Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 385 - Trinity - Telling The Family (VOLUME3)

Chapter 385 - Trinity - Telling The Family (VOLUME3)




Well, it took a few days, but we managed to get everyone together for dinner. Carter and Emmalee came with CJ, even Bryce and Bree came so that we could have a Christmas celebration before they all left. That would make it a little easier to handle; knowing we had something fun to look forward to after it was over.

When everyone started to show up, Reece and I greeted them, each of us holding one of our babies in our arms. It was almost like they had all planned to be here at exactly the same time and were arriving all at once, even those that lived locally.

Mom and Dad cooed over the babies as they came in like they always did. Nikki, carrying Elias in her arms, did the same. Elias was five months old now, so he was getting curious about everything that he could see in a house. Thankfully Reece had gone overboard and baby proofed the house before Reagan and Rika had even been born. We wouldn't have to worry about him being hurt.

When Emmalee came in, carrying CJ in her arms, I couldn't help but coo over him. He was so cute and made me think so much of Carter. Carter shook hands with Reece and hugged me when he came in.

Bryce and Bree came in last. The former had a firm handshake ready for Reece, and a hug for me. Not to mention happy grandpa eyes for the babies. They weren't his grandbabies, but he had gotten that bug, and now he just thought all babies were the most adorable thing in the world. I could tell.

"Oh my goodness!" Bree squealed when she saw my babies. "They are too precious. Oh, I wish Emmalee would have had twins, they're too precious."

"Bite your tongue, Mom." Emmalee snapped at her jokingly. "I love CJ and all, but I don't want two of him."

"You're such a spoilsport for a grandma. Can't I have a little daydream at least?"

We all laughed at what had happened and went into the other room. I wanted to get the talk over with, I didn't want to delay it at all. I wanted all of them to know what was going on at the moment. I had made sure that Gabriel was here and at the ready to talk to them all about this as well. It would be a lot easier if he could explain things that he had found as well. However, he would soon be leaving to investigate some more. He wanted to find as many details as possible on both sides of my family. There were two mysteries here that just didn't seem to add up. This was completely out of my hands now.

Once everyone was seated in the living room with the very large Christmas tree in one corner and a fire roaring in the hearth, it almost looked like a postcard scene or something. It was peaceful and beautiful. All these families together with the little babies. It was perfect.

"So, Trin, what did you need to talk to us all about?" Carter broke the silence and grinned at me. "I am going to take a guess that it is pretty important. You wouldn't summon us all for nothing."

"Yes, Carter, it is pretty important." I grinned at him and his joyful attitude as I sat on the loveseat, Reece taking his place next to me at the same time. "You see, I found out something about our family recently. Something that none of us ever knew, I don't even know if Grandmother knew about it."

"What does she have to do with this?" Grandfather looked surprised to hear that his long deceased wife was brought into this conversation.

"Actually, she has a lot to do with it, but not as much as her father." I looked my grandfather in the eyes and held his gaze as steadily as I could.

"What is going on, Trinity?" Dad seemed curious. "What does my grandfather have to do with this whole conversation? He died so long ago, Mom never even met him." He seemed just as confused as Grandfather did, as they all did really.

I took a deep breath and looked at all the members of my family that this news was going to affect: Carter, Emmalee, and Cj, Noah, Nikki, and Elias, Dad, and of course Grandfather. However, this was potentially going to affect Bryce and Bree because their grandchild was affected. And then there was Lila. She was affected because of me and the children that I have with Reece. We were all affected without even realizing it.

"OK, here it goes. I found out recently that I am not just a half wolf and a half witch like we thought that I was." I looked at them and waited to see if the bulb flicked on for any of them.

"What else are you?" Carter asked me.

"What does this have to do with us?" Noah looked confused.

"They're not full wolves?" Bryce asked with a shocked face.

"Of course they are. My wife was a wolf as am I." Grandfather sounded like he had been insulted and needed to correct someone's wrong opinion.

"Actually, Grandfather, Bryce is correct here."

"What?" I heard that shouted by more than one person. Four to be exact: Grandfather, Dad, Noah, and Carter.

"How is this possible?" Mom was the only one to ask calmly.

"I am a bit intrigued too." Bree smiled at me. "Though I have no problem regardless.

With ten sets of curious eyes on me, I took a deep breath. I needed to tell them all that I knew. I needed to do my best to explain it all to them.

"Well, I had Gabriel do some investigating for me. I asked him to see why I had gotten sick while pregnant. I wanted to know if there was something about me that was hurting my children. So, he looked into my family history, both sides of it."

"Go on. What did he find?" Carter was impatient.

"I am getting there." I laughed at him. "It seems that he found an anomaly on both sides of my heritage. He found that on Edmond's side of the family tree the humans just somehow became warlocks and witches with no explanation as to how that happened. That was the first mystery. Now the second mystery was on Grandmother's side of the family. Everything checked out for Grandfather's family. But when Gabriel was looking further for the other one, he found something that didn't add up."

"What? What did he find?" Dad was on the edge of his seat now. It was kind of funny to see him act like a child.

"I think it will be best for him to explain it all to you." I gestured for him to come forward then.

The man in question came forward and stood before the group. He looked at them all in turn, taking them in and nodding his greeting. Finally, he was ready to explain it to them. He told them all exactly what he had told me the day before. How Fae blood was mixed in with our wolf blood, though he didn't know where it came from yet. Then he assured them all that he was going to keep looking into it all until he found the answers that we all needed.

After the explanations were given, he gave his farewells and left the room in a hurry. I could see that everyone was still in a state of shock. They didn't think that this was a possibility.

"So, this makes you a tribrid?" Dad asked as he looked at me.

"Yes, but this also makes all of you hybrids. You, Noah, Carter, Elias, and CJ. I am not the only one that has the Fae blood. It means that Grandmother and great grandfather were also hybrids. I am a tribrid because of my father. You all only have Fae and wolf."

"You're right." Dad breathed the words as if he were awed.

"Holy shit." Carter seemed to explode.

"CARTER!" Me, Emmalee, Nikki, Lila, Bree, and Mom all yelled at him at the same time.

"Sorry." He blushed crimson red as he was scolded so many times yet only once.

"I never knew that she wasn't a full wolf." Grandfather was shaking his head. "I wouldn't have minded but I didn't know and I know she didn't know either."

Grandfather didn't seem upset, just surprised. That was good, I wasn't sure how he would feel about all of this.

"What does this mean for us?" Noah asked me as he thought about the future. "What does it mean for our kids?"

"Should it matter? You've always been what you are." Nikki smiled at him. "Why should anything change now?"

"You're right, I know you are. But there is also the fact that nothing has been normal over the last year. And now Trinity has gone and visited the Fae, that could change things for us. And, now that we know, don't we have to tell the Queen as well?" Noah was thinking through this in a diplomatic way, which was what a good Beta did.

"I guess you are right, the Queen would have to know." Reece agreed with him. "However, they are in the middle of a month long Yule celebration that won't be over until the middle of next month. We will need to tell her after it is over. I, for one, would rather tell her when Gabriel finds out who the Fae relative was. It is best not to walk in there blind."

"Agreed, that would not be wise." Bryce nodded.

The discussion about the heritage went on for a little while longer before we had our dinner and opened presents. It was a nice evening, all things considered. I was just happy that no one got upset about the news. Even Bryce and Bree didn't seem upset with it. What was done was done, and there was nothing that could be changed. We just needed to accept it.

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