Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 433 - Reece - A Meeting After The Meeting (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 433 - Reece - A Meeting After The Meeting (VOLUME 3)




I was still reeling. I had never been to visit the Gods and Goddesses with Trinity before. It was amazing that this was all happening right now. But then there was the fact that there was now an unknown enemy that we were going to battle at an unknown time.

It was morning when we got back from the visit, and I felt like I hadn't slept at all. And from the look on my Little Bunny's face, she felt the same way. Still, we had to get up and get ready for the day. So, with slow movements we got out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. I was in front of Trinity so I got in there first.

And what was the first thing that I saw when I was in front of the mirror? A brand new mark was waiting there for me on my chest just below my collarbone and above my heart. The mark was about the size of a silver dollar and was yellow and orange. It looked like a sun shining with the orange of the horizon behind it. But I know that it hadn't been there yesterday.

"Trinity?" I spun around and looked at her, searching for a mark.

She didn't have just one mark, she had three. The largest one in the center was about two inches in diameter and was right where mine was, though they were connected to the trinity chain that went around her upper body. The other two marks were about the size of a quarter, half the size of the other one.

The larger of her marks was a bright blue and looked like an ocean wave. One of the other two matched mine, it looked like the sun. The third mark was green, like grass, and had a vine pattern in it.

I knew what the marks meant. They were proof of the gift from Danu.

"I see we have new marks." My Little Bunny looked at my chest and touched the mark gently. "Are these Gods and Goddesses ever going to stop marking my body up?" She laughed like she didn't really hate what had happened, but she definitely wasn't overly happy about it.

"I think they look amazing on you." I smiled at her. "They make you look so cool, and sexy." My wink and words only earned me a slap on the arm. "Ouch. It's true though."

"It may be, but you're still a fucking perv, and I am too tired for this. I need a cold shower to wake me up and a gallon of coffee."

"Well come on then, Little Bunny, let's go."

I got the water going, and we showered as quickly as we could. Once we were dressed, we went down to breakfast and got ourselves some very strong coffee. That was one thing that I could commend the Fae for; they knew how to make a damn good cup of coffee.

We got Reagan and Rika back from Acacia's parents, along with the other babies as well. Lotus and Ash seemed a little reluctant to see them go, they had fallen in love with all the babies, especially Shawn and Dietrich's four little ones. They said that they were the most unique set of quads that they had ever seen; whatever they meant by that.

The festivities for the nature element were supposed to start today, but I wanted to talk to a few people about what had happened last night. Those people being Noah, Carter, David, Shane, Shawn, and Dietrich. They were the ones that we could trust the most. So Mom, Eve, Wesley, Samuel, Nikki, and Emmalee were going to take the children to see some of the spectacles the festivals had to offer.

When we had the afternoon free and could finally talk we dismissed Roisin from the house and discussed it all.

"Thank you all for joining us today. There is something that we need to tell you all about." I started the meeting while my Little Bunny sat next to me on the couch.

"What happened?" Shawn could tell right away that something was off.

"Well, last night Trinity was pulled into the realm of the celestials again." That earned gasps from everyone that was present.

"What did they want from you, Trinity?" Dietrich asked immediately.

"They took me with her." I added, and that was met with even more shock.

"How the hell?!" Carter was the first to shout out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Shane followed quickly.

"Where did you go?" Noah, and then David, were a little more practical than the first two.

"What happened?"

"Are you both OK?" Shawn was worried.

"What was their message?" Dietrich got down to business.

They all were looking at the two of us as if we were some creatures that were on display. This was new, this was different, and they were curious.

"I think it's time that we explain it all to you." My Little Bunny sighed and told them everything that had happened. I even showed them my mark and explained my wife's marks to them so that she didn't have to show them since they were gracing the top of her breasts. By the time the story was over the group of them were stunned into silence.

"Well, what do you all think?" Little Bunny asked them, prompting them to finally speak.

"Is this all that you have learned so far?" Noah asked. "Do we know anything else about the threat that is coming?"

"Unfortunately, no. But in the future we will need to work together with many of the Fae to save them." My wife was starting to act and sound more like a Queen as time went on. This was like sitting in on a meeting with advisors to the royals. I guess that's what it really was; only I wasn't just sitting in, I was one of those royals.

"So all that we've learned is that someone or something is coming, and we don't know when or where." Shane cut through the thick of it all and laid it out plainly.

"Essentially, yes. I want us all on the same page though. We need to work together." I nodded at him. "This is going to test us in the future, but we need to prove that we can do this and overcome it."

"You're both starting to act more diplomatic." Dietrich smiled at me. "It's nice to see the Queen and King moving in the right direction."

I was glad to see how things were going. It would make things go more smoothly with all of us on the same page.

"Noah, Carter?" My Little Bunny called out to her brothers just as the group was about to disperse. "I want us to sit down with Mom, Dad, and Grandfather later? because there is something else that I need to tell you."

During her explanation, Trinity had specifically left out the meeting with her mother. She told them about the meeting with Fynn and Rhinum, but not the other one. That one she wanted to do in private. I don't blame her though; it was personal and not meant for everyone's ears.

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