Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 378 - Trinity - Family Visits Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 378 - Trinity - Family Visits Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




Juniper came running, well waddling, into the room as fast as she could. She was so excited that she couldn't have stopped herself even if she wanted to. She was like a ballistic missile that was on a collision course with cuteness.

"Where are they?" She asked as soon as she had entered the room, Paul was running to try and catch up to her even though he wasn't hindered by being massively pregnant with twins.

"They're over here." I giggled as I pulled one of the two wheeled bassinets closer to me, and Reece pushed the other to my side.

"Oooh, they are so cute!" She was cooing at them the moment they saw them. "They make me want to hold mine so bad." I saw tears in her eyes as she watched them sleep. "I want to hold them so badly but I don't want to wake them either." I laughed at her intensity.

"I know." I laughed at her. "I am the same way. All I ever want is to hold them when I see them. It's such a strong desire that I can't help it." I smiled as I looked at the babies, agreeing with her. "It will be like that with your babies too so at least you know what to expect."

"Yeah, we will know." Paul grinned at me. "You did great though, Astro. They look perfect."

After a few moments, Reece and I gently picked up our children and handed one of them to our friends, Rika to Paul and Reagan to Juniper. They both smiled joyfully and snuggled the bundles of joy. They had seen little babies recently because of Cedar and Acacia, so they knew what to expect, but that didn't make it any easier. And the closer it got to the birth of their babies, the more it would hurt them to put the babies down and leave.

While we all sat there, Juniper and I talked about future play dates, when all of our babies were old enough of course. We would make sure that they would grow up with each other and have a friend nearby at all times. They would always have someone there they can turn to, be it their twin or their friend. We would remain close friends and hope the same for our kids. Yeah, we were getting ahead of ourselves, but I didn't care. It was nice planning it all out. I was happy to have all of this happening for us at the same time. It was nice to have someone to share it with.

After Juniper and Paul left, Cedar and Acacia came. They didn't bring the babies, which was understandable since they were only thirteen days old, and they were triplets. They were even smaller than our babies. I didn't even expect them to come and visit us just yet. I thought they would wait a week or two and come to the house. It was a lovely surprise though, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Trinity!" Acacia screamed as she came into the room.

"Casey." I called out to her.

"I can't believe it! You had them on different days. That is so awesome!" She was grinning and bouncing on her feet as she hugged me.

"I know, they will not have to share the day. That is good and bad. Still, it's definitely unique."

"Congrats, Trinity." Cedar leaned in and hugged me next.

They stayed for a few minutes and talked, but Cedar didn't want to stay long, and neither did Casey. They wanted to get home to their children, and I fully understood and supported that. Having babies that I could now hold and see, I understood what it was they were feeling. But I had enjoyed talking about the life of having multiple babies at home at once. It was going to be hard, but I was going to manage; I just knew I was.

The next group to visit was Lila and Grandfather. They came at the same time since otherwise they would have come alone. When Lila came in, she looked like she was floating and fluttering with excitement, but when Grandfather came in he looked nervous and scared.

Lila rushed to my side and hugged me tightly. She was squeezing me so tight that I was glad that I was not a human. If I had I been I probably would have been hurt pretty badly. Still, I know she only did it because she loved me so much and was so happy.

"Trinity." She started to rock me side to side. "They were so beautiful last night when I saw them, but they are even more gorgeous today. They are perfect and I love them so much. Thank you, Trinity. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I felt her tears streaming into my hair as she spoke.

"I didn't really do anything, Lila."

"Yes, you did." She grinned as she pulled away. "You held them inside of you so they could grow. That was more than enough. Without you, they wouldn't be here."

I watched then as Lila descended on the babies, fawning over their cuteness. Grandfather came to me after her and hugged me tightly. He was already crying, and he hadn't even spoken a word to me yet. He was so emotional since I had been kidnapped by my father.

"Trinity, I am so happy for you. And also so proud of you. I remember the day that you were born. I held you in my arms that night just the same as I held your babies. It was an amazing experience for me. To hold my daughter, then my granddaughter, and then my great grandson and great granddaughter. It's an accomplishment I never thought I would get given the circumstances that have plagued our family." He was sobbing even harder now as he remembered the past.

"I know, Grandfather, I know." I kissed his cheek to calm him down. "But we're all here right now, and that is what matters. I love you and my babies, and I know you love me and the babies as well. And soon the babies will love you as well."

"Yes, I love you all." He wiped his tears then, trying his best to calm down.

"Here, Samuel." Lila came up to him with Reagan in her arms. "Hold one of them."

"Yes, I think I will." He took the baby and cradled him. "Hello little man." He cooed at his great grandson with a smile, and he stroked his cheek. "It's me, your Móraí1."

"Móraí? I asked him with an eyebrow raised. "As in the Irish word for grandpa? Why do they get to call you a fun name, and we were all stuck with Grandfather?" I laughed at him.

"Well, I learned to loosen up in my old age." He laughed. "Lessons learned with time."

"Yeah, sure." I laughed at him. "Sounds like an excuse to me." I joked with him.

"It is what it is." He smiled back at the baby as he spoke to me.

After they were there for a while, I thought I was done with visits. I was getting tired too so I thought we would just see everyone at home later. Nope, I was wrong. Carter came in and visited with Emmalee. She insisted on coming to see me. And she did bring CJ with her since it was just the one baby. She didn't want to leave him, and they weren't going to stay long.

When they left here, they were going to be heading to my place, and we would see them when we got home early tomorrow afternoon. That made me really happy since I hadn't had much of a chance to get to know my nephew yet.

During their visit, Carter and Emmalee got to know their niece and nephew while Reece and I got to know CJ. It was a little interesting right now, to be holding a baby that wasn't mine. Especially a baby that was so small and young that wasn't mine.

I loved him though. He was so cute and adorable. Though, given that he was two weeks old as well as two weeks further into the pregnancy, and a single pregnancy, he was a lot bigger than my babies. He was going to be a handsome man though, I could already tell. He was taking after his daddy, but with some cute little features from his mommy.

Just before Carter and Emmalee left to go back to my place, I managed to talk Carter into staying for a few days, that way we would see all of them for a little longer. I wanted us to have a little bit more time together. This was going to be a happy time when I first got home.

And, for some reason, I had a feeling that my family was going to throw some sort of welcome home party for me again. Oh well, that was just how they were, and I knew it. I was just going to have to deal with it, whether I liked it or not.

We ate a really good dinner after the visitors were all gone for the night. I was getting so tired that I was having a hard time staying awake. I was seeing now that the more I fed my babies the more tired I would be. This was going to become a really tricky few weeks until I was used to it. I was looking forward to it though; I was already loving being a mommy. I knew that I could do it.

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