Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 381 - Both - Nap Time For Mommy (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 381 - Both - Nap Time For Mommy (VOLUME 3)




The last few days have been busy. No, that was an understatement. They were hectic and crazy, but filled with love and joy as well.

I was overjoyed that my Little Bunny had given birth to our babies. I was a daddy, I had to protect and love these tiny little lives for the rest of my life. I was ready to tackle it right away, but Trinity looked like she was exhausted. She had barely gotten any sleep over the last two days.

When we came home there was that party for her and the babies. I knew about it, but I didn't plan it. Sometimes there is just nothing you can do about mothers; they're going to be excited for babies no matter what. I am glad we were able to make them all leave quickly though.

For the rest of our first day at home Trinity and I spent most of it in our room and the nursery. She fed the babies and we put them to bed. It was slowly becoming apparent that they preferred mommy to daddy, since I couldn't give them food.

This was especially so with Reagan, he didn't like it when I was the one who tried to lay him down after his diaper change. He cried and screamed so loud that I thought I had hurt him. The second that my Little Bunny picked him up though he calmed down and went right to sleep.

I thought it was too soon for them to have favorites and preferences like this. I guess it's because they were inside of her for so long, listening to her heart beating and the sound of her breathing, she would be what brought them peace.

We didn't do much for the first night. My Little Bunny was so tired that she either watched a movie, read a book, or watched the babies in between their feedings. I could see how tired she was though and I thought she should nap.

"Please baby, take a nap; you need to sleep."

"I'm fine, Reece." She would grin at me and refuse to go to sleep.

When the night came and she had to wake up every two hours to feed them it only made her look more tired. By morning Trinity looked dead on her feet. After she gave the babies their midmorning meal and they were tucked away into their bassinets, I turned to her and glared.

"Go to sleep, now." I ordered her.

"No, Reece, I have too much to do." She was still refusing to go, even with the bags under her eyes and the dark circles. I could see how exhausted she was but she wasn't sleeping.

"No, now Trinity. You need to sleep or you won't even have the strength to hold Reagan and Rika, let alone feed them." I scooped her into my arms and carried her back to our room. "I can take care of Reagan and Rika. They're sleeping anyway, they won't do much right now. They won't wake up unless they want to be changed or fed."

I laid her down in the bed and covered her with a thin blanket, tucking her in gently.

"Get some sleep, please." Finally it looked like she might relent since she smiled at me.

"Alright, Reece. I will take a nap and then come feed them when it's time. But I am setting a timer so that I wake up to feed them."

"Fine, sure, whatever." I kissed her forehead. "Now sleep."

I watched as she laid back and fell right to sleep. She was exhausted and needed this nap. I'm glad I made her laydown. I crept quietly out of the room, grabbing the baby monitors on my way. They were video monitors so I could watch the babies from anywhere in the house right there on the screens. I could hook it to my phone too but then I could only have one video up at a time. This way I was able to look back and forth without needing to switch a screen.

I went to the kitchen for a bottle of water and ran into Trevor. He was having a late breakfast and smiled when he saw me.

"I can't believe this change in you, man." He shook his head a little.

"You didn't think that I could be a good mate or dad?" I was confused by what he said.

"No, I knew it was in there, buried deep. But it was buried so deep that I didn't think you would ever find the right girl. I'm happy for you, man." He abandoned his sandwich and came to give me a one armed bro-hug. That's what he called it anyway.

"Thanks? man." I smiled. "I couldn't be happier."

I talked with Trevor for a minute but I needed to get back upstairs soon. I know the babies were sleeping but I wanted to get their clothes ready for when they woke up. I planned to have them changed and fully presentable for their mommy by the time she woke up.




My alarm went off right when I had it set for. I did feel a lot better than I did before I laid down. I guess Reece was right to make me take a nap. If I get too tired then I am no good to anyone: not myself, not Reece, not our babies.

I guess Reece was just telling me that I needed to take care of myself as well as Reagan and Rika. With that thought in mind I went into the bathroom and took care of a couple other necessities before I went across the hall to the nursery where Reece was waiting with Reagan and Rika.

There was an extra bounce in my step now as I walked, the extra energy the nap had given me was making me feel giddy. I still couldn't wait to see my babies though. They were going to be the light of my days from now on.

I heard something that made me pause right before I got to the door for the nursery.

"Ahh! Come on, don't do that." Reece was sounding so panicked for some reason and one of the babies was crying. Fearing what might be happening I grabbed the handle to the door and rushed inside.

The first thing that I saw was Reece standing next to the changing table. Reagan was laying on the table being changed and he was crying loudly. Reagan's legs were pulled into him and his arms were pulled against his chest. He was not happy about something.

While I was rushing over, getting closer to see what the problem was I saw an arc of yellow go straight from Reagan to Reece's face. My husband didn't manage to avoid it in time and he got sprayed for a second before he ducked and put a cloth over Reagan's little shooter.

I couldn't help it, I had to laugh. It was hilarious, Reece had just gotten a face full of baby pee.

"I'm glad you think it's funny." Reece grumbled. "Reagan really doesn't want to let me change him right now."

I went to my mate's side still laughing and assisted him in changing our son.

"Go get cleaned up." I told him as I put the diaper on the baby. "I need to feed him anyway."

"Yeah, I need a shower." He grumbled as he left the room.

Ten minutes later Reece was back, freshly showered with clean clothes. I still had Rika in my arms as she suckled gently for her food.

"Sooo, what happened?" I tried not to laugh at him again and nearly failed.

"I wanted to get them changed, diapers and clothes, before you got back from your nap. I'm just not that good at dressing them or changing their diapers yet. If you or the nurses are there it seems like I am better at it, but the minute I was alone I just couldn't do it."

I watched as he hung his head in defeat. He may not be overly happy but he wasn't letting it get to him, he went and picked Reagan up and held him as he sat in the rocking chair next to me.

"How are you so good at this and I'm not? We're both new parents, shouldn't we be on equal footing here?"

"You would think that, yeah. But the thing is that I have been around other babies before. I am still learning and most of it is still new, but I have had some practice."

"This isn't fair." He cradled Reagan and started to rock back and forth. Reagan however, didn't seem content. He wiggled his face against Reece's chest and made a few distressed noises. With a little maneuvering and back patting Reece was able to get the boy to calm down and drift back to sleep. "This is another thing." Reece spoke in a soft voice. "They like you more than me." This time he really did sound like he was sad.

"That's not true." I was patting Rika on her back now that she was done eating. "They're just used to the sounds of me. This world and everyone and everything in it is new to them. That's all it is, Reece. Give them time. Now that we're home we'll be doing everything ourselves with no nurses around. This will give us all time to adjust. You will see, they love you just as much as they love me."

At that Reagan started trying to find a place to latch on Reece. He had already eaten so I think he just wanted to soothe himself. I got to my feet and found a pacifier that was recommended by Griffin. Reagan latched onto it immediately and calmed down.

"See, they do like you more. They can suckle and soothe themselves with mommy."

"Yeah, but there's no safer place in this world than their daddy's arms." I cupped his cheek in my hand and looked at him. The four of us were here together. Rika in my arms and Reagan in his.

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