Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 359 - Trinity- Bed Arrest Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 359 - Trinity- Bed Arrest Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




Still, once Reece got me to our room he laid me gently in the center of the bed and sat on the edge next to me.

"So, how are you feeling? I know that took you by surprise. I don't want you getting too worked up and having another episode." I know that he was just worried about me. I also know that he blamed the surprise baby shower for what happened because I was so focused on the smell of the food that I didn't realize what was going on. It's not my fault that his babies made my stomach the priority at the time, I was just hungry.

"I am fine." I smiled at him. "Honestly, I really am fine. My heart isn't pounding. I don't feel dizzy. My pulse feels normal. I am good, really good."

"That's a relief." He looked like he visibly deflated. It was like he let out a breath that I couldn't even tell he was holding at the time. He really was just worried about me.

"I am going to be fine, Reece. We all are. Reagan and Rika are going to be just fine as well, you will see. In just a couple of months we will be able to meet them and see them for the first time. We will be able to hold them in our arms and rock them back and forth."

"Yeah, it will be amazing. But you need to stay safe until then. I can't have you getting sick again or Griffin will take the babies early. If they're too early then they might not be strong enough."

I felt fear settle over me as I listened to Reece's words. Everything that he was saying was true. If I didn't keep these babies inside of me for as long as I could then they could be sick and weak and it would be all my fault. I would not let that happen. I just wouldn't.

It felt like I had been having the same conviction go through my head since I woke up at the hospital. That was probably true, but that's because it was all that I could think about right now. I was literally a baby incubator with a ticking time bomb inside of it. If I wasn't careful I would set that bomb off and all three of us could be in danger.

"What are you thinking about?" Reece asked me as he watched me thinking.

"About the babies." I answered immediately.

"Well, that's ambiguous. What about them?" He chuckled softly as I rolled my eyes at him.

"About the best ways that I can protect them. I know we've talked about it a lot but it's just something that I need to keep in the front of my mind. It's a major life change for me. I will be changing the way that I do everything for the time being. In all honesty, I am going to be living life like I am some sort of invalid that is incapable of taking care of herself. I will be living life like I am severely crippled." I felt like there was a little bit of pain and sorrow in my voice right now. I didn't want there to be but it's the truth.

All I wanted to do right now was get things ready for my babies. I wanted to prep their room and sort their clothes. I wanted to make sure everything was put in just the right place and spend hours fussing over all the little details.

Now, it felt like I was going to miss out on it all. I wasn't going to get to finalize their room and I wasn't going to get to put their clothes where I wanted them. And I wasn't going to make sure that every little thing was perfect. It was actually quite depressing as I thought about it all.

I think that Reece could tell how depressed I was by all of this. I was trying my hardest to stay positive for him and the others but I was actually scared shitless. It all made me nervous and really worried. I wanted to know what to do. I wanted to know how I was supposed to fix this and make it all go back to the way that it was before. And I was also wondering why this happened to me and my babies in the first place.

As I sat there fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill over at any moment Reece slid closer to me and held me in his arms. He didn't say anything at all, he just let his warmth seep into me. Just him being there really was enough to calm me down and he knew it.

When I was finally calmer I heard him speak, finally breaking the silence.

"I am with you every step of the way, Little Bunny. I won't leave you alone for a second if that is what you want. I will take a sabbatical from the office and stay here with you until the babies are three months old. I will stop working altogether. I can have someone else run the company for me. If I am needed right here at your side then that is where I will be. I want you to know that, honey. You, Reagan and Rika, all of you are what is most important to me. Nothing else matters at all. As long as I have you then I have the whole world." There was such sincerity in Reece's voice that I knew he meant every word of that. I could feel the love radiating off of him as his words reverberated through his chest and vibrated right into my ear.

Just hearing what he had to say made my heart sing. It made me feel so loved. I knew that Reece loved me but I guess sometimes I just forgot how much he really loved me.

"Reece, you have no idea how much that melts my heart or how happy it makes me to hear. I am beyond happy and flattered that you would give up everything to be with me, but you don't need to do that. Not yet anyway. I know that as things with our roles as King and Queen progress we might need to reevaluate all of this later, but for now it is enough just knowing that you're willing to throw away everything that you've worked so hard for just to be with me. I won't let you do that though. I know how much you enjoy your work on most days."

I felt the rumbling as Reece's laughter thrummed through him. He must have found my words funny.

"I do enjoy my work, but I love you. And just remember, if I did stop working the money is still mine. I am sure we can survive for quite a long time with the fortune that I already have. Plus, I would still own the company and therefore I would still be making more money. We would never be poor. I wouldn't be throwing anything away, baby. I would be staying right where I am needed the most."

His offer was so tempting. I almost told him that I did want him to stay with me, that I wanted us to be together like this all the time. Then I remembered that we really do need our time away from each other, even if it's just little bits here and there. It would stop us from feeling smothered by the constant attention.

"It's tempting, Fido, it truly is. However, for right now I think we should leave things as they are for right now."

"If you're sure, Little Bunny. If that's what you really want I will not argue at all.

Reece and I moved from the bed to the couch and watched a movie after that. Dinner was delivered to our room and we ate it while watching the third movie of the night. By the time that the fifth movie was wrapping up I was ready to pass out from exhaustion even though I hadn't done anything all day. While I drifted off to sleep I felt Reece carrying me back to the bed.

After he laid me back onto the bed I felt him slowly start to take some of the clothing off of me. My shoes had been taken off a long time ago but I felt my socks sliding off now. After that I felt my pants sliding down my legs. I would have welcomed an intimate touch most nights but right now I was too tired. He wasn't making it intimate though, he was just making me more comfortable. After the pants had been removed I felt him snake his hands up my shirt and remove my bra. It felt so freeing, so wonderful to not have that evil man-made contraption trying to kill me right now.

After my bra was removed Reece must have removed his own clothes because a moment later I felt him climb into the bed after me and he was just wearing his boxer briefs like usual. I felt him wrap his arms around me gently and pull me closer to him so that I fit snugly under his chin. It was my favorite way to lay, perfectly enveloped in his body. I never felt safer than I did when he draped his body around me like this. It was so peaceful and soothing that it made me slip into a deeper sleep immediately.

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