Destroying My Own Novel

274 Chapter 273

274 Chapter 273: Kastihel World. (3)

"Watch out!" Gunnar said as he walked to the front with his shield ready.

Gunnar blocked the demon, and he got knocked back a bit, but he managed to overpower the demon's power. He then pushed the demon away from him, and when Agnez and Jeanne wanted to swing their swords at the demon, it flew up high and hid in the tree.

Before they could process what had just happened, the demon came out of the tree again from the same hole that he had made. This time, Agnez was ready, but before she could swing her sword, Gerrard had already shot his arrow and pierced through the demon's head.

"No!" The demon let out a long scream as he tried to remove the arrow from his head. "My master, lend me your strength," The demon said as he struggled to survive the [Hellfire] flame.

The [Hellfire] flame suddenly got extinguished, and the demon stopped struggling as he started to chuckle mischievously. Rozan and Gerrard were surprised when they saw the [Hellfire] got extinguished because even Rozan couldn't do it.

The demon grew larger as the robe expanded and the hood he wore slowly revealed his face. There wasn't a face. It was just a skull with glowing red eyes with flames behind his eyes.

"My master has gifted me power, and now you will die like how all of them die!" The demon said, and suddenly screams of spirits in agony could be heard around the castle.

The spirits that they had released were being resummoned by the demons. He then lit the spirits with flames, and all the spirits started to fly around aimlessly.

"Hear me! Kill the intruders and you will be forgiven!" The demon said with his arms wide open.

All the spirits turned into fireballs and became vengeful spirits. They all flew toward Agnez and the others so swiftly that it was almost impossible to hit them. The moment the spirits touched the ground, they lit the grass and the ground on fire.

"Spread out!" Asmond said to his team.

"It's not magic?" Lillith asked Rozan.

"It's not, I tried but nothing happened," Rozan answered as he shook his head.

Alberta blessed Brynhilde's swords, and then she blessed the others as fast as she could. She put a holy barrier around her to protect herself from vengeful spirits. She then tried to purify the spirits that were close to her, but they reappeared from beneath the demon's robe.

"It's better if you guys deal with that demon because these souls somehow can be brought back again. So don't waste your time killing those spirits!" Alberta said as she looked at Brynhilde, Agnez, and Jeanne.

"Thanks for the heads up as always, Alberta," Brynhilde said as she looked at the demon floating near the tree. "Let's do this, Jeanne, Agnez," Brynhilde looked at the two of them.

"No, you guys take care of that demon. I will handle the spirits," Agnez said as she stabbed her sword on the ground with the [Hellfire] emblazed on her sword. "There's something that I wanted to test," Agnez continued as she stared at the [Hellfire].

Jeanne and Brynhilde looked at Agnez for a moment, and then they decided to leave her be. They both ran toward the demon with Gunnar protecting them from the spirits.

Jeanne didn't want to catch the spirits with her sword because she felt like it wasn't the right thing to do. It felt like those spirits were trapped in this world, and wanted to set them free rather than trapping them in another place.

"Alright! You guys can use my shield as a stepping stone, and I will boost you guys up there," Gunnar said as he lifted his shield, and put it above his head. "I'm ready whenever you guys are!" Gunnar continued.

Jeanne and Brynhilde jumped to Gunnar's shield.

"Three... Two... One... Boost us up!" Jeanne said as she bent her knees, and jumped as high as she could while at the same time Gunnar pushed his shield up with both hands.

"Go and aim the head, I will give you an extra boost!" Brynhilde said as she grabbed Jeanne's right arm and then threw Jeanne further up.

The arrow was still stuck in the demon's skull as Jeanne focused on aiming the demon's head. Unfortunately, she couldn't reach the demon's head, but then Brynhilde slashed her sword onto the demon's body.

It was their only chance because the demon was busy controlling the spirits. The demon suddenly screamed in pain, and it made Jeanne a bit confused until she saw Brynhilde stick her sword onto the demon's stomach and making him lean his body down and made him look down.

The demon was surprised when he saw Jeanne ready to swing her sword at him. The demon immediately swung his right hand to get rid of her, but she used that opportunity to cut his hand off.

The robe flapped and prevented Jeanne from cutting the demon's head. The demon then flew away and got rid of Brynhilde at the same time.

They both landed next to Gunnar with frustrated looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry, I messed up," Jeanne said.

"It's alright, we can try again when he comes out," Brynhilde replied.

While they both were waiting for the demon to come out, suddenly a very hot wind hit their backs. They turned around and saw Agnez's upper body was covered in [Hellfire].

The [Hellfire] was being reshaped and it resembled Mazikeen's demon form with the wings made of [Hellfire] on her back. She looked at her hands with a smirk, but the [Hellfire] fought back, and she was being burned alive.

The heatwave was too much for everyone to get too close to her, and Rozan tried to extinguish the wild [Hellfire]. It was all futile, and everyone watched Agnez struggle to put down the fire, and suddenly a strong gust of chill wind struck Agnez as if someone had blown the flame out.

"What were you trying to do?" Mykel asked as he walked toward Agnez and removed his blazer.

Agnez had nothing to cover her upper body and immediately covered her breast with her arms.

"Put these on," Mykel said as he offered his shirt and blazer.

It was Asmond's first time, and everyone else's as well, to see Mykel's body tattoos. Roxanne grabbed her phone and stealthily took a photo of Mykel's naked torso.

Agnez put them on after Mykel healed her burned skin.

"You're not strong enough to handle the Hellfire, so don't do anything stupid," Mykel said.

"Jeanne! He's coming back!" Gunnar shouted.

Jeanne turned around and saw the demon fly toward her with his flaming skull and hands. She didn't want to waste another chance and activated [Harmony], and everything started to move so slowly around her.

Jeanne dashed forward with her sword held high, cutting the demon's head clean off in one fell swoop. She then cut the demon's body in half as it fell to the ground with a loud thud, sending dust flying everywhere.

The spirits stopped attacking them, and the flames on their bodies disappeared the moment the demon died. Those spirits had grim expressions, and they all looked guilty for attacking them.

The swan song could be heard again from all around the castle, and the spirits were closing their eyes. They were humming the melodies, and slowly all of them descended and circled around the tree.

Mykel closed his eyes and enjoyed the song because it was one of his favorite songs of all time. Unfortunately, on the Earth he was living on, they didn't have that song. There were lots of things that he never thought he would miss, and one of them was music.

Gunnar opened the book and found a new page.

"Guys, there's a new page," Gunnar said.

Everyone immediately walked toward him to listen to the diary. Mykel on the other hand walked toward the tree and sat down under the shade as he leaned on the tree since he wanted to listen to the song peacefully.

"Lord Delenise, you were the most kindest and gentle person that we know. Your kindest was the reason why we followed you and would do anything for you. But why? Why would you sacrifice yourself for the greed of our king?" Gunnar said as he turned the page.

"When we saw that corrupt and vile Minister Kilneg hung you, your beautiful wife that we admired, and your lovely children that we adored under the Aon Tree that you loved so much. We couldn't help but raise our weapons to fight for justice!" Gunnar continued.

"People said that we were foolish, but we had no reason to live because of our loyalty to our Lord Delenise, and that was something that they wouldn't understand," Gunnar flipped the page again.

"Yes, we were foolish, but a fool always follows their heart. But in the end, I wasn't only a fool, but a coward as well. I redeemed myself and live to tell the tale of this sickening world that I was living in," Gunnar said, and it was the last page that he could read.

Gunnar grabbed and pulled out the drawing and showed the wilted flower with four petals on the table.

"Benustrus, eight hundred thirty-two," Gunnar said as he looked at the back of the drawing.

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