D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1108 1108 ROFLMAO

Three girls were starring at a fourth, rolling on the floor and laughing. One of those three, Lily in fact, was trying not to laugh herself, while Kat and Kamiko were trying to look offended by all the laughing. "It's not that funny," said Kat and Kamiko together. It took a slight glance to sink up the reply, but the response was worth it. 

Sue burst into a new round of uncontrollable laughter as she kept rolling across the floor and slamming her hands into the carpet. Kat and Kamiko were right. It wasn't funny… it was fucking hilarious. You see, Kamiko had just reached the part in her story where she thought 'what would Kat do' and Sue lost it before Kamiko could even explain what it was she ended up doing. 

Kamiko had to get out from under the ice pack just to glare at Sue properly and it wasn't working if intimidation was the goal. "Seriously it's not," said Kat just as Sue was about to calm down, setting off another round of giggles which was entirely the point. 

Kamiko, seeing what Kat was doing, waited until Sue was about to stop laughing then added, "I mean, it seemed like a good idea at the time," and set Sue off again. At this point, despite her demon physic her stomach was sore and her lungs were burning. She might not have needed as much air as a human but she'd been laughing for a long time, and the oxygen deprivation was getting to her making her lightheaded… and easier to rile up. 

Kat was about to add something else to keep the train going but Lily slapped a hand over Kat's mouth. "I think that's enough Kat. Poor Sue will need to breath eventually, and while this IS amusing, Nira would skin us alive if we injured Sue because we kept her laughing," 

Kat shivered. *Yeah she would do that. The scariest part would be the healing afterwards, as she gives us a disappointed look.* So Kat nodded… and started to lick Lily's fingers to get Lily to let go. Kat didn't think Lily should get out of stopping her fun completely unscathed. 

So of course when Kat started to feel pleasure coming down the link from Lily's end, she paused and looked over concerned. Lily blushed and looked away, while Kamiko gave them odd looks. Sue, sensing a disturbance in the lewd force managed to pull herself together just enough to blink the tears out of her eyes and check out the scene… and quickly coming to some correct conclusions. Which of course, led her to bursting out into another round of laughter. 

"Lily! I didn't know you had it in you. Adding to poor Sue's suffering," said Kamiko with a grin. Sue kept laughing but she added a thumbs up even as she tried to blink back more tears and the pain in her midsection. It WAS hilarious, and the pain wasn't great, but adding the slightest touch of sexual stuff to the situation was making the pain a lot more bearable for Sue. Not that she was going to admit that. Especially when the pain started to spread lower and tingle a bit. Nope, no need to embarrass the poor kiddies. 

After that everyone kept quiet. That didn't stop Sue looking up and them and going for one more round of laughs… but EVENTUALLY Sue did manage to get herself under control. She was panting, leaning on the bed for support. There were tears in her eyes, and a massive grin on her face. "Oh hells, I haven't laughed that much… in… damn I don't know if I've ever laughed that much," 

"Was it really that funny?" asked Kamiko with a pout. 

Sue nodded, suppressing another chuckle bubbling up her throat with a force of will she didn't know she had. No more laughter just for now, "It was. I mean… I know exactly how you got your bruises now… and it's just so funny to me. It's even funnier because you're right that's EXACTLY what Kat would do in that situation, you just didn't think about the fact she also has regeneration when you did it," 

Kamiko winced but nodded, while Kat just shrugged, not really able to defend herself, not with everyone here knowing her so well. Heck, there was a decent chance that if Kat was in the same situation she would've just pulled all the teens close to her and block the rocks with her wings and back without even trying to race the clock and get them all out of the way. Kamiko at least made the effort not to be hit by tonnes of rocks. 

"Do you want to hear the rest?" offered Kamiko.

Sue shrugged, "Did anything interesting happen after you got hit by falling rocks?" 

"Not really," admitted Kamiko with a sigh. 

"Then, not really," answered Sue. "It was hilarious and I'm glad you told me, but I've heard the punchline now, so I don't need to hear the rest," 

Kamiko sighed but nodded, "Understandable…" then paused for a moment, "… though… how about you tell us about getting to Rank 2? What ability did you get?" 

Sue smiled, "I got… well I got the ability to read people's surface thoughts," 

"That seems super useful," said Kamiko with a smile. 

"Eh… yeah it does but it's super obvious," said Sue. 

"How is reading thoughts obvious?" asked Kamiko. 

Sue tapped the side of her face right beside her eyes and then looked at Kamiko. As soon as she did, her eyes lit up with a bright blue light that made it seem like Sue had two lightbulbs in her head. "This is how it's obvious. Every time I even try to use it, my eyes light up brighter than a blushing teenager I've just flashed. The annoying part is I have to be looking at the person as well, so I don't get an area where I can here everyone's surface thoughts, just where I'm looking. And yes Kamiko I can hear you thinking about my tits, thanks for the compliment," 

Kamiko glared at Sue, "I didn't think anything at all about your tits! How did you even manage to say that without getting caught!" 

Sue smiled, "You only thought about them for a moment, and I took it as a compliment, but it was still long enough for it to be true. The compliment part was a bit of a stretch, but it didn't stop me from saying it, and it was deliciously misleading," 

"What would happen if you tried to read Kat or my mind? Considering they're connected?" asked Lily. 

Sue let her eyes dim before turning to Lily, "I don't know and I don't want to find out. Best case scenario, for me, is that it doesn't work, worst case scenario is I get stuck in an endless loop of back and force thoughts as I here your words echo across both your minds and my own in a never ending cycle that slowly drives me insane," 

"Is that… likely?" asked Lily, "Didn't you say you had to be looking at the person? Couldn't Kat and I just leave the room?" 

Sue shrugged, "I don't know if a bit of surface reading is really all to my ability. I feel like it's not, but I don't want to push things just in case I do something that isn't so easily fixed. I might have to sign up an ability study to get this one tested safely, or at least with a medic on hand who can fix any mental issues I cause. 

"As for if it's likely for me to get stuck in your heads? I'm going to say probably not… but having a pre-existing link might muck things up. I know that was one of the things we learnt in school, if you manage to get a mental ability, don't use it on people with active mental abilities. It talked about all sorts of weird effects that can have. If I was older, with more refined control over my ability I would probably be safe… but I just got it earlier today, so… yeah," said Sue. 

Kamiko nodded then paused, "Actually… it's just occurred to me… why didn't you phone or send over a message to say that you were coming over?" 

"Well, pretty much the moment I finished celebrating my rank up with my parents I was going to message you guys and try to meet up. I was expecting it to take a while, what with Kat only reachable via D.E.M.O.N.S but I found that Nira had sent me a message telling me to come over… so I just called it good timing," Sue chuckled. "Really good timing," 

Kamiko groaned and fell back onto her bed, hitting the ice pack with her head. Kat watched with a touch of dread, waiting for it to pop because of Kamiko's horns… but nothing happened. *Oh right, made for demons. It's probably quite sturdy.* "My mother really is too lucky sometimes. She manages to embarrass us all way too often," grumbled Kamiko. 

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