Circumstances of a Fallen Lord

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Are you okay? Carlton asked.

Mm, Im fine. Im actually rather grateful. Because of you, I was able to properly organize my mind, Luisen answered.

Carlton couldnt understand how his words left a deep impression. Rather than wordsthe mercenary felt that the Buried Old Hag was more effective. That could be possibleLuisen was unique in various ways. Whatever worked, worked; it was good if Luisen had a little more energy in him. Inadvertently, Carltons lips drew into a firm line. Its an honor that I could be of some help.

Without you, I would have most likely been kidnapped by Ruger. Ruger, that son of a bitch. He eats the food I give him and stabs me in the back? Did you know? He received a huge salary. The next time we meet, Ill make him vomit it all out. Luisen clenched his fist and punched the empty air.

Its not just RugerIll find out the person behind Ruger and get revenge on him as well, Luisen pledged.

I agree. You must call me when youre about to crush him.


Yes. Im suffering like this because of that bastardyou must allow me to join.

Now that Luisen took a proper look at him, Carlton looked ridiculous. His pants were muddy, his hair messy, and his beard was growing quite scraggly. They had no idea when theyd arrive at the capital; he had been separated from his subordinates and even his cherished horse. There were plenty of reasons to hold a grudge against Ruger and Rugers shadow backer.

Alright. Youll join too. Luisen reached out his hand, and Carlton readily grasped it. The hand was dirty, but he didnt really care all that much. The mercenary shook so hard that it felt like his shoulder would fall off before releasing the young lords hand. Luisen took the remaining Buried Old Hag, divided it in half, and handed one half to Carlton. At times like this, people would often share a drink, but this was all he had. Swept up in the moment, Carlton impulsively took the root.

The mercenary had no intention of eating the Buried Old Hag. He knew that itd be safe to eat the root, but he still didnt feel so good about it. But, when Luisen placed the root in his hands, he couldnt ruthlessly say no as he had done in the past.

Lets share this and cheer up together! Luisen then emptied his mind of what-ifswhat if Ruger had caught himand thoughts of whether or not Ruger was Count Dubless man. Before his expression could darken at the gloomy situation, he took another bite of the Buried Old Hag, brightening up once more.

While docilely watching that scene, Carlton also took a bite of his given share. When he saw Luisen eating so deliciously, he didnt feel so repulsed anymore; the mercenary couldnt tell if the root was as delicious as Luisen had praised, but the taste was decent.


     After eating the Buried Old Hag, they started to walk again. Since there was no horse to ride, the pace was quite slow. They just continued to walk like that. Then, reaching his limit, Luisen asked Carlton for a break; while Luisen sat down and rested, Carlton retrieved water or things to eat.

Though Luisens body still felt tired, his exhaustion was slightly relieved because the mercenary held onto his hand along the way. Whenever the young lord inadvertently fell into depressive thoughts, Carlton held his hands tight and pulled him forward, stopping the young lord from spiralling further.

Then, at sunset, they stopped walking. The two found Carltons well-used abandoned beast cave and settled there. The cave was too narrow and they couldnt light a fire, so Carlton and Luisen fell asleep, clinging together underneath a draped cape.

Luisen tried not to be too entangled with the mercenary, but when he woke in the morning, he must have fallen asleep while hugging the other. Perhaps winter had come early since they were in mountainous regionsthe night must have been cold.

It was the dawn of the third day, their journey seeming endless.

Luisen was exhausted. No matter how well Carlton took care of the young lord, they were still on a  tight schedule. The two did not let go of each others hands throughout their walk. Whenever Luisen faltered, Carlton held onto Luisen firmly, respecting the young lords determination to not delay the mercenaryeven for a moment.

 He has more grit than what his looks would suggest. The young lord looked like someone whod be extremely picky and spoiled. However the man had a firm spiritpatience and tenacity. That fact made Carlton chuckle from the corners of his lips.

After all that effort, the two finally discovered what seemed like a proper footpath. The road was narrow enough that two people, standing side by side, were enough to fill up the entire widthbut it was still a path!

If we go straight on this road, well finally be free of these awful mountains.

Now that weve come this far, we can assume that theyre no longer chasing us.

Then, well be able to light a fire? Luisens eyes were shiny. They werent able to start any fires for fear of being chased down. Yesterday, Luisen was so exhausted that Carlton promised to hunt and cook for him if they had travelled far enough to light a fire.

Then, as promised, Ill catch some meat for you for dinner.

Great! Luisen clenched both hands together and cheered quietly.

