Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 387 - Reece - Valentines Day (VOLUME3)

Chapter 387 - Reece - Valentines Day (VOLUME3)




Things had been going good for the most part. I had been helping Trinity feed the babies and so had Mom, Eve too when she was over. The problem was that the babies just didn't want anyone to feed them other than my Little Bunny. They were so picky and demanding sometimes.

I was glad now though that they were going a little longer between feedings. They were a couple months old now and they could go up to three hours without needing to eat during the day and sometimes even four hours at night. That made things a little easier on us, specifically Trinity.

Now, though, it was valentine's day, and I wanted to do something special for my wife. This was only our second valentine's day together, and on the last one, I had asked her to marry me. That had been a wonderful day.

I can't repeat that day, but I could repeat how it ended. We could have a romantic dinner and some time alone. We even had some milk in the fridge that mom could use to feed Reagan and Rika so that we could get most of the night to ourselves.

Trinity was all for the nice dinner, as long as it was at home. She didn't feel up to going out. So, I had a special dinner prepared for us, and we were going to eat it in the solarium. This would be nice because we would be in the house, but we would be looking at the outside world.

I had asked Abigail to prepare all of Trinity's favorites along with a beautiful heart shaped cake. I prepared a gift for my mate as well, the one and only valentine I would ever have. I just knew that it was going to be a perfect night.

I walked down to the solarium with my date, barely able to keep my eyes off of her. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress that only came down to her knees. It was a strappy little A-line dress with an empire waist right below her breasts. It made that particular part of her look really, really, really good. I couldn't keep my eyes off her breasts for anything, except for maybe her legs that seemed to be super long and sexy with the black heels that she was wearing. She was gorgeous.

"You're so beautiful." I told her for like the twelfth time since we left the bedroom.

"Shut up, Reece. You're making me uncomfortable. It's like I'm super ugly, and you just want to convince either me or yourself otherwise."

"That couldn't be further from the truth." I was so shocked by what she said.

"Fine, but stop mentioning it, OK?"

"Alright." That made me sad. All I wanted to do right now was tell her how sexy and beautiful she was.

When we got to dinner, she smiled sweetly.

"It's been a while since we had a date in here." She was feeling nostalgic now. "I love it in here too. It's so pretty to see the world around us, especially at night."

"I know, this is the perfect place to have a date." I was grinning at her, focused more on her ethereal beauty that the moonlight made even better than on the scenery. "Come on, let's sit down."

I guided her to her chair, and pulled it out for her to sit down. I could see the smile on her face, the excitement in her eyes to be on a date for the first time in months. This was actually the first true 'alone' time that we have had since Reagan and Rika were born. We haven't been 'together' as a couple since Trinity came home from the hospital that first time. That was back in October, four months ago. I think it was high time that we had some time 'together'.

"You look excited." I told her as I sat across from her.

"I am, this is the first time we've done this in a long time. I miss being alone with you sometimes. I love our babies more than life itself, but I love you too."

"I love you too, Little Bunny. I love you more than anything or anyone, aside from our children. The three of you are pretty much equal there at the top of my list."

"You're just a loving person, Reece. I am glad that I get to see that side of you."

I remembered back to when we first started out and how idiotic I had been. And then, I remembered our first valentine's day, and how I was just so happy that she said that she would marry me. I hadn't been sure that she would. In truth, I was worried that she would tell me no because of the way I had treated her.

Once I stopped being an idiot, I started showing her that I have loved her since the very first time that I smelled her scent in the woods. That day I was already head over heels in love with her, and I didn't even know it. My heart was already hers, and all I wanted was to protect her.

"What are you thinking about?" She tilted her head at a cute little angle and looked at me.

"You, me, our past together, and how I am the luckiest man in the world that you gave me another chance." I grinned while I answered her honestly.

"Yeah, I was a saint not to leave you. It was honestly more than you deserved at the time." Her voice held a note of laughter, and I could tell that she was joking.

"Yeah, it was. I really don't know how I managed to get lucky enough to have you in my life."

At that the food was brought in. Abigail was grinning madly as she sat it down for us.

"Enjoy." She winked at me like she knew what my plan was and was offering me a silent congrats already.

"This looks amazing." Trinity was eyeing her food excitedly, as Abigail went back into the main part of the house.

We ate our food and talked about random things. More often than not we ended up talking about the babies.

"Rika has been smiling a lot more than Reagan, but they both seem to be doing it now. It's so cute, I love their smiles." She looked so alive when she talked about them. I couldn't believe that she was the mother of my children, and all before she celebrated her twentieth birthday last month.

"I know, Reagan seems to be a little bit grumpier than Rika."

"Yeah, he takes after his daddy more." My Little Bunny was laughing at that.

"Rude." I laughed right back. We continued on that way until we were done eating.

When the night was coming to a close, not that we could do too much in just the house, We walked to the bedroom. I was hoping to have some fun this evening; I felt it was time.

When we got back to the room I sat on the end of the bed and pulled my mate onto my lap. I kissed her neck and held my hands against the front of her body. My fingers were already starting to play with her.

For a brief moment, she leaned her head back against my shoulder and moaned at the feeling of what I was doing to her. Then it was like she remembered something and jumped away from me.

"Wait." The word came out on a breathless cry as she spun and held her hands up.

"What's wrong, Little Bunny?" I could already feel the need for her aching inside of me.

"We can't Reece. We can't do this right now." She looked scared and nervous.

"Yes we can, baby." I took her hand and pulled her closer toward me. "We can. Just don't worry."

"No." She pulled away again. "We can't, Reece. I love you, I truly do, but we can't do this. I love Reagan and Rika, but I am not ready to repeat that just yet."

I was confused for a moment. She didn't want me because she didn't want to get pregnant again so soon? Was that what she was telling me?

"But, Trinity, please..-" I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"It's too soon, Reece." She looked truly sad as well, like she was missing out as much as I was. "I'll let you shower now, I will take one in the morning."

And just like that, it was put to a rest. I didn't know when I would be allowed to touch her again. This wasn't how I wanted my night to end, but I did as she said and went to take a shower. I needed to do something to calm down my overheated and needy body. I needed to take care of something else as well, and that was best done while not in the same room as she was.

When I finished cleaning myself up and finally went back out to the bedroom, I saw my Little Bunny sound asleep in the bed, and Reagan and Rika sleeping soundly in their bassinets. It really had been settled for the night and for a long time to follow.

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