Destroying My Own Novel

252 Chapter 251

252 Chapter 251: A blue flame and a red flame.

A blue-skinned demoness with glowing yellow eyes and two giant horns pierced through the hood that she wore to cover her long curly dark blue hair. She wore so many accessories on her horns like rings and chains attached to each other.

The tattered robe that the demon wore covered her whole body. The only thing that was exposed were her face, hair, and horns. She was floating above Jeanne and the others as she smiled at them sinisterly.

Jeanne unsheathed her sword and dashed toward the demoness at the same time. She swung her sword upward at the demoness, but the demoness turned into blue flame and disappeared, leaving just ashes on Jeanne's face.

They looked around to find that demoness, but they couldn't find her anywhere until suddenly Jeanne screamed in pain. They turned around to look at Jeanne and the ashes that the demoness left behind bloomed into blue flames and burned Jeanne's skin.

Rozan wrapped Jeanne in water as he tried to extinguish the blue flames, but it was impossible to even for him to do that. He then covered Jeanne's burned skin with water and used the water to help her recover.

"Jeanne you can run away, I will protect you," Rozan said as Nagy and Edith looked around to protect him if the demoness decided to show up again.

Jeanne ran out of the water bubble and slid toward Rozan and the rest. Her skin went red like a lobster after being boiled, and she groaned in pain as she tried to not move so much.

"Spread out!" Nagy shouted to warn everyone as she looked at the sky.

Rozan looked up and a blue blaze went straight down toward them. "Run! I will hold it off as long as I can!" Rozan said as he created used earth, water, ice, and wind barriers on top of each other.

Everyone ran away as the blaze struck down all the barriers. It only slowed down the blaze for half a second, but it was enough for everyone to run away. Jeanne turned around and saw Rozan's whole body melted by the blaze with nothing remaining.

"Keep running! The fire is spreading and we will die if we stay here!" Jeanne shouted as she grabbed Nagy and Edith's wrists.

All of them didn't have the chance to process what happened, and they didn't have a single thought about Rozan's condition because they were all running for their lives. The only one who saw what had happened to Rozan was Jeanne, and she couldn't erase that memory forever.

(In the sixteenth floor)

Beldathiel, Zherlthsh, and Vixelleth stared at the river and the castle on top of the mountain. The three of them looked around and had no idea where the portal was, or where they should go.

"If it's a big number, show me the portal. If it's a small number, I will lose a head," Beldathiel said as she threw the dice to the ground.

It was six, and the portal appeared right in front of them.

"I should have done this earlier," Beldathiel said as she walked into the portal with the dice that were floating and following her from behind.

The three of them were standing inside a decrepit castle, but they didn't care about the state of the place, and Beldathiel started to roll her dice again to open a portal for her. She won again, and the portal appeared right in front of them.

The moment they entered the eighteenth floor, they were welcomed by the heat of the blue flames that devoured the forest and the hills in front of them.

"Find her, I will wait here," Beldathiel said as she grabbed the dice that floated over her right shoulder.

Zherlthsh and Vixelleth nodded with understanding, and then they pulled out their wings. They flew away and looked for Jeanne and the others, and it didn't take long, because they could hear the explosion from behind the hill.

"This is the end for us, isn't it?" One of the Awakeners asked as he ran for their lives and followed Jeanne from behind.

They ran as fast as they could, but then they realized the demoness stopped throwing fireballs at them. They looked around and lost sight of the demoness again. The first place they checked was the sky above them, but they couldn't find her there.

"Looking for me?" The demoness asked.

Everyone jolted and jumped away from the demoness since she suddenly appeared in the middle of the group. She started laughing frantically, and when they started to run, the path was blocked by blue walls of fire.

"You can't run away, let's play," The demoness said as she giggled mischievously.

Jeanne didn't hesitate to swing her sword at the demoness, and when the demoness caught the sword with her right bare hand. The demoness suddenly retracted her hand from the sword, and her palm made a sizzling sound and a cloud of black smoke came out from it.

"That sword," The demoness glared at the sword. "Looks like you stole it from that damned place. I can't let you live!" The demoness said as she turned into a raging blue flame and flew toward Jeanne.

Jeanne couldn't do anything, and her reflex was to cover her face with both arms.

Suddenly a terrific thud sound could be heard in front of Jeanne, and the ground shook a bit.

Jeanne opened her eyes and saw Zherlthsh in her black suit standing right in front of her, and she noticed that Zherlthsh's back suit was ripped. Everyone else was shocked when Zherlthsh managed to stop the blazing flame with a single red flame kick from the sky and made it disappear.

The blue walls of fire got extinguished, and they all looked at Vixelleth who walked casually toward them.

"Looks like we made it in time," Vixelleth said with her arms crossed.

"Miss Vix! Miss Zeth!" Edith was surprised to see both of them inside a tower.

"It's better for all of you to leave, she's no match for all of you," Zherlthsh said as she rubbed off the blue flame on her heel. "Let us handle her," Zherlthsh continued.

Jeanne ordered everyone to follow her, and they all nodded with understanding.

They were hiding in the dead forest and saw both Zherlthsh and Vixelleth standing next to each other as they stared up into the sky.

A giant ball of blue flame came down and struck the ground in front of Zherlthsh and Vixelleth. It created a heat wave, and it traveled to where Jeanne and the others were hiding. They knew it was too late to run away from it, but suddenly a wall of water blocked the heat wave and protected them from it.

The demoness glared at those two with wide wings made of blue flames on her back. The demoness looked furious, but both Zherlthsh and Vixelleth just casually stared back at her.

"How long had it been? Two hundred years?" The demoness asked Vixelleth.

"I don't remember, and we are not that close so I don't really care," Vixelleth answered.

The demoness giggled as she covered her mouth with her right hand.

"The two youngest sisters are here. Do you really think you can defeat me?" The demoness asked.

"We are not the same as the last time you saw us. We gained a new power because we serve a powerful master," Zherlthsh answered.

The demoness grinned with her eyes wide open as she stared at both of them with excitement. "Then show me what you got!" The demoness flew toward Zherlthsh.

Zherlthsh copied the demoness by making wings made of dark red fire on her back. They both started to throw punches at each other and burned each other with their own colored fire.

They both flew away as they kept throwing punches and kicks at each other. Jeanne and the others were watching those two fighting in the sky. It was terrifying and beautiful at the same time because it looked like fireworks from the ground.

"Not bad!" The demoness said as she blocked Zherlthsh's right punch. "But not good enough!" The demoness continued and started to burn Zherlthsh's whole right arm with a blue flame.

"I will burn you to ashes and bring you back to Gehenna!" The demoness said as she blocked Zherlthsh's left punch.

"I'm your older sister, Glasya, the daughter of the prince of hell, Asmodeus! I was born from fire, and your fire is nothing compared to mine!" Glasya said as she grabbed Zherlthsh's face and brought her down to the ground, then slammed her really hard.

Zherlthsh let out a loud cry of pain as she grabbed her face in an attempt to stop the pain.

"And you will be next, Vixelleth!" Glasya furiously said and glared at Vixelleth.

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