Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 402 - Trinity - Situation At The Mall (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 402 - Trinity - Situation At The Mall (VOLUME 3)




I took the babies shopping with me when I went for a birthday present for Reece. They were almost seven months old now, just a couple days away now. I couldn't believe it, where was time going?

Juniper was with me for the trip and so were Thoma and Izzy. They had been going with me more frequently when I left the house. And since I was going to the mall, I thought they would like that. They needed to find their own place in the world as well.

They had both found mates, which was amazing, one had been among my pack and the other was in Landon's feline pack; Izzy had mated with a bobcat. They were getting better with their adjustment to the modern world, but it was still hard sometimes.

I didn't know what to get Reece today though. I was here to shop for him and didn't know what to get him. I was thinking I could get him a new suit so that he could mix up what he wore every now and then, but I didn't know if he would like that.

He always wore black suits, and they looked great on him. But I thought he might want to try something a little different for once. I was in the store browsing the color choices when I came across two that I thought were perfect.

The two suits were still dark colors so I think he might actually wear them. One was a navy blue and the other was a dark forest green. You could tell they weren't black, but they were both still very dark, and I thought Reece might actually wear them for once.

I picked out shirts that would go with them as well, something other than white or gray. I also got him a couple of monogrammed pocket squares and ties. I was making the whole ensemble tie together.

While I was there, I even looked at new watches, but nothing could beat the one that I had made for him for our first Christmas together. He still wore that watch too, which was amazing. I loved that he did that.

I had taken to wearing the jewelry he had gotten me. That meant that I stopped wearing my mother's necklace which I had all my life, but I still had it tucked safely into my jewelry box.

After shopping, Juniper and I took the babies to the play area that was in the center of the mall. It was designed for babies a year old or less. There was another one next to it meant for toddlers and another on the other side meant for older kids. It was really nice to have places like this for them.

"Rowan seems to be the calmer of my two. Ilana on the other hand, she is a handful." We laughed together as we watched the four babies crawl around the soft surfaces and explore the sensory toys.

"Reagan is my handful. He is a mommy's boy, and he cries when most people hold him. I love it, but compared to Rika, he is the handful. Plus, there are the little incidents that the two of them put us through. If it wasn't for Crawford coming to give us a binding bracelet for each of the twins, then we'd still have a hard time trying to hide it from other people."

I was explaining to her about the tool that Crawford made for us to help with the babies. I was happy since I didn't know what to do about it.

"Will the bracelets hurt them?" Juniper sounded worried as she thought about it.

"No, it just makes them unable to use the gifts they have. They're still there."

I watched as Reagan, standing on his two little legs, bounced up and down like he wanted to jump, but couldn't figure out how. He was wearing his little bracelet around his ankle and so was Rika. They would move to their wrists when they were older, but for now this was what we had to do.

It made me think briefly of the Hidden Paw pack, but this wasn't hurting them at all. This was keeping them safe. And thinking about that pack made me remember that Star and Artem had agreed to go to the Yule celebration this year. We would be there for their babies first Christmas.

While the two of us talked some more, I kept feeling like something was off. Something was wrong, but I didn't see anything at all. Whenever I was at the mall, I always felt like someone was watching me. It was most likely because someone was usually watching, people watchers are everywhere. Still, today was different.

While I thought about this, I saw a shadow swoop in and grab a hold of something. Only it wasn't a something, it was a someone. Someone had just run up and grabbed Reagan.

A man was running away from the play area as fast as his human legs could carry him. Thoma was standing closest and started to chase him like a good guard, she wasn't close enough to stop it, but she was going to try and take care of it.

"Izzy, Juniper, please watch Rika." I picked her up and handed her to my best friend before I took off and chased after the man with my child.

I was naturally faster than Thoma, being the Shifter Queen, and I was also able to call on my magic to make me run faster. I was gaining on the man who was running toward the door to the mall. I could hear Reagan crying in the asshole's arms, he wanted me, he wanted his mommy.

"Mommy's coming, Reagan." I whispered even though I knew he couldn't hear the words. "Mommy's coming, baby boy."

I caught up to the man and screamed at him, that made him hesitate for just a second as he looked back at me.

"Give me back my baby!"

"What the fuck." There was fear in the man's eyes, but I was already to him, Thoma hot on my heels.

I grabbed the man's shirt and pulled him toward me as I reached for my son. I had the baby in my arms and was already aiming a kick right into his most sensitive area all in the blink of an eye.

The asshole screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"And never use that language around babies, you jerk." I glared at him as Thoma held him down. He was still in a state of shock and awe that he had been caught, and so soon.

"What did you want with the baby?" Thomas asked as she moved him about roughly.

"Fuck you!" He yelled at her so I kicked him again.

"Don't talk like that in front of babies." He screamed again. "Now what did you want with my baby?" I glared at him and put every ounce of authority into my voice that I could. He responded to me better than he did to Thoma, even though he was human and not affected by my power.

"I wanted money. I was going to hold him for ransom." He sobbed, afraid I was going to kick him again.

"Were you working alone?" He shook with fear every time I looked at him.

"No, I had a partner. He scoped you out and left just as I did. He's over there." He pointed at the man who tried to bolt away. Thoma was on him in a second and had him secured the same as the first scumbag.

The cops showed up then, led by Devon Scott, Ella's husband, and one of the newest wolves of the pack. He had been changed into a wolf by Reece because of the new ability he had gained.

"Ah, Devon, I am glad you're here. These two men tried to kidnap my baby." I started to explain what happened.

"I am glad you got him back, but I am sure Reece is going to be scared that you took matters into your own hands. I will take care of these two. I can imagine that Reece is going to see to it they're punished severely."

"What can he do? It doesn't matter if he wants something done or not, he's just a man." The second man that Thoma was holding down was yelling at me so I walked over to him, a smirk on my face.

"Have you ever heard of Reece Gray, the billionaire?" I eyed him carefully. "Well, you just tried to kidnap his son."

That sent the people in the mall into a frenzy. They hadn't known who I was before, but they did now. I had called Reagan my son and Reece's son. The fear was in the man's eyes like I wanted, but there were now pictures being snapped repeatedly of me and Reagan.

The next day there were photos everywhere, and the headlines didn't make me feel any better about the previous day.

The reclusive Mrs. Gray catches kidnapper as he snatches son.

They mentioned that there were twins, and even got Rika's name as well. Now the whole world knows the names of my children. That pissed me off.

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