Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 376 - Trinity - First Morning As A Mommy (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 376 - Trinity - First Morning As A Mommy (VOLUME 3)




Reece had made me go to sleep late last night. He was right that I had been exhausted, but I didn't want to take my eyes off of our children. All I wanted was to be there for them and hold them. They were so little and so precious that I knew they needed me.

I listened to him though. I went to sleep. It was broken sleep though, since I had to wake up to feed them every two hours or so. Reece was there to help me. He brought the babies to me, and when I was done feeding one of them he would gently hold the baby against his chest and pat them until they both burped and fell to sleep.

The nurses had been there to help us as well, but they spent a lot of their time observing us rather than doing anything for me. I saw that they were smiling happily as they did what little they could. I think they were quite proud of Reece. I couldn't blame them though, I was proud of him as well.

It had only been a little over eight hours since the babies had come into this world and Reece was already proving himself to be a wonderful daddy. I was so happy right now, even with how tired I still was. I couldn't imagine a better life at the moment. I had two beautiful babies, I had the perfect husband, and I had friends and family that loved me dearly. What more could I want?

Right now, at almost nine in the morning, I was starting to feed the babies again. They didn't eat much yet, but I knew that they needed to eat often. And with there being two of them it meant that it would take a while each time. It was fine, honestly, I was just glad that I didn't have triplets like Acacia. And soon, I might even get used to feeding them both at the same time to cut the time down.

I was enjoying my first morning as a mommy though. It was so much better than I had thought it would be. Even the pain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I know that it probably had to do with the fact that I was a shifter and healed faster than a human, but still it was nearly gone now.

If someone asked me what I had felt the night before, how it felt to push the babies from my body, then I would tell them about the pain. But, even that seemed like it was hard to remember. I know that it had hurt, and that I had been terrified, but with the joy of having the babies here with me finally it's like those memories were already fading. I wonder if that was how it was for everyone.

"So, Trinity, are you ready to get up and move around? Take a shower or something?" Griffin came into the room and those were his first words. "The sooner we get you moving around, the sooner we can get you all home and adjusting to life as a new family."

"I wouldn't say no to a shower." I grinned at him. "But, who would take care of the babies while I am in there."

"What do you think a daddy is for?" Reece looked at me like I had just insulted him, putting on a false air of indignation. "You don't think I can do it." I watched him pretend to slump over as if hurt or something. "Ugh! You wound me with your words."

"And you're overly dramatic." I laughed at him. "I just didn't think that it was appropriate to leave a puppy to watch a baby." I laughed at him, a little too hard it would seem since the effort caused a slight twinge to roll through me.

"Just get up and get cleaned, I will take care of my babies." Reece ignored me and walked over to the two little wheeled bassinets that the babies were in. They were sitting side by side as they slept soundly. I enjoyed seeing them, but Reece and Griffin were right to offer me a shower, I definitely wanted one.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. "I will go, but when I get back I want food." I grinned at him. "I don't know what I want more, breakfast or a shower. So, I want both."

"That was going to be my next suggestion. And I know Reece has something against hospital food, I don't truly blame him of course but still." Griffin shook his head as he tried hard not to laugh. "I ordered some breakfast for you, it should be here by the time that you're out of the shower and back in your room. You can all have something to eat before your stream of visitors show up."

"You know something, Griffin." I looked at him with a smile. "You're amazing!"

"Yeah, I know." He laughed. "Now come on, let's get you up."

Griffin started taking the wires and tubes off of me. I supposedly didn't need them anymore. The IV, heart monitors, blood pressure cuff, all of it came off. It felt nice to be free of all the medical equipment. I had been hooked up to since last night, and I had gotten used to them all being there, but I was glad they were gone now.

After I was cleared of unnecessary wires, I was led to a bathroom where I could shower. The room was unlike what I was used to, but of course that was true for just about anywhere I went. The toilet was on the far side of the room and the shower was closer to the door. The shower itself was pretty big since it was an entire corner of the room, but it was like that so physically handicapped people could have assistance when showering. There was a curtain that closed around the large area, but that was it.

It may have been different from home, but I didn't care. It had hot water and soap and that was all that I needed at the moment. I let the water get as hot as I could tolerate and let it melt the tension from my muscles while washing away the remaining traces of the night before.

The nurses had cleaned me up, and I felt good enough to rest last night, but there was nothing compared to being fully clean and dressed in your own clothes. That was another luxury that coming into this room allowed me. I was putting on my own clothes and not a hospital gown.

Once I was clean I kept it simple, I didn't need something complicated to wear while here. I just put on a loose fitting nightgown and a pair of fuzzy socks. When I had been packing them I figured people would laugh at me, but I didn't care. I was here to push babies out of my hoohoo; if they said anything then they could just kiss my ass. I was going to be comfortable right now.

When I made it back to my room, cleaned, dried, and dressed, I could smell the food that had been ordered.Griffin had, apparently, gone all out when ordering food for us. I silently thanked him since he wasn't here right now and vowed to invite him and Lana over for a nice dinner at the house sometime soon.

I enjoyed sitting there with Reece and our babies while we ate our food. It was such a normal thing to do that it made me feel like we were really a family now. It was like I was sitting not with just my mate or my husband anymore. Somehow he was more than that now. Reece was different now and so was I.

I didn't mind us being different though. I accepted it with open arms. This was what I had wanted. This was the next logical step for us to take, even if it was considered a bit too soon for us to be moving on to this stage.

After we ate our breakfast, it seemed like it was time for me to feed our babies again. Reece sat on the bed with me while I fed Reagan and then Rika. We talked about things that we thought were important at the time. We smiled and we laughed, enjoying our first morning with our little ones.

Soon, though, the babies were back to sleep, and we would soon be visited by our family and friends. Some people, like our direct family members, had seen the babies last night, but they hadn't been able to see me after they were born. Now, they were all planning to come see me throughout the day. I know it was going to be busy but it was going to be full of love as well.

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