Destroying My Own Novel

168 Chapter 167

Mykel went back to the hall with Loki and the others, he saw Ares and Hermes were still there and talking with Hera. Persephone looked a bit at ease after she spent time with Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite since they knew her pain after Hades decided to abandon her for no reason.

“Have you decided on what you’re going to do?” Mykel asked and stood in front of the table.

“Yes, we have decided on finding Hades but that also means we are going to face Nyx, Odin, and Thanatos. The worse case scenario would be we are going to fight against Lucifer himself,” Hera answered. “It’s not like facing Nyx isn’t worse enough,” Hera continued as she looked at the Gods and Goddesses who were having a feast.

Mykel walked toward the table and then sat on top of it while he stared at his watch. “You know there’s someone who’s strong enough to weaken her, right?” Mykel said as he looked at Hera.

“Are you talking about Ra? But I don’t think he would want to take a part in this,” Hera answered with her eyebrows raised. “Not to mention, we defeated most of the Gods and Goddesses from the same world as his. Although they’re all major Gods and Goddesses, there are only a few of them and they have been together ever since they joined the Constellation,”

Although the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses were only a few of them, Ra, the Sun God was so powerful compared to the other Gods and Goddesses. Ra could be a match even for Hyperion, the titan that personification as the Sun himself, and so he sat among Hera and the others on the Heptagon table.

“You have no other choice,” Mykel said and stared at Hera in the eye. “None of you here are close to Ra or the Gods and Goddesses from his world, even in this hall, there’s not a single God or Goddess from his world,” Mykel continued and looked at the feast.

“You want us to approach him?” Athena asked.

“If you want to bring Hades back, then yes,” Mykel nodded his head. “You should pay him a visit, and bring Eos, and Sol with you since they’re a part of the Sun Arcana faction,” Mykel looked at Hera and Loki.

Ares had been staring at Mykel ever since Mykel joined their discussion. “Do you think he’s going to help even if we ask him?” Ares asked with curiosity.

“That depends on how you approach him,” Mykel answered, he glanced at Loki and proceeded to walk toward him and stood behind him. “Ra is like Zeus and Odin, you need to show him some respect but unlike Zeus and Odin, he has something that other Gods and Goddesses don’t,” Mykel grabbed Loki’s shoulders from behind and it was the first time he decided to touch Loki.

Loki knew exactly why Mykel touched him and he smirked as he nodded his head with understanding.

“That’s it? I thought you know something that we don’t,” Ares raised his eyebrows and stared at Mykel who was standing behind Loki.

“Just go and meet him first, I will speak with Loki about what to do once you meet him,” Mykel answered and then he removed his hands from Loki because Loki’s slender body and his scent that smelt like a woman made him feel uneasy.

Hera took a deep breath and exhaled deeply as she stood up and looked at Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, and Loki. “Let’s go and meet with Ra, the sooner the better,” Hera said. “Let’s ask Ra to help us bring Hades back,”

“What about my father?” Thor asked.

“You don’t have to worry about our father, brother. He’s not our concern since he’s the all-father after all and he will be back whenever he wants. It’s a good thing that he’s not in Asgard since we are going to make you the new king,” Loki answered as he put his hand on Thor’s shoulder.

“Since we are going to help you guys take Hades back, do you think you can do me a favor?” Loki asked as he looked at Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.

“We can talk about it after we successfully bring Hades back, but sure, you can tell us what you want from us,” Hera answered and nodded her head.

Loki put his right hand on Thor’s back and pointed his left hand at Thor. “We might need more influence from you, so my brother here can take the throne,”

“I see what you mean, that won’t be a problem,” Hera nodded her head in agreement.

“Perfect! Then I will make sure that Ra is going to help us,” Loki smiled mischievously as he giggled in excitement.

“Since you guys can discuss this without me, I should go back now. I have been here for too long and I have to go back to clear the Samael Tower,” Mykel said as he looked at them. “Just tell me if you need any Arcana Coins, I will send them right away,”

All of them nodded with understanding and then Hera opened a portal for Mykel.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Mykel stopped in front of the portal. “When you guys encounter Nyx, I think it’s a great opportunity to deal with the rest of the Death Arcana faction,” Mykel said as he looked at them.

“Who’s going to lead them?” Hera asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

“Of course, it should be the one who’s going to take the throne,” Mykel answered as he looked at Hel with a smile on his face. “Keres, Apollo, and Dionysus should stay and help her. There’s no time to waste and wipe them all,” Mykel said as he looked at those three.

They nodded with understanding.

“Good, I wish you all good luck,” Mykel smiled and then entered the portal.

“How cunning,” Loki said as he giggled.

Mykel went back to the hotel room and saw the sun rising, he turned around and saw Jeanne was awake and looked at him with a surprised expression.

“Where did you come from? I saw you appeared from thin air,” Jeanne asked and looked so confused.

“I was with the other Gods and Goddesses, you should get used to it,” Mykel answered as he took off his blazer and shirt. “I’m going to take a shower, do you want to join me?”

Jeanne smiled and nodded then she removed her shirt in excitement and joined Mykel in the bathroom.

Mykel and the others flew to District 7 where the Samael Tower was, and at that point, Agnez, Edith, and Lillith knew about Jeanne who knew about Mykel because Jeanne told them about it.

“Look at those guys, showing off their new equipment,” Sven scoffed as he looked at Asmond, Kastor, and Enma’s armor and weapon.

“I’m still confused why you let them have it, Mykel,” Agnez asked and looked at Mykel.

“I wanted them to think that those gears will help them in the tower,” Mykel answered as he looked at Kastor. “Sooner or later, they will realize and learn that it’s not just about the equipment,” Mykel continued as he looked at the tower with a smirk on his face.

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