Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

The five invincible eighth-rank beings were very patient.

Their goal was not to kill the Milky Way Star Lord's avatar.

Instead, they aimed to make the Milky Way Star Lord completely fall, beyond the possibility of resurrection even by a Strongest One.

If it were just about killing the avatar, they could have attacked outside the Milky Way Main Star more than ten years ago.

Five invincible eighth-rank beings could simultaneously lock the space. Even with space-shifting techniques, the Milky Way Star Lord would be trapped within the planet.

Then, if the five of them joined forces to attack the Milky Way Main Star, even with a B-grade modified planetary defense system, it could only hold out for a few breaths.

At that point, the Milky Way Star Lord would have no way to escape.

The five invincible eighth-rank beings launching an assassination against a peak eighth-rank Milky Way Star Lord was like using a cannon to kill a mosquito. If not for the importance given by the Insect Race's emissary, the Dark Lin Clan's Sara and the other invincible eighth-rank beings wouldn't even bother to join forces.

No matter how talented the Milky Way Star Lord was, he was just at the beginning of the eighth rank. Even if he had the combat power of a peak eighth-rank, what did it matter?

To an invincible eighth-rank being who had mastered a cosmic power, a peak eighth-rank was just a slightly larger ant, not much different from a new eighth-rank.

Although this ant might grow into a giant in the future, for now, it was still just an ant.

"When we kill the Milky Way Star Lord, we should avoid appearing on the battlefield and lay low. The human civilization's retaliation won't be easy to handle."

Dark Lin Clan's Sara looked at the other four invincible eighth-rank beings and said in a low voice.

Over the past ten years, besides monitoring the movements of the Milky Way Main Star, they occasionally interacted with each other and developed some camaraderie.

"Of course."

"The humans are crazy. If we kill their top genius, even if we don't openly break the rules, they will secretly retaliate."

Another invincible eighth-rank being immediately responded.

Normally, the battles between the peak alliances of the main world were limited to below the ninth rank.

Except for large-scale alien battlefields where ninth-rank and above combatants were allowed, medium-sized alien battlefields rarely saw ninth-rank beings.

This was an unspoken rule among the peak alliances to keep the intensity of warfare at a manageable level.

Without this unspoken rule, the conflicts among the peak alliances would become chaotic, with even Strongest Ones frequently getting involved.

This would be disastrous for all the peak alliances.

Of course, an unspoken rule is still just that. Even if these five invincible eighth-rank alien beings didn't break it, if they completely killed the Milky Way Star Lord, the human civilization would still be furious.

Their retaliation would likely be targeted at the five of them or their respective races on alien battlefields, even increasing the intensity of the war against the Insect Race.

While the Insect Race could withstand the malicious intent of the human civilization alliance, the races behind these five invincible eighth-rank beings would suffer heavy losses, possibly even face extinction.

Tens of thousand years ago, when the Red Kun Star Lord's youngest disciple died, the Red Kun Star Lord gathered friends and stormed several medium-sized alien battlefields, almost wiping them out.

The Red Kun Star Lord's youngest disciple had high potential, but he couldn't compare to the Milky Way Star Lord. Even so, it caused such a massive impact.

Imagine the chaos if the Milky Way Star Lord were to die completely.

Nevertheless, the Insect Race promised significant rewards to these five invincible eighth-rank beings, enough for them to take the risk.

Virtual World.

In a mysterious space, nine grand thrones stood.

Suddenly, three of the nine thrones had towering figures appearing on them.

One of these towering figures was the Strongest One Xia Qin.

"Wisdom Goddess." Xia Qin glanced around, "and Freedom Goddess, Justice Goddess."

The three goddesses were the ultimate intelligences of human civilization, their status equal to the nine Strongest Ones.

"Strongest One Xia Qin, Strongest One Yu Die, and Strongest One Gu Li…" The solemn, cold voice of the Wisdom Goddess echoed in the mysterious space.

Human civilization had nine Strongest Ones, each overseeing different areas. When the three goddesses contacted the Strongest Ones, two or three responding was typical.

"Our human civilization has developed another eighth-rank evolution path. We need you to confirm it." The Wisdom Goddess continued.


"A brand new eighth-rank evolution path?" Xia Qin raised an eyebrow.

Creating an eighth-rank evolution path was entirely different from producing an eighth-rank evolver.

