D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1205 1205 The Return Of Kress And Blue!

Kress Chapter

The Competitors: Kress, Borgick, Midnight, Stan, Ellenell 

The Assistants: Blue, Marigold, Carl, Gareth, Burgandy


Blue might not have remained asleep long, but while she was Timmy and Kress got to work. Timmy was given the following order "Timmy, I want you to follow me as I work. When I say 'Houses' followed by a colour or asking for a mix of two, I want you to start putting down house buckets and fixing them up where I'm pointing. In addition, I want you to draw out a road matching the one next to use right now. The road should follow the lines that I'm drawing. I do not need you to use any of the coloured sand for the rodes. Does that make sense?" 

Timmy gave Kress a salute and seemed to vibrate in place. *Right. That's all set up then. I can get started. I'll try not to put too many things close together, not even the roads. I still need to walk around after all. That being said? I think we can start to close off some areas if needed. I'll still need to work on whatever 'major' buildings we choose to do, but it shouldn't be too hard if I leave space. If I muck it up though? Hopefully Timmy can fix my mistakes.*

With that Timmy and Kress got started on their work. Kress started with the area around the castle. Not particularly close to it of course. There was still a wide ring around the castle itself that could be built upon later, or even just used for foot traffic. Still, it seemed like a good starting point for them. 

Kress marked out the made road, and almost wished they'd made a template for 'generic shop' but frankly? That was just making things overly complicated at this point. The houses would be good enough stand-ins for generic buildings and they looked quite nice after all the effort Blue went to. The road Kress was marking out took practically no time at all for Timmy to carve out. 

"Line of houses on either side please," said Kress. Timmy saluted and got to work. While Timmy was doing that, Kress started to branch the road out, making sure to still keep enough rooms around the houses to step around them if necessary. The first thing Kress did was a residential district. He made sure the road was slightly less then perfect, as if it needed to be fixed and righted a few times because of the houses, while curling in on itself. 

Once that was done, Kress got started on where he was imagining the library would go. He had an idea how to build something that screamed 'library' out of sand and was prepping for the future. He still made a little area for houses around it though. Once that was done, Timmy had caught up with all the roads, so Kress walked back over and motioned at the residential area. "I want you to pack as many houses in here as you can while adding a line of green sand between the road and the house, and a tree for everyone on. Mix colours with the neighbours every fourth or fifth house, and use those to transition the colours. Make sense?" 

Timmy of course saluted and got to work. Kress smiled at the little guy working as three houses went up in quick succession. That's also when he realised he could here crunching on the sand behind him. Turning around he saw Blue wobbling over towards him. "Um… hey Blue… are you… alright?" said Kress trying not to be awkward, and failing. 

"Sorry…" mumbled Blue as she got closer. "I really don't know what came over me. I mean, it was a bit of effort to succeed but I didn't realise I was so tired. I guess I was just wound up a bit tightly. After all the spell casting during the volleyball, then having Gareth and Green… enthusiastically offer a massage I apparently agreed to over lunch then this… I guess the stress just got to me."

"Do you want to rest a bit more?" offered Kress. It wasn't something he wanted to offer necessarily, but they were making good time so far and Kress wasn't going force the issue if it was going to cause problems. 

Blue shook her head… but couldn't help it when a yawn escaped her mouth in the process. When it finally ended Blue's shoulders slumped forward in resignation. "Look, I don't want to be a dead weight on this team. I'm happy to force myself to stay awake… but yeah it seems like everything is catching up to me and I'm not necessarily handling it well. I can sleep when this is all over… but we've still got… how long do we have actually?" 

"About two hours still," said Kress. 

"Right that's better then I feared," stated Blue. 

"Look Blue," said Kress trying to work out how to put this delicately for a few seconds before a lightbulb went off in his head. He turned around and waved his arms at what he and Timmy had been working on. "No seriously LOOK Blue. This is what we've managed because of your help. Look at all the houses going up. They add a lot of character to this area. I'm going to put in a lake, and a park or two. I've got plans for the library, and you're free to add any building you think you can. But you don't NEED to. You've done well so far, and you can take an hours break if you think it will help," 

*Not that I want you to of course. There's still the entire ravine to draw up as well as planting the trees in the park, spreading some green sand over the ground to make it look like grass. Maybe add that in a few other random places as well. Maybe 'growing' from some of the cracks in the road? Something to think about I suppose. Anyway I guess I can just wait and see what she says.*

"No, I doubt it'll do me any good," said Blue with a sigh. *I'm glad to hear it. Probably not the best for Blue's health, but that doesn't mean I'm not glad to hear it. Her help will allow us to get so much more done.* "Gareth and Green didn't bother me ALL lunch break and if that wasn't enough for me to recover? Then I think I'm going to need a proper night's sleep. I'll just tough it out and try not to fall over again," 

"Just be careful. If you fall asleep just before the end Timmy and I might have to turn you into part of the exhibit," joked Kress. 

Blue laughed as well, "How would you even integrate me into the scene," 

Kress shrugged, "I guess it depends where you fell asleep? If it was just around town Timmy and I might make you a bed that just… is there for no reason. Or if you fall asleep in the trench I might see what I can do to imply that you falling down caused the trench or something. I don't know, it wasn't a proper plan. Though we did think of making you a bed of sand. Seemed like a bad idea after a bit of thought," 

Blue nodded and said, "Yeah probably. Not sure if I'd have woken up or not… but it doesn't sound particularly comfortable," 

"Well Timmy and I moved you away from the water, just in case. So I'm going to say chances are no," offered Kress. 

"Huh," Blue turned back to look at where she'd been laying down but it was impossible to tell. There wasn't any Blue shaped divots in the sand, and even if there were it would've been hard to see from this angle. "I didn't notice. Or at least, I don't think I did," said Blue. 

Blue shook her head. It wasn't important right now. The real question was, "What do you want me doing?" 

"Well… what do you want to be doing? You can mark down some roads and housing sections instead of me, you can get started on the library if you want. It won't be hard to explain how I'm thinking of building it. You could start carving little house into the walls in the trench. That part might take a bit of practice, but if you fail at the start it's fine. Um… you could look over the trees? I don't know why you would, but we've got little trees now. You could be in charge of placing them or something?" Kress said with a shrug. There was a plethora of things Blue could be doing. 

"Um… I do WANT to make my own fancy building… but I'm not sure I have a good design for it so I think I'll start with trying to carve out the walls of the cave then. Is that fine?" asked Blue. 

Kress nodded and said, "Of course. Perhaps try and leave space for little carved walkways. Timmy can probably manage them," 

Blue saluted like she'd seen Timmy do a few times at this point. "Got it chief!" 

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