Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 405 - Trinity - First Birthdays Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 405 - Trinity - First Birthdays Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




That one day of peace that I thought I was going to get between Rika's birthday and the birthday party on Saturday didn't end up happening at all. No, I was too busy for any moment of it to be considered peaceful or restful.

I spent the day getting the entire first two floors of the house ready. I had staff helping, yeah, but I wanted to do some of it too since they were my babies, and I should be part of the whole process.

Reece was on the first floor getting various bounce houses delivered that would be good for kids of all different ages. There was an older kid room with obstacle courses and large play areas and then there was a room meant for the babies and toddlers. Those for the little babies had nothing but soft sides for the babies to bounce on and giggle and lay. Even those younger than Reagan and Rika should be able to have fun in these specially-designed baby bouncers.

Abigail had a lot of work to do as well. She had enlisted the help of several others, mostly people in her family, to bake lots of little cakes and tiny pies. After all the little ones, she set to work on two big cakes that were meant for the babies to blow out the candles on, with my and Reece's help of course. The large cakes were what the bulk of the party attendees would eat for the dessert.

After all of the sweets were done, Abigail started to prepare all the food for the party. It would save her a lot of time the next day if she did it all today, and I know that Abigail wanted to finish early tomorrow so that she could be part of the celebrations.

That day was so busy that Lila ended up watching Regan and Rika almost all day. We saw them at meals, and when it was time to get them ready for bed, but that was it. I was just glad that we didn't need to rush so much in the morning to finish it all now. I would be able to have a little bit of relaxing time before the party.

Oh, how fucking wrong I was. After showering and dressing, I was running nonstop all morning. The party was supposed to start at noon, an acceptable time I would have thought, but it was met with complaints by at least half of the invited guests; it was either too late in the day or too early in the day. Well, I guess we can't please everyone.

We had a band of helpers that were here with us early, most of which were grandparents or guards and their wives, husbands, or future husbands. Now that I think about it, the only one of my Goddess guards that hasn't met a mate yet was Gabriel. I wonder if he will find one soon?

Now wasn't the time to be thinking about him though. I needed to pull this party off. I guess this wasn't the life of a normal queen, but I just don't know how to be a queen yet.

Oh and nice, look, guests are showing up early. It wasn't even eleven thirty, and we already had nearly a hundred guests here. I know that they were eager to see the babies and the Shifter Queen, but that didn't help when I had a million things to do.

"Queen Trinity." Gabriel beckoned me to the side for a private talk. "Now that people have begun to arrive, might I suggest that you stop attempting to assist with the party and take on the role of hostess and noble."

"Gabriel, thank you." I smiled at him while the relief was setting in. "I need to start being proper now, don't I?" I giggled at him.

"I would assume so." He smiled at me. "Perhaps you can use some of that handy magic of yours next time you need to do all of this. I think you will find it all a little easier." His wink almost made me laugh.

"Yeah, but I have been trying not to use that around the babies since they have been trying to mimic me." I shuddered at the thought of what they would someday be capable of.

"They are so much like their mother. Now while they aren't looking, be your own fairy godmother so you can go greet the guests."

"Thank you."

I did as he suggested and used magic to fix my clothes, hair, and even makeup. I had been practicing with it, but I didn't like to rely on it too much, not yet anyway. Maybe as time went on, I wouldn't mind doing it all with magic.

Now that I looked presentable, it was time to get this party for my little ones started, and the first thing that I needed to do was find their father. He was not getting out of this at all. He was my husband, my mate, my partner in this whole queen and king thing. He needed to be right here by my side helping me. Not to mention, that I just really did not want to face a thousand pack members that I barely knew all on my own.

When I found Reece, he seemed to be in hiding, trying to play with Reagan and Rika more than anything else.

"Reece." I called out to him, and I saw him stiffen. His guilty expression clearly said 'oh no, she found me'.

"Yes, dear?" He smiled at me and didn't mention anything else.

"Please come with me. We have quite a bit of work to do." I grinned at him. He was definitely not happy about needing to do his job now.

"B..but I was playing with Reagan."

"Reagan will be just fine with his Uncle Trevor. Isn't that right." I looked at the man in question.

"That's right, my Queen." Trevor grinned and played along with me. "I will take good care of the young Prince so that the King may get back to his duties." It looked like He was trying hard not to laugh.

"Traitor." Reece whispered at him.


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