The latter was not noteworthy, but the former—the eighth-rank evolution path—meant a continuous source of eighth-rank evolvers.

Its importance could be considered foundational for the race.

Especially if it warranted the attention of the three goddesses and a special notification to the Strongest Ones, it had to be extraordinary, possibly having potential for further advancement.

"Let me see."

Xia Qin received the eighth-rank chapter of Martial Dao from the Wisdom Goddess.

"Is it that young one?" Xia Qin was slightly surprised. He had a favorable impression of Lin Yuan, having personally met him and bestowed upon him the Divine Sealing Bead.

In Xia Qin's view, Lin Yuan was not only an eighth-rank evolver under a hundred years old but also the creator of the highly potential Martial Dao evolution path.

His talent and qualifications were enough to rank in the top twenty, even top ten, in human history.

"He created the eighth-rank chapter so quickly?" Xia Qin found it hard to believe. Creating the eighth-rank chapter meant Lin Yuan had fully entered the eighth rank.

But how long had it been since Lin Yuan reached the eighth rank? The difficulty of creating the eighth-rank chapter was deeply understood by Xia Qin.

Reaching the peak of the eighth rank in such a short time was hard enough, let alone creating the eighth-rank chapter from scratch.

Xia Qin had witnessed countless geniuses in the universe. When he first met Lin Yuan and ranked his talent in the top ten or twenty in human history, he didn't feel much emotional fluctuation.

While the top ten or twenty in human history were exceptionally talented, without becoming a Strongest One, they would eventually fade into history.

However, Lin Yuan creating the eighth-rank chapter so quickly genuinely astonished Xia Qin.

It was incredibly fast.

But the three goddesses wouldn't lie. If Lin Yuan's eighth-rank chapter didn't meet the standards, it would have been rejected outright.

The fact they notified the Strongest Ones for confirmation meant the three goddesses saw no issue with the eighth-rank chapter.

"Let me take a look." Xia Qin immediately reviewed the content of the Martial Dao eighth-rank chapter.

At their level, reading through the eighth-rank chapter was effortless. In no time, the three Strongest Ones finished reviewing it.

"This eighth-rank chapter…" Xia Qin fell into thought. Even at his level, he could see the potential of the Martial Dao eighth-rank chapter.

Encompassing myriad paths, it included all kinds of power routes. Xia Qin even noticed that the Martial Dao evolution system's eighth-rank chapter could lead to various cosmic powers.

"Have you confirmed the identity of the creator of this evolution path? Is he not an alien pawn?" Gu Li, another Strongest One, directly asked the Wisdom Goddess after reviewing the chapter.

He recognized the potential of the Martial Dao evolution system and needed to ensure its creator was human.

Otherwise, human civilization would go all out to assassinate him.

"He is human."

"Confirmed personally by Strongest One Xia Qin."

The Wisdom Goddess responded.

"Confirmed by Xia Qin…" Gu Li nodded slightly, no longer questioning, nor giving any additional comments.

However, by directly asking the Wisdom Goddess to confirm the creator's identity, it showed the importance this Strongest One placed on it.

Non-human? Kill.

Human? Good.

"Xia Qin, you have a good eye." Strongest One Yu Die, a graceful woman, glanced at Xia Qin.

Among the nine Strongest Ones of human civilization, Yu Die was very unique. She cultivated the Illusory Dream evolution path and was not adept at direct combat.

But her importance to human civilization was not less than any other Strongest One because the virtual world that enveloped human civilization's territory was born from her 'authority.'

"Hehe." Xia Qin smiled slightly.

Not long ago, he had seen Lin Yuan, and after giving him the Divine Sealing Bead, he still felt insecure and asked Yu Die to keep an eye on Lin Yuan.

As the source of the virtual world, Yu Die's perception range covered the entire virtual world network.

Having Yu Die watch over Lin Yuan virtually eliminated the chance of aliens sending ninth-rank or higher beings to assassinate him.

Of course, Yu Die would only keep an eye on Lin Yuan, not act as a 'babysitter.'

Unless Lin Yuan faced a complete demise, with all avatars and the main body dead and beyond resurrection, Yu Die would not intervene.

As for other dangers?

Yu Die believed that facing moderate danger and life-and-death crises was beneficial.

