Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 369 - Trinity - Labor Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 369 - Trinity - Labor Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




I couldn't believe that my water had broken while I was trying to sleep in bed. That was just going to ruin it for me. I could never sleep on that bed again. Or those sheets. However, I was excited that I was finally going to have my babies. Excited and nervous. I wanted them here, in my arms and out of my belly, but I was afraid of the process it was going to take to get them out of me.

Reece had just ran out of the room to take my things to the car, and I wanted to get changed. My clothes were soaked from the fluids that had come out of me. I knew that it wasn't necessarily the case, but it had felt like I peed myself. I knew it wasn't, but it just made me feel gross and icky now. I just wanted to get cleaned up right now, especially before Reece came back.

I knew that Reece was going to insist on carrying me to the car. He would have insisted whether I had been on bed rest lately or not. I was in labor for crying out loud, he was bound to flip out. But with my clothes being wet, I didn't want him touching me. I wanted to be cleaned and dried before he lifted me up.

I knew that it was probably stupid to think about it like that, but I couldn't help it. I just wanted to make it a little less gross for him to touch me. It would make me feel a little better anyway.

As soon as Reece was out of the room, I got to my feet. It was one of the first times that I had actually stood up in almost a month and a half. I had gotten up a couple times, without Reece knowing. It had only been to wash myself up in the bathroom. I wasn't going to make Vincent and Gabriel go to the extremes that Reece went to, but my legs still felt like jelly right now. I wondered for a moment if I was getting weak from being so lazy lately or if it was from being in labor.

I ignored it though. I needed to do what I could for right now. The more that I walked the easier it got to walk as well. My legs just needed to get some blood pumping and flowing through them, and they felt a lot better. Though I had barely made it to the bathroom door when the bedroom door burst open again.

I knew that it was too soon for Reece to be back, but it still scared me. I turned and looked at the door and was shocked to find Lila rushing into the room.

"Trinity, what are you doing sweetheart?" She sounded worried as she came rushing over to me.

"My water broke while I was laying in the bed. I feel gross and disgusting now, so I just wanted to clean myself up a little." I hung my head as if it was wrong of me.

"Oh, honey, that's understandable. But you should have waited for me. Come on, let's get you all cleaned so we can go to the hospital." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and supported almost all of my weight as she helped me into the bathroom.

"No, Lila, I can't ask you to help me with this. It's disgusting."

"Nonsense." She laughed at me. "I've changed Reece's diapers, and I plan on changing your babies' diapers; this is nothing. This is just handing you some wet washcloths and some clean clothes. This isn't disgusting at all. Besides, you're having babies, it's a part of life." She sounded like she was more than happy to prove to me that everything was just fine, and that I needed to let her do this. I guess I had no choice, but to let my mother-in-law help me to clean up and get changed. It would be helpful, but embarrassing.

When we got into the bathroom, Lila took me over to the low stool that Reece had brought in for me since I had been put on bedrest. It was just the right height that I could put my feet on the floor and wash myself up. If only I could reach my feet, or even see them. While I did my best to get the clothes off of me, before sitting down I might add, Lila went to get a bowl of hot water and some washcloths. She was back before I was out of my clothes. It was just so hard to maneuver right now, and some of them were stuck to me because they were so wet.

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish undressing myself. Lila had to help me. She helped to peel away the yoga pants that were apparently comfortable in every situation except removing while wet. She even had to help me pull down the comfortable soft cotton panties that I wore for comfort rather than seducing Reece. It was really quite embarrassing.

After I was stripped I started to clean myself up as best as I could. I wouldn't let her do any of that for me. I put my foot down about it.

"It's no big deal, sweetheart. I want to help." She pleaded, trying to be more helpful for me.

"No, Lila, I couldn't have you do that for me."

"Then what would you have me do?" She wondered as she looked down at me while I sat there awkwardly on the stool, naked and cleaning myself as best as I could.

"Could you get me some clean clothes? Nothing complicated of course, I will just have to take them off again."

"Yes sweetheart. I will be right back." She smiled and left the room then.

I wanted to clean myself as thoroughly as I could while she was gone. I couldn't get away with a full shower before leaving tonight, but I could stand and make cleaning myself a little easier. If I didn't have to try and see around this giant belly to reach things, it would be so much easier to get clean.

I stood and cleaned myself up as fast as I could. I had even grabbed a towel and wrapped myself before Lila came back into the room. Though, the towel gaped open where my giant baby belly poked out. It was kind of disheartening to see just how big I had gotten over these last few months.

"Trinity, what are you doing now?" Lila asked with a laugh when she came back into the bathroom and saw me standing at the sink.

"I wanted to brush my teeth and pull my hair back." I answered her quickly. "I just want this to be as easy as possible when I get there." I had already run the brush through my hair and was pulling it back into a loose ponytail. Next all I needed was to brush my teeth.

Reece came back into the room as I was rinsing my mouth. When he didn't see me in the bedroom, he yelled for me and started to run frantically. Lila laughed and yelled for him to come into the bathroom.

However, Reece definitely wasn't happy when he saw me standing in front of the mirror though.

"What the hell?" He demanded in a firm tone. "I went to take the bags down to the car, and all the rules went out the window?"

"Honey, all the rules went out the window the moment my water broke." I soothed him as I patted my hand against his chest.

"You're not supposed to be on your feet." He whined at me.

"I know Reece, but I felt gross and disgusting. I didn't want you to carry me while I was covered in all that stuff. Now all I need to do is get dressed, and we can go." I smiled at him. "Will you help me?"

I knew that he would help me, he would have insisted if I hadn't asked for his help. With a smile he lifted me into his arms and carried me back to the room. He didn't take me to the bed since it was wet but he sat me on the sofa and pulled my towel away. Lila handed him the clothes that she had grabbed: a comfortable pair of panties and a simple, loose cotton dress. It was easy to get me into both of the articles of clothing. After that Reece slipped on a pair of fuzzy boots that were only meant for wearing around the house and not outside. I guess it was fine, I wasn't really going to be walking right now anyway.

"Alright, now let's go." Reece lifted me into his arms and out the door we went.

We were in the car and ready to go before I knew what was happening. I was sitting in the back with Lila while Reece drove us to the hospital. I could feel my nerves growing steadily, along with the intensity and pain of the contractions. Those also felt like they were coming more regularly as well. I wondered just how much longer all of this was going to take.

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