Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 399 - Trinity - Discussion Among Queens (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 399 - Trinity - Discussion Among Queens (VOLUME 3)




"What are you doing in my room, Curtis? You know you are not allowed in my private quarters, especially when I am not here."

"I am sorry, Glory, my love." Curtis put on a smile and looked at the woman who was scolding him. "I just heard that you had a call so I was going to take a message for you."

"The mirror will record its own messages to give to me later. You may leave now, and do not forget your place again, or you may just find yourself replaced." The tone in Queen Gloriana's voice and the darkness I saw in her eyes told me that Gabriel was right when he said she encompassed all the magic of the Fae. She had darkness in her as well. And that made me wonder, was my Fae ancestor a dark Fae or a light Fae.

"Yes, my love. I am very sorry to have overstepped." And just like that Curtis fled from the room as if someone or something was chasing him.

"Trinity, my dear, what can I do for you?" Queen Gloriana looked at me with a sweet smile, all traces of the darkness gone from her eyes now, though she did wave her hand behind her, and the door to the room slammed shut very hard.

"I thought you had gone out of town, Queen Gloriana. That is what Curtis said."

"Yes, I am supposed to be leaving. However, I realized I forgot something so I came back to my room to get it." I could tell that she was not in the greatest of moods right now. Something was not going well for her. That was strange, considering how everything was mostly peaceful when we visited less than a year ago. "Oh, by the way. I got the birth announcement for your lovely children. They are so adorable, I just want to pinch their little cheeks. I am fortunate enough that Casey will bring the babies by to see me frequently. That is all that I can ask for. And Astraia, my niece, she sends me periodic updates and photos of her baby. He is almost four months old now."

"Yes, I had heard that Star had her baby about a month and a half after me. It was quite amazing, to be honest, and I was happy to see that she and Artem have gotten married and adopted the children. They seem very happy now. I was thinking of seeing her again sometime soon." I was feeling nostalgia for the time that we visited them, and our children were so close in age, I really would like to see them again, even if just for the children.

"Yes, I miss her as well." The Queen looked sad now, I knew how lonely she was without a mate after all this time. Anyway, we are getting off topic Trinity. Please, tell me what it is you need."

"Ah, yes. I hate to keep you though. Aren't you supposed to leave?" I didn't want to upset her by taking her time.

"Trinity, I am the queen, they need to wait for me. If they don't, they will be punished." There was a slight laugh in her voice when she said that, and it was a little on the dark side. She must be even angrier than I thought.

"Alright. Well, the reason that I wanted to talk to you is that I had my personal assistant searching for information on my family for months. Over the last eight months he had discovered a lot of things that I never knew about." I kept the initial explanation vague to gauge how she was going to respond.

"Interesting. And what exactly did he find?" She sat down gracefully in a chair that was positioned in front of the mirror.

"Well, to be honest, he found out that my mother's family was not just wolves. There was something else. And I was hoping that you might help me with that." I noticed that her eyes popped open in surprise, and the smile she gave me was very intrigued.

"Ooh, do tell Trinity. I am curious to know what is going on now."

"Well, to be honest, there is a Fae in my family tree. My assistant couldn't find anything about him though. He was unable to find out anything about him or his family based on the information that he has." She gasped at my news and covered her mouth.

"Fascinating. I really would like to hear more. I think you need to come for another visit. This time, as a Fae and not as a visiting ambassador. I think we need to delve deeper into this whole situation." The Queen was looking very happy right now. It was like this news had stopped her entire bad mood. That was good. I didn't want to see her upset anymore.

"When would be the best time to visit?" I wondered as I thought about things. "I don't know your schedule."

"Hmm." She put one of her dainty hands on her chin as she thought about it. "Well, this hunt can sometimes last for several weeks. The longest one in history was nearly three months. Then there is the awards ceremony that we must have. I do not think that would be a pleasant time to visit if you're not already used to how things would be. The earliest then would be in the fall, but we Fae still celebrate a more traditional Samhain and that too can be uncomfortable for outsiders."

She hummed as she thought about it. It was like she didn't know what to say or do.

"This really is hard." She leaned forward and put her elbows on her knees and thought some more. She looked so young and innocent when she did that, it was really hard for me to rectify the fact that she was thousands of years old when she looked so young and childish like that. "Oh, I know. It may be a long time away right now but how about the Yule celebration. That would be a wonderful time to come for a visit. That is the happiest time of the year for us, and I will see to it that you are all treated well. Everyone in your family is welcome to come as well. I am sure that you are not the only one with this Fae blood. And I would so love to see the children for Yule."

She was grinning now, happily trying to entice me to come visit at that time.

"When does it start?" I wasn't against going, especially if we could bring the whole family with us. That would make things a lot easier in the long run. We could leave Gabriel to run logistics here at the pack and have the Sentinelle protect the lands and people.

"It begins the second Sunday in December and lasts for just over two and a half weeks. Twenty days in total. This year it will go until the new year as well so you will be here for both celebrations. And there is an amazing ball where everyone dresses up, it's so wonderful."

Yup, she looked all of twelve years old at the moment as she excitedly told me what was going to happen. I was happy just listening to her talk about it.

"If we can bring the whole family then I am all for it. I think that will work perfectly. We will plan to be there for the Yule celebration. Reagan and Rika will be just over a year old as well so they will be able to have some fun while we are there as well."

"This is wonderful. I am going to see if I can get Astraia and Artem to join us as well. I can't wait to see all the babies." She clapped as she spoke, like her joy was too much to contain.

We worked out a little more of the logistics before she said that she needed to go. At least now I knew that I had plans to figure this all out.

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