Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 420 - Trinity - The Opening Ceremony Banquet (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 420 - Trinity - The Opening Ceremony Banquet (VOLUME 3)




The day seemed to pass in a blur. We were getting ready for the banquet before we knew it. And we were bringing all four of the children along with us; that was going to be interesting. Athair mór insisted though. We were to be seated at his table, representing his family, and he was going to announce during the banquet who we all were.

A lot of the people here knew that I was a Queen in my own right. A lot of them even spoke to me the last time that I was here. This time, however, they were learning that I was one of them as well.

I just had to wonder though, would any of them believe it? I mean, we have proof. There are plenty of journal entries that tie our families together. Plus, they could do a blood test if they wanted to prove a familial bond. Though I would love to see the reaction on that lab tech's face when they analyzed our samples. That would be funny enough that you could sell tickets to it, if it wouldn't destroy the veil of mystery we had over the humans.

Well, here's to hoping that the naysayers from last time will cool their jets with this new revelation. I wasn't going to hold my breath for it to happen though. I enjoy living too much to suffocate myself to death.

The banquet had been set up outside in the large open town square. There was a raised dais that was big enough for three large tables. Aunt Glory was seated in the middle with no one at the table with her. Usually her consort would sit with her so I guess it was true, Curtis had been relieved of his role.

The table to the left of Aunt Glory's was empty. There was one place setting but no food was waiting there for anyone. On the right side of Aunt Glory's table was Athair mór's table. He was waiting for us with an eager look in his eyes. He beckoned us over and even stood when we arrived. His servants, however, were the ones to pull the chairs out for us.

"I am glad you are here. I am so happy to have a family sit with me again for this time of the year. I have missed this for the last several hundred years."

"I am sorry that you were alone for so long, Athair mór. But we're here now, and even when we're not in the Fae compound, we will still be your family. You will be welcome to visit any of us at any time. I am sure that the others will agree." Nikki's calm and sweet voice was soothing him as she spoke.

"Ah her! Mommy, me sit with Ah her?" Elias was bouncing in Nikki's arms, trying to get free.

""If he is OK with that, Elias, then I don't see a problem with it." Nikki smiled at Athair mór as she spoke.

"I would love that. Come on, Elias, Ah her will hold you now."

"Yay! Ah her! Ah her!"

While we all smiled happily at Elias and Athair mór, we heard the sound of three different bells ringing. When I looked up, I saw that the three bells were all very different in the way that they looked. The center one was bright yellow, like a shining and shimmering light in bell form. The one to it's right was green and looked like ivy, but sounded like metal. The last one was blue and looked, and even seemed to be moving, like water, but it too sounded like metal. The bells all had different tones, but they played a harmonious tune as they moved in their pattern for the tolling.

Long before the bells had gone silent, everyone that had gathered at the tables, large ones and small ones, had gone completely silent and still. They were all waiting for the banquet to start. And quite a few of them were staring at me and my family as we sat with none other than Valerian Undine.

"Welcome people of Fae, to the start of the Yule time celebrations. There will be the same schedule as usual, but I have been told that some groups have decided to go above and beyond what they usually would for this year's celebration. There is no news that needs to be shared by me at this time; however, I would like to turn the floor over to my brother."

Athair mór stood then, taking Elias with him as he walked to the center of the stage.

"Good evening, people of Faerie. I have an announcement that I would like to make. I have found out some wonderful news just recently. News that I was not aware of for a long time. My son, Antirrhinum, had met his mate in his battalion the month before his death. As it turns out, he actually died saving the woman he loved. That woman, the one he mated with, was the female wolf warrior who ended that war for us. It turns out her efforts had not just been vengeance for her lost Commander, but also for her lost love. Antirrhinum had even asked for her hand in marriage, and they were expecting a child." He turned to look at the group of us for a moment before he continued. "The grandson that I never met went on to father a child, and that line continued. The people you see before you now are my family. They are what had become of my son's sacrifice."

There was a hushed murmur that went through the crowd as they whispered amongst themselves. Then, one person near the front, stood to address Athair mór.

"Isn't that woman there the Shifter Queen that was here last year? How can she be your descendant?" The person didn't sound convinced at all. I stood then, handing Rika to Mom as I passed by her on my way to Athair mór's side.

"I am the Shifter Queen, yes. I also happen to be the Witch Queen. And now, I am apparently a Fae Princess. That is a lot for one person, but not impossible. In truth, I am a trinity. That being my name, and what I am. I am a tribrid. Three different species at once. Wolf, Witch, and Fae all happen to be in my lineage. That is nothing for you to scoff at me for. To be honest, I count myself very lucky to be who I am today."

I let the person know that nothing they said was going to upset me. I was, after all, more powerful than most people. I needed to act like it at times.

"Fine, you're part Fae. But I want to know why the Queen's consort is missing? What happened to Curtis?" A woman's voice rang from the back. "Queen Gloriana, my lady, you said you had no news to report, then explain that to us; if it isn't news, what it is?"

Queen Gloriana looked slightly angered, but she smiled and answered the woman's question in a cold voice.

"Curtis is currently being punished for overstepping his bounds. I would advise you, Dula, to not overstep yours."

Yeah, that was a threat if I ever heard one. The fear that ran through the woman was visible all the way up on the dais. Oh, just what was going to happen now?

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