Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 154 - Elias (1)

Chapter 154 - Elias (1)

The pregnancy went on slower than hoped. Weeks flowed away, but we felt each and every day on our shoulders.

Expectations and hope were keeping us company.

Most of the burden was on my wife, but I still was worried and excited all the time.

On one side, I couldn't wait to see our child. On the other hand, I was afraid of the day of childbirth.

Women suffer a lot, then, and they sometimes die, like my mother.

However, our little prince arrived on a cold, windy day. Clouds prevented the sunlight from reaching us, so we had to light candles in every corner.

I wasn't allowed in the room. The midwife stopped me and locked the door.

?Her majesty needs comfort and security,? she said before slamming the wood.

I stood out there, listening to the screams and noise in the room. It took hours until the end.

When they opened that damn door, one of the maids welcomed me with an ugly bundle. Our prince was just so little, and light like a feather.

?It's a boy,? she informed me in a whisper.

I accepted the bundle and looked at his eyes with wonder. Blue, like the sea on the horizon.

?My Queen?? I asked, not forgetting about her even at that moment.

?Her majesty is resting.?

?Is it all right??

?It will be, royal Consort.?

I approached the bed and sat on the edge, still holding the little prince.

?He doesn't have a name yet,? Theodora whispered without opening her eyes. Her face was pale and her whole body tired. ?I was waiting for you.?

?Do you have any idea??

?I like Elias.?

?It's the same name as your father, isn't it?? I noticed.

?Yes, it is. What do you think.?

?I like it,? I smiled.

?Don't you want to choose a name yourself??

?We'll have other children, Thea. I'll choose next time.?

?Seems fair.?

?And also, I really like the name Elias,? I chuckled. I cuddled the baby and looked at his clouded eyes. ?And you?? I asked him. ?Do you like it??

Still disoriented from the trauma of being born, he just stared at me and started blinking, tired.

?Elias is sleepy,? I said.

Theodora sat up and moved a pillow behind her back.

?Give him to me. I haven't seen him yet.?

She stretched out her arms and waited with patience.

?Not yet?? I mumbled while waiting for her to take the child from me. ?How odd.?

She moved her gown down and exposed her breast. The little one immediately found the nipple and started sucking. His little hands surrounded her bosom, while a little frown decorated my wife's face. It seemed uncomfortable, but she just bore with it.

The bedsheets had just been changed after the delivery; the maids were still running around to clean up the rest of the room. My Queen wore a new nightgown a few minutes after finishing feeding our son.

The nanny brought the child away, and my Queen lay back to rest. I reached her and welcomed her soft body in my arms. It had been so long since the last time she had slept like that.

?You did a good job,? I whispered while stroking her back.

?Really? It took me so long.?

?The result is worth it, isn't it??


?Are you going to feed our son by yourself??

?Of course,? she said, frowning as if it was evident. I've never seen a woman feed a baby, and I've never heard of a noblewoman taking care of her child by herself. It was new, yet for her normal.

?It's the only time I can use to see him,? she revealed, then. ?Don't even think to take it away from me.?

?It was not my intention.?

?You look like someone doubting his wife.?

?I'm not. I'm just surprised, Thea. Where I come from, women don't take care of their children.?

?I won't be able to do it either,? she said. ?I'm already behind schedule.?

?You should rest now. Polis has now a crown prince. Small delays won't change that fact.?

?You're so understanding because you're involved. But will the elders from the Council think this too??

?I'll deal with them if they complain,? I offered, even though I wasn't sure what could be done.

Theodora lifted her head and looked at me.

?Even if your words are void, it feels nice to hear them. I've always dreamt of having someone who takes care of me. How childish, isn't it??

?No, it's normal. Everyone does want protection.?

?I shouldn't be normal, Xander. I'm a Queen. I have to be strong and unmistaken. It's just so hard... I'd like to rest, just for a couple of days.?

?Polis won't sink if you leave for a weekend. We can travel to the mountains and visit those therms you told me about. Or we could travel by ship to one of the islands on the horizon.?

?I can organise it for you if you want. But I can't tag along. A Queen can't leave her territory.?

?We can stay within the borders.?

?Maybe, one day,? she conceded, but her expression told me how little she believed it was possible.

In the end, we've never ventured out of the city. We did visit it, a couple of times.

After making sure that our prince was asleep, I reached my Queen in the bedroom.

?Let's go,? she said while rummaging in the wardrobe.


?There's a festival in town.?

?What do you mean by let's go? You can't get out of the Palace without security.?

?You'll protect me.?

?I'm not skilled.?

?Oh, Xander, no one will recognise us.?

It always charmed me how childish my Queen could be. She could pass a whole day without the hint of a smile, her brows knitted in a focused or stern expression. Yet, when she revealed herself to me, her eyes would enlighten a whole room, and her lips would curl up in a beautiful smile.

She didn't have many friends, so she became attached to me faster than expected. I knew it wasn't really a choice, yet I was glad. It meant she would stay by my side forever.

It would have been nice to be chosen by her and not imposed by the circumstances. However, I couldn't let my wild thoughts get in the way of our happiness.

We were born for each other, and that was all that mattered.

Visiting the city was funny. My Queen would dance and sing with peasant girls. She would glare at every lady that smiled at me, and she would cling on my arm in a great mood on the way back.

I wasn't enough to protect her, but I spotted her bodyguard in the distance. Her hidden getaways weren't so secret, after all.

Three years passed without notable events, but full of little joys. Our son grew up and started talking rather early.

Since Theodora was busy ruling, I made sure to be always at his side. If a mother was too much to ask for, to a little prince, I could at least provide him with a father.

Learning how to change clothes to a baby and later a toddler wasn't easy. However, it paid off when Elias would run to me every time he didn't feel comfortable or had a problem.

His first words were just random combinations of moans and screams. The first clear one was mum.

Well, it resembled more a ma, and it certainly wasn't intentional.

Nonetheless, I took that chance to run to the royal office with my child in my arms.

?What's the matter?? Thea asked, her eyes moved from the papers, and her expression sweetened. Just a trace of worry caused a little wrinkle on her forehead.

?Elias asked for you,? I shrugged. ?He said mum.?

?It's still too early for his first words, Xander. It was just by chance.?

?No, come and listen!?

I brought my baby to her, and she carried him for a minute or two. No matter how much she smiled, talked, or made weird noises, the little one stayed silent and didn't utter a word. He mimicked her smile and caught her hair with his small fingers, pulling with all his strength.

My Queen didn't even bat an eye. She just untangled the lock and cuddled the child for some more.

Her tense shoulders relaxed while looking at our child, and she walked back to me to land a peck on my cheek.

?Thank you for this distraction,? she murmured. ?Even if you didn't have to lie just to come here.?

?What lies? He really said mum!?

?I have to finish my work now. I'll come earlier this evening, all right??

?You can sing a lullaby.?

?I don't know any,? she shrugged.

?Then, one of those folk songs will be enough. Just don't let our child forget that he has a mother.?

?I see him every day, Xander. Don't be this strict, now.?

?All right, all right. But he really called for you.?

She sighed and gave me my son back.

The moment he landed in my arms, he moved his arms up and down, giggling happily.

?Ma-ma-ma-ma...? he bubbled.

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