"Strongest Ones Xia Qin, Yu Die, and Gu Li, since none of you have objections, the evaluation of this eighth-rank chapter is determined to be worth 22 million merit points. Do you agree?"

The Wisdom Goddess spoke again.

"22 million merit points?"

Xia Qin remained calm.

Normally, eighth-rank chapters of evolution paths were worth 8 million to 10 million merit points.

Exceptionally good eighth-rank chapters might reach 15 to 18 million merit points.

Exceeding 22 million merit points meant not just excellence but also unique special qualities.

"I agree."

Xia Qin nodded.

"I agree."

"I also agree."

Yu Die and Gu Li also nodded in agreement.

The various cosmic powers possibilities in the Martial Dao eighth-rank chapter fully justified its value.

After all, mastering even one cosmic power was extremely beneficial for advancing to the ninth rank.

Milky Way Main Star.

Lin Yuan connected his consciousness to the virtual world, entering the store interface to select suitable energy crystals.

With over 20 million miles of the Inner World needing expansion, Lin Yuan urgently required a large amount of energy to support the virtual world.

As for slowly absorbing energy from the universe? That would be too inefficient, and absorbing large amounts of energy from the universe would cause irreparable damage to the Milky Way Main Star.

"This will do."

Lin Yuan finally made a choice.

Taiwei Pure Crystals.

Core energy from the Taiwei Secret Realm.

Though not as pure as the Red Spirit Liquid from the Red Kun Lineage.

But for expanding the Inner World, it was more than sufficient.

"80,000 units of universe crystals." Lin Yuan estimated the cost to expand the Inner World to 37.5 million miles in diameter and felt his heart bleed.

He had used thunderous means to scour special lives and alien loners in the Milky Way Star Domain, amassing treasures worth more than 100,000 units of universe crystals.

Now, before he could even warm them up, he had to spend a significant portion.

"No matter, as long as I become stronger, I can easily kill some alien strong beings and get it all back. 80,000 units of universe crystals? Just a small portion of an invincible eighth-rank being's worth."

Lin Yuan consoled himself while painfully spending the universe crystals.

"They will arrive soon?"

Lin Yuan checked the delivery time. The Taiwei Pure Crystals worth 80,000 units of universe crystals would arrive at the Milky Way Main Star in about half a month.

"Next, I'll let all the creation forces in the Inner World transform into the cosmic power." Lin Yuan began to lift the isolation of the Inner World from the outside world.

In an instant.

Dozens of creation forces began to adapt to the main world, especially that trace of primordial force, whose vibrations almost shook the ten million miles of the Inner World.

"Once the Inner World expands to 37.5 million miles, I'll start absorbing the liquid from the mysterious gourd again to restore it to nearly 100 million miles."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

With the continuous absorption of the mysterious gourd liquid in the Spirit Realm, enhancing the 'Blood Rebirth' divine power of his body.

Next, reabsorbing it wouldn't take long, just over ten days to recover.

Half a day later.

The voice of the Wisdom Goddess suddenly came.

"Honorable Milky Way Star Lord, the evaluation of your uploaded eighth-rank chapter is complete."

"Complete?" Lin Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "How many merit points is it worth?"

"Honorable Milky Way Star Lord, your eighth-rank chapter is valued at 22 million merit points."

The Wisdom Goddess's tone was solemn and cold.

"22 million merit points." Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

He remembered the seventh-rank chapter was valued at only 3 million merit points.

Now, the eighth-rank chapter was worth 22 million merit points, an increase of eight to nine times.

"The three goddesses gave a high evaluation of the eighth-rank chapter?" Lin Yuan thought silently, "Or perhaps it's not just the three goddesses?"

This time, the evaluation by the three goddesses took much longer than before.

"22 million merit points." A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face. This was equivalent to the merit points earned by completely killing more than twenty eighth-rank beings.

Not just killing an avatar or the like.

On the alien battlefield, killing over twenty eighth-rank aliens was as difficult as climbing to the sky.

This wasn't a matter of strength; once an evolver killed three or four eighth-rank aliens, they would attract the attention of all alien strong beings. After that, those eighth-rank aliens would run upon seeing you.

A human evolver who killed over ten eighth-rank aliens would be met with same-level or even invincible eighth-rank opponents wherever they went.


"Check the ranking."

Lin Yuan thought and looked at the latest ranking of the Martial Dao evolution path.


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