D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1250 1250 Jumped Up Times

Chapter 1250 Chapter 1250 Jumped Up Times

--- Kat ---

The round was over and Thyme was still having fun with everyone. With a flick of their fingers, Thyme had transformed the room into something resembling a wake. Everyone not competing was moved onto uncomfortable folding chairs, something Kat was surprised Thyme even had, and squished too close together. Kat at least got an edge seat but it was still awkward with her wings.

Their were white flowers lining the sides, and petals across the red carpet that cut through the seating arrangements. This all lead to a slightly raised stage with Cyan and Nabras on one side, with black robes thrown over them. While on the other side Mauve and Willow were wearing black dresses. Thyme was slightly off to the side, in full black morning gear and a river of tears streaming down their face…

And the whole thing was ruined by Gareth in a glass coffin snoring away like a chainsaw. Thyme had to be projecting the sound to make it worse… because Green would never be able to sleep if this was standard volume during the night. It was made all the funnier by the long flower stems surrounding Gareth that would be sucked in and blown away by Gareth's breathing, making it abundantly clear, even from a distance that Gareth was still alive.

A quick glance at Green showed she wasn't surprised, at all by this set-up. It seems that when she'd disappeared from Nixilei's lap after Gareth's last jump, she'd been let in on the joke… or she'd helped set the thing up. The second was seeming more likely as Green herself started to cry rivers of tears like Thyme. The fact they were pooling at her feet and then continuing sideways, then down the isle in a proper river really cemented it. The upwards twitching of her lips really wasn't selling the whole 'aggrieved widow thing'.

Still, all of this could've lead into more jokes… if Gareth hadn't sneezed in his sleep, slamming his head against the glass coffin in the process and causing Green to burst out laughing. Tears still flowing of course. Nixilei was shoving Green away because in her fit of laughter her face was leaking all over Nixilei's outfit. "Ok, haha, really funny Green now can you stop trying to soak my pants! I'd rather not have my underwear on display thank you," grumbled Nixilei.

Which of course, was also funny, sending Kress into a fit of laughter and decidedly, not helping Green recover enough of her mental facilities to move the torrent of water coming from her face off Nixilei's legs. Kat rolled her eyes seeing this and extended her tail over, letting the spade tip catch most of the water and send it off to the side.

*Well this is certainly an interesting way to start announcing the winner for this round.*

[I feel like it's sort of in bad taste. Especially after we got that major talking to about how dangerous overdrafting mana is. It sounds like it's not anything like what I experienced passing out. Though… I wonder what would happen to me? I've got demonic energy in me as well and even if I can't use it normally. Might be something to ask about…]

*I don't agree. If Green wasn't so clearly in on the joke, then yes it would be poor taste but Green has to of at least agreed with this, if not suggested it herself. Plus, you have to admit, watching those flowers move up and down like a Gareth is a sleeping cartoon character is funny*

[Eh… alright]

Eventually Green did manage to get herself together and Thyme pulled off the veil they were wearing to reveal a face that looked exactly like Gareth's, if you ignored the bark texture instead of skin of course. "That's right, I was at my own funeral!" said Thyme. "My friend Gareth here was just providing the body double. Isn't the resemblance uncanny?"

Silence greeted Thyme's words. "Right, I see I missed the timing on that one… but speaking of timing, I have the final times for everyone! I'll be going from last place, to build suspense of course. First up, or rather, last up, we have Cyan, because they forfeited the final round. I feel a little bad doing things this way, because there was a chance he could've done well… but it was a lack of mana, and inability to match the top two contenders that makes this a wise decision in the end. Give it up for Cyan!"

There was a round of claps from the audience and Thyme threw a single flower in Cyan's direction. Cyan, surprised by this nearly dropped it by years as an adventurer weren't for nothing and he managed to grab it before it hit the ground. Once the flower was caught Thyme continued to speak, "For our fourth place, and first person with a full set of three jumps under their belt… it's NABRAS give it up for Nabras with a time of nineteen minutes and forty-nine seconds!"

Thyme threw out a bundle of three flowers this time, and Nabras was more ready. He caught them and gave them a quick sniff. Rather pleased with the smell. It seemed time had made sure they weren't too overpowering for his beastkin nose. Perhaps they could be a nice decoration for his room over the next few days. He was also thinking of getting them pressed and preserved, so as to not forget the realisations he'd had during this challenge.

Thyme then went on, "Nabras was held back mostly due to lack of mana, and to some extent, a lack of courage. He didn't really GO for it when the chips were down. Our top three contenders all tried to speed up their fall in what ways they could, and while their success varied they made good attempts of it. Still, Nabras has done well," Nabras shrugged at that, not sure he really did all that well. "On to our third place finisher…

"You'll find that it's Gareth here with sixteen minutes and twenty-five seconds! Please hold your applause for Gareth," Thyme paused and then looked around before continuing in a stage whisper, "He happens to be sleeping at the moment. Wouldn't want to wake the sleeping beauty aye?" Thyme switched back to their normal voice, "Gareth did well, but like Nabras was hindered by the lack of mana. It's almost a shame he was forced into a mana heavy event like this, but he has shown he has some courage and determination if nothing else.

"Not something I recommend he ever does again, lest he suffer a good spanking from me, even if I would still endeavour to save his life. Of course, if I'm not around he'll have bigger things to worry about. Green, I suggest you guilt him into being more careful." Green nodded eagerly, apparently quite willing to go along with Thyme's suggestions. "Good good. So that just means we have the top two contenders left…

"I'll do them both quickly together, then give my explanations. Second place… with a time of thirteen minutes and thirty-eight seconds, just shy of the winner by six seconds is… MAUVE," Mauve stood there shocked, even as Thyme threw a bouquet of flowers into her face. Mauve just let it hit the ground as Thyme kept going, "That means, with a time of thirteen minutes and thirty-two seconds our winner is WILLOW!"

Thyme clicked their fingers and suddenly a massive pile of flowers dropped down over Willow covering her completely. A few rustles later and Willow pushed her way forward stepping out of the flower by. "Bleh, urgh, it's in my mouth,"

"Haha, what a show everyone!" said Thyme. That seemed to snap Mauve out of it. She frowned at the results, but picked up her bouquet and started clapping with everyone else. "Mauve and Willow both took different paths through our course here today. Each excellently leveraging their skills. Willow's planning, Mauve's boldness… yet ultimately, it was that same boldness that caused Mauve to miss a ring by just a sliver. This round really did come down to the smallest of margins TWICE. So I'm happy to be awarding them both the points for this round!"

*Damn. That really was close. This might have been my favourite event to spectate as well. Sure Marigold was somewhat comedic during the Twister game, and the ping-pong matches were alright… but the rest really dragged.*

[I dunno, I enjoyed watching you during dodgeball and especially log chopping.] Kat quickly saw the associated imagery from Lily watching those two events and it really had more to do with the fact Lily greatly enjoyed Kat doing sporty activities that showed of her body. Kat just sent Lily back a mental image of a raised eyebrow. [Fine. Excluding your events this one was the best.] Admitted Lily.

*Kat smiled. See. It was a great round, and while I'm sure Gareth is going to get raked over the coals by Green later… I've gotta say it was entertaining. I doubt the next round will be anywhere near as cool.*

[They can attack each other though…]

*Yeah but you save mana by just… not attacking. Every attack or defence you use means 'more mana' for the rest of the group.*

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