When the young lord laughed, Carlton could help but casually laugh along. Honestlywhos so happy about wild animals for dinner? However, well have to eat Buried Old Hags for now.

Still, at least we have that! Luisen took out the precious roots that were carefully wrapped in their coats. They had dug some up in advance so he wouldnt become depressed; they took care to store them well so that the roots wouldnt see the sunlight.

Once again, he divided the Buried Old Hag in half and gave Carlton his share before eating his half immediately. Used to this by now, Carlton received the root from the lord and ate it. Honestly, he still didnt feel too good about eating the root, but eating together with Luisenwatching the young lord eatmade it better. Since theres a road, its bound to lead to a village. Shall we go looking for it?

 I dont know if itll be okaywell stand out. You can see that Im not ordinary with just one glance. My face isnt one that can be forgotten easily. This might sound self-congratulatory and despicable, but it was the truth. He may have walked all day, sweated, and slept on the dirt without washing properly, but Luisens face was still delicate and pale. His blonde hair was still sparkling. No matter what, he looked like a nobleman; rather, he would stand out even more from the strange circumstances of his travel.

Thats true. It would have been nice if we could cover your face, Carlton gently admitted. I have nothing for that purpose.

Luisen and Carltons clothes did not have hoods to cover their faces. Furthermore, it wasnt practical to cover him with the cape.

Still, I think its best to stop by the village. Even if it was a little risky, Carlton thought it would be best to rest while eating warm food in a building with a roof and walls. He could see  Luisen becoming more and more tired. Even if one rested within the forest, they wouldnt be able to rest properly. Though they needed to push forward due to their circumstances, the mercenary was worried for his companion.

He wont even listen to me when I offered to give him a piggy-back ride. I wish I at least had my horse.



It couldnt be helped in their situation, but he felt quite heartbroken to lose his warhorse, which could easily carry two adult men. If his horse were here, they would have been able to travel twice as fast.

Should I go to the village and steal a pony or something while Luisen is sleeping?

The road was quiet; the wind blew softly. The sunlight shining through the tree canopies was beautiful; the sound of Luisen crunching on the Buried Old Hags harmonized with the sound of crickets. It felt too peaceful for their situationdestitute and running away from the pursuit of unknown forcesand felt more like a picnic walk.

Suddenly though, Carlton felt some dissonance in this calm atmosphere. Someone was approaching. As soon as he felt that, Carlton pulled on the young lords hand and hid Luisen behind him; without delay, the mercenary pulled out his sword.

? Luisen was puzzled.

One beat later, five men jumped out from behind a large tree.

For how impressively they jumped out, they looked a mess. Perhaps they hadnt been able to eat well. The men looked starved; like ill patients, their complexions shadowed, and their lips were chapped. Blood veins spiderwebbed in both eyes, creating a hideous effect. The men used things like axes, pickaxes, and shovels as weapons as they blocked Carlton and Luisens path.


If you want to pass through this path alive, youll have to give us everything you have!

S-Starting from what youre eating right now, give it all up! The men shouted.

Luisen stared at them blankly; Carlton smirked and laughed.

I was wondering who they were, but theyre just thieves. Lets just move on. As if he were looking at something ridiculous, Carlton placed his sword back in its sheath. A weapon was unnecessary against these opponents.



The thieves were greatly shaken. They exchanged glances and whisperedLuisen could hear their quiet voices well.

They said theyll just pass throughwhat should we do?

Well have to block them!

But that guy looks super strong

Were five people, and theyre two! Furthermore, they have things to eat!

Honestly, everyone could hear themwhat were they doing?

These people were better suited to be farmers than highway robbers, looking at those clothes and the agricultural equipment they were using as weapons. Honestly, farmers should have been preparing for the winterwhat were they doing thieving in the mountains? Besides, this road was probably one that didnt see many travellers due to the difficulty of its path.

Theyre so clumsy. The men were so foolhardy that even Luisen chuckled.

My words exactly. They must be newbies. 1 Carlton looked at the robbers and pointed out one of them. The man had a similar physique to Luisen. What do you think of his shoes?

Huh? They look comfortable, Luisen replied absentmindedly. Why was the mercenary suddenly talking about shoes?

Then, lets go with that, Carlton said.

What do you mean?

Carlton grinned and approached the highway robbers.

TL: RIP highway robbers. RIP.

Also Imagine being able to just casually say youre too beautiful to forget. I want that power lolol.

  1. is slang for rookies, newbies, anyone new to a field. It doesnt sound quite old-timeybut what can you do lmao.

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