a family that you love. Family is very important."

"Do you spend much time with your family?" I had to know what it was like for a Queen to have a family.

"Not as much as I would like. I myself have not yet had children but I still love my family dearly."

"You don't have children?" That surprised me. How could you be more than two thousand years old and not have a child.

"I would like to have a child of my own, but I have yet to find the right consort for me. I have been fully tested by doctors that are not human. They have done all they need to do and assure me that the issue lies not within my own body. So, my only conclusion is that I have not found the proper father for my children yet. I hope to feel that connection as strongly as my niece, Acacia has. She and her mate have been very lucky as of late."

I saw the wistful longing in Queen Gloriana's eyes. She was a person who cared deeply for those that were close to her and longed for that bond between a woman and the baby in her womb. Subconsciously I put my hand on my belly and felt the firm roundness that was my babies growing inside of me. I wished that I could do something for Queen Gloriana, something to help her find her mate.

The banquet was just coming to an end. The conversation was going great. Everything was perfect. I should have known that it wasn't going to last.

There was a commotion on the far side of the door. It started as just raised voices. There were two people arguing and the whole hall had turned their attention to the two that were causing a scene.

"No Grier, don't do this. I'm begging you." A woman's high shrill and high pitched voice rang through the hall.

"Let me go Frida. I need to do this. I need to make my point." An anger filled male voice responded to her pleading.

"No Grier. I don't want to lose you. Please." The woman was sobbing as she begged the man.

"Shut up, woman. I will not sit idly by."

There was a loud sound, skin on skin, like the man in the argument had slapped the woman very hard. It was at that point that the man, Grier, broke free. The woman, Frida, was sobbing on the floor. It looked as if Frida had been clutching at Grier, trying to hold him back and stop him from doing whatever it was he was about to do.

Frida looked like a small woman. She appeared to be at least four inches shorter than me, at least. Her hands were tiny and even though her face looked like that of a grown woman I couldn't help but think that she was a child. Her light green hair and vivid purple eyes gave her an even closer likeness to a child.

Grier was about my height, thin and angry looking. He had bright yellow hair that was unruly and looked to be all over the place. His eyes were a bright red that looked like someone had painted them onto his face. And they were looking at me with such anger that I could physically feel.

"No, Grier, please." Frida called after the man again as he marched his way toward the dais.

"I refuse to accept this person into our compound. She will only bring destruction to us. The queen had been steadily losing her touch. She is no longer fit to rule us. I propose a revolution. I say that we need a new leader. Kill the Queen, kill the intruder, and let us take back control of our people."

I felt my heart stop. Those words were filled with so much hate, so much anger and animosity. And worst of all, if anyone took his words to heart and started to attack things could get ugly.

Would I be seen as a villain if I protected myself? Would I be able to save us all? I surely hope so because I refuse to lose anyone. I would not let me, my babies, my husband, or my friends come to any harm.

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