Destroying My Own Novel

262 Chapter 261

262 Chapter 261: Muzon, Second Demon Lord of Astaroth.

Muzon drew Asmond's sword and readied his stance as Sibrand walked away to distance himself from the fight.

"Don't break my sword," Agnez said as she stared at Asmond from the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, I won't block his attack. I'll be careful not to break your sword," Asmond nodded with understanding.

Gunnar and Enma stood at the front, readied their stance with spare shields on their backs. They knew that eventually, their shields would break because Asmond's sword was special and could cut their shields easily like butter.

Asmond used [Nemesis] skill, but then he furrowed his eyebrows as he canceled his skill.

"Wait!" Asmond said as he looked at the notification in front of him. "He's not Muzon, his name is Renske Deventer," Asmond continued as he looked at Agnez.

"Renske?" Cristian asked with a shocked expression.

Everyone turned around to look at Cristian.

"You know him?" Agnez asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Renske is not a man, she's a woman, and she's one of our friends that was taken away by Sibrand," Cristian answered.

Everyone was so confused, but then Lillith walked toward Agnez and Asmond. She pulled Agnez so she could whisper into Agnez's ear. Asmond tried to join in and could hear what Lillith she was whispering about to Agnez.

"Don't look up, it's better if you take him by surprise," Lillith said as she stared at both of them.

"I think it's better if you're the one who handles him. I will take care of Renske, and the moment I got my sword back, I will help you out," Asmond said as he looked at Agnez.

"Alright, inform the others to focus on her," Agnez said as she held her sword so tightly.

Asmond and Lillith informed the others, and once they all knew the plan, they readied their stances and waited for Asmond's order.

Lillith saw everything from Sibrand's memories about Muzon and what kind of Demon Lord he was. Muzon was a manipulator, but he was also called a puppeteer that used human bodies for his experiments.

Muzon had the ability to control them with strings and made them speak and move as he would. Sibrand wasn't actually being controlled by him since he had become Muzon's aide while Renske was being controlled by Muzon.

"Let's go!" Asmond said.

Renske swung her sword around, and then she dashed forward leaving a trail of dirt and dust. Cristian was shocked by how strong she became and it felt and looked so bizarre that she had that kind of strength.

Renske aimed the sword at Enma and immediately swung her sword down vertically at Enma. Enma held the shield with both hands and hoped that the sword was sturdy enough to block Asmond's sword.

The moment Asmond's sword struck Enma's shield, it made a cracking sound from the top of her shield. The sword cut the shield in half as easily as Enma expected, and luckily she held the shield on the sides rather than wrapping her wrist in the shield or she would lose her arm.

Gunnar used the opportunity to bash Renske with his shield on the helmet. It was enough to knock her back. Asmond and Lillith used the opportunity to attack her.

Lillith slid down in between Gunnar's legs as Asmond jumped above Enma's head. Lillith looked for unprotected spots on Renske's legs and found an opening in her crotch. She stabbed Renske's crotch with her daggers and dragged her daggers down to her thighs.

Asmond saw Renske's wrists and was ready to cut them off, but she knew what he was trying to do and swung her sword upward diagonally. Asmond spun his body to dodge the slash and immediately swung his sword toward Renske's left wrist.

Asmond and Lillith rolled over and then readied their stance again right behind Renske. They both saw Agnez use the shield on Gunnar's back as a stepping stone, and then she jumped so high as she swung her sword to create a projectile attack.

A black gooey liquid came out of the sky and poured down into the ground. A scream could be heard from the sky, and then suddenly a giant black robe floating above Agnez appeared. A giant mask that could move and make weird expressions appeared in the middle of the black robe.

"You think we don't know?" Agnez asked with a smirk.

"Agnez!" Asmond shouted from down below.

Agnez looked down and saw that Asmond had already got his sword back. She landed next to Asmond and grabbed his breastplate immediately.

"Up you go, and aim for the mask," Agnez said as she threw Asmond up into the sky toward Muzon.

Asmond used his [Nemesis] skill, and this time the target's name was Muzon. He didn't hesitate to use it as he flew toward him. He then stabbed his sword at Muzon's mask, and the mask started making weird faces as it started making a loud growl.

Asmond was free-falling, and suddenly Agnez flew up right next to him with two swords in her hands. Her sword was covered in [Hellfire] while the Dainsleif wasn't, and then she swung both of them at Muzon's mask.

Muzon flew around, but he was slowly descending and ended up on the ground with the mask burning in [Hellfire]. Sibrand who watched his master dying decided to leave, but when he tried to take a step back, something blocked him.

"Planning to leave?" Lillith's voice could be heard from behind him.

Sibrand turned around, but for some reason, he couldn't move his body anymore. When he looked down, his head was off his body and was on top of Lillith's daggers. He looked at Lillith and saw her sinister smile as she chuckled, and then his vision went blurry as he heard his body fall to the ground.

Lillith dropped the head and kicked the head away from her.

"What are you waiting for? Go and finish him," Agnez said as she looked at Asmond.

Asmond walked toward Muzon and watched him try to fly, but he couldn't because of the [Hellfire] burning his robe. Asmond looked at him up close and looked at the cracked mask. He stabbed the mask as hard as he could, and then the mask shattered into pieces.

[You have cleared the twentieth floor of Astaroth Tower]

[You are the first to clear the twentieth floor]

[Please enter your name]

[The blue portal to your original world is now open!]

Asmond was busy staring at Muzon, and suddenly he heard the screams of multiple voices coming from behind him. The screams were coming from behind Renske's helmet, and he was curious about what had happened to her.

Gunnar grabbed Renske's arm that Asmond had cut off, and tried to put it back so he could heal her.

"I don't think she wants that, Gunnar," Lillith said.

Everyone looked at Lillith with confused looks on their faces.

"Kill me..." Renske said quietly. "Please, kill me..." Renske's voice trembled.

"Renske, what are you talking about?" Cristian asked as he walked toward her.

"Don't! Don't come near me, Cris!" Renske yelled.

Cristian and his friends were so confused and decided to stop walking toward her.

"Anyone, please kill me!" Renske looked around as she still wore her helmet. She didn't bother by her missing arm at all.

Renske's request was unheard of because nobody wanted to kill her, except for one person. Agnez walked toward her and didn't hesitate to stab Renske in the chest with Dainsleif.

"What are you doing?!" Cristian yelled with his cracked voice in shock and disbelief.

"Thank you, but you have to kill them as well," Renske said as she grabbed Agnez's hand that she used to stab her.

Renske fell to the ground and drowned in her own blood while Agnez looked at her with a confused look.

"You want your answer? You can remove her helmet if you want the answer," Lillith said as she stared at Cristian.

Cristian carefully removed Renske's helmet, and he was petrified by what he saw. There were multiple faces that sewed together, the left eye and the right eye had different eye colors. The hair had different colors on each part, the skin tones were different as well.

Renske opened her eyes widely and started screaming at Cristian.

"It hurts!" Renske yelled and made Cristian jolt and jump away from her.

Agnez walked toward Renske and decided to stab her in the brain to kill her permanently.

"Wh-what was that?!" Cristian asked. "That's not Renske,"

"They're your friends. Combined into one," Lillith answered.

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