Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 416 - Trinity - Lineage Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 416 - Trinity - Lineage Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




"Gloriana, what is going on? What did you find?" Dietrich asked as soon as the door shut behind Canter. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's not that it's wrong. I've only seen one page of this journal, the one from the start of the relationship that this woman had with her Fae lover, but if I am right in my assumption, then I know who you descended from." There was a bright shining light in her eyes as she spoke. The excitement, the anticipation, the wonder. It was a lot to deal with, I just hoped that we could all handle it.

We sat in silence for several minutes, waiting on the man that Gloriana had just summoned. It felt like the silence was going to drag on forever, and I wouldn't have been able to handle that. I needed to say something.

"Gloriana, what are those chains?" I asked just as a way to stop the tension from growing even more.

"Oh, yes, in my excitement I nearly forgot. These are the binding charms I had prepared for Reagan and Rika. They will contain their magic more efficiently than that of the warlock items that you had. You can put them around their ankles or wrists, they will size themselves to fit the children snugly but not harm them in any way."

"This is very helpful, thank you." I smiled and took them from her hand.

Together, Reece and I put the charms onto Reagan and Rika. Just like Gloriana said, as soon as we slipped them onto their wrists, the charms shrunk down to fit like a tight band, but it in no way squeezed the children. I was happy that they were doing as she had said they would.

At that moment, there was a loud and very authoritative knocking at the door. Whoever was out there was someone important. Maybe not as important as the Queen of the Fae, but still pretty high up.

Gloriana waved her hand, and the door opened to reveal a large man. The man looked at the most thirty years old, but I also knew that appearances were deceiving. He would most likely be hundreds, if not thousands of years old. He looked strong, tall, handsome, and angry. His hair was different shades of blue in a gradient that went from almost black dark blue at the top to a light almost white blue at the bottom. His eyes were blue as well, they went from bright sky blue to cornflower blue and then sapphire blue.

"What business did you need me for, Gloriana. I thought you could handle your company on your own."

"Oh hush now, brother. I have some news for you." This man was Gloriana's brother? I would never have pegged them as siblings, except for the fair complexion they were quite different looking.

"Glory, if you're going to recognize our familial bond in front of strangers, please warn me ahead of time." He glared at her, but there was a playful smile at the corner of his mouth. "What do you want from me, sister? I was actually quite busy before you interrupted me, not once, but twice."

"Val, I think I have found something that you need to see. Come, sit with me." She beckoned him forward and made him sit on the sofa next to her.

"This had better not be something stupid again. I swear if this ends up like that magic light invention the humans have, I will drench you for a month."

He sighed as she forced him into the seat, but he took the journals that she was handing him nonetheless.

"Read, Val, read." The man did as he was instructed to. He, unlike Gloriana, started with page one of the journal. He read the dates, he read the entries, and by the time he got to page two, he was too invested to stop. He read page after page. For what felt like a long time, we all just watched his face as he read nonstop.

This newcomer, the man that Gloriana called Val, was looking more and more sad and surprised at the same time. I could see his eyes misting and tears gathering in his eyes. He was trying hard not to cry, but it looked like he might lose that battle.

"Glory, how? How did you get these? Have you authenticated them? Are they truly real?"

"Yes, Val, they are real." I could see that Gloriana's smile was bittersweet. She was happy for him, but for some reason she was truly sad.

"I..I never knew how he died." The man fought hard not to sob. "I never knew the truth of what happened. The one who avenged him, she never came to the banquet. And now I know why."

Wait a minute? This man had something to do with my great great grandfather? What relationship did they have? And what would that make him to me? This was about to delve into the uncomfortable and awkward. I just hoped he didn't get upset when I started to speak to him.

"Excuse me." I had stood up and walked forward so that I was right there in front of him.

"Who are you?" The man didn't look happy to be interrupted.

"Val, this is Queen Trinity: she is the Queen of all the shifters, as well as the witches and warlocks. She is the one who brought me these journals." I could sense a slight mischievousness coming from her at the moment. Was she trying to play some sort of game?

"Thank you, Queen Trinity. Thank you for bringing me these journals. This will set my mind at ease more than you will ever know. For centuries, I have gone without knowing what it was that really happened. Please tell me how you came across these journals. I need to know." I saw a mix of desperation and gratitude in his eyes. Whoever my great great grandfather was, he meant a lot to this man.

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