Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 187: The confrontation of 2 species!

[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

After the wolves and the rat tide confronted each other for a while, it was Bob and a group of new humans who broke the situation.

Under the desire to survive, they all wanted to drive several heavy tanks to escape from this area.

The rough roar of the heavy tank's engines was rumbling, but neither side paid any attention to it.

Because in the eyes of the Alien Lemming King and Su Lin, these heavy tanks can be easily destroyed, so they are not worth paying attention to at all.

With the senses and speed of Su Lin and the alien lemming king, even if these heavy tanks escaped a hundred miles ahead of time, it would not help.

At this time, in this cold ice field, the wolves and the rat tide were still confronting each other, and the arrogance of both sides was rising rapidly.

In the end, when Bob and several other heavy tanks fled to the edge, the alien lemming king finally couldn't stand the boundless sense of oppression brought by the opposite white wolf.

It roars!


With the addition of the talent's sound wave, the sharp and long howl swept towards the wolves like a rolling brain-filling magic sound!

This sound wave swept through the rat wave, not only did not cause the rat wave to be traumatized, but it also made the bloodthirsty light in the eyes of ordinary lemmings even more powerful, and the arrogance of the terrifying rat wave also increased again!


Countless lemmings chirped even more frantically, and this chirping made the rolling sound waves even more massive!





Under the sound waves of the alien lemming king, the bulge and the ice pile were destroyed and torn apart, and dense cracks appeared in the thick ice layer.

Even if Bob and the others came to the edge of the confrontation between the two sides, they were still touched by this sound wave.

But just when the sound wave was about to overturn several heavy tanks, an unprecedented wolf howl like thunder on the ground suddenly appeared in the sky above this cold area!


This wolf howl cannot describe its unprecedented power, nor can it describe its sonic speed!

It can't even be called a sound wave, because it is too much faster than the speed of sound!

Last come first!

Surin's Sirius Xiaoyue was later than the alien lemming king's talent, but the speed of the sound waves was too fast!

Ten times the speed of sound, more than three thousand meters per second!

Surin standing on the ice wall was more than 2,000 meters away from Rat Tide.

But at the speed of howling wolves, before even a second had passed, they collided violently with the sound waves of the alien lemming king!


The huge impact of the sound waves spread in the middle of the confrontation between the rat wave and the wolf pack!

This extreme impact caused the three affected heavy tanks to shatter in an instant, and more than ten new humans among them were directly shattered into blood mist!

Only two heavy tanks on the edge were blown away by the terrifying sound waves one after the other!

After the two heavy tanks flew hundreds of meters away, they landed with a bang, stirring up countless pieces of ice!

After the heavy tank of the new human team was cleared in an instant, the two rolling sound waves still collided violently in mid-air!

Rolling sound waves, wave after wave exploded under the cold sky!

The sonic talent of the alien lemming king is undoubtedly very strong, if it is not strong, it will not be able to compete with Sulin's wolf howl.

But very soon, in the dark night sky where Su Lin was, under the talent of howling wolf, a phantom of a lake began to be outlined!

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

A vast and boundless Sirius is howling at the full moon!

This long howling sound seemed to shatter the full moon.

After the ghost image of Sirius Howling Moon was outlined, dark blue fluorescence with dots of light slipped from the night sky and entered the body of the wolves under Su Lin's command!

At this moment, all the wolves felt their bodies warm,

Even the alien species of the level of little lone wolf and little gray have enhanced their attribute values ​​in all aspects!

As for the ordinary wolves under his command, the numerical attributes of all aspects have been enhanced more obviously!

The fangs and claws of ordinary wolves have become sharper, the flesh and hair have become thicker and firmer, and the bones in the body have become tougher!

The phantom of Sirius Xiaoyue greatly increased the strength of the wolves in an instant.

Originally, the overall strength of the wolf clan was at level six or seven, but now with the addition of the phantom of Sirius Xiaoyue, they have at least reached level eight or nine!

The already high morale of the wolves was completely burned under the phantom shadow of Sirius Xiaoyue!





Many wolves began to howl after the wolf king under the increasing strength of the boiling body!

The howling of wolves overwhelmed the sharp chirping of the rat tide on the opposite side.

And after the phantom of Sirius Howling Moon was outlined, Su Lin's wolf howling sound wave also reached the strongest!


In the last wave of sound wave collision, the sound waves of the alien lemming king were completely defeated!

The tyrannical wolf howling sound wave also swept towards the rat wave, and took away the lives of countless lemmings with bloodthirsty expressions in their eyes in one wave!

The tyrannical howling sound waves are many times more terrifying than the high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs of Bob and other new human teams, just like a ruthless life harvester!

A large number of lemmings died, and the killing range of Sirius Xiaoyue was as high as 50 kilometers!

Even though the farther the distance, the weaker the killing power, but the vitality of ordinary lemmings is too fragile.

Even if the talent of howling wolves is reduced to the weakest, it is not something they can bear at all!

Under this terrifying howl of wolves, tens of thousands of densely packed lemmings were turned into **** of blood mist and minced meat by this roar!


The alien lemming king tried to use his talent of cracking the air again to increase and stop Sulin's slaughter of rats under his command.

But it didn't help at all.

Its A-level splitting talent was too slow, and before it could make a sound, Sirius Xiaoyue's ten-fold talent shattered nearly a million densely packed lemmings around the alien lemming king into blood mist!

Originally, the alien lemming king thought that its sonic talent was so powerful that it could crack gold and stone.

But today I discovered that the sound wave of this white wolf's howl is even more terrifying.

With the roar of the white wolf, the rat swarm with a radius of 30 to 40 kilometers was almost completely wiped out!

Just one sound wave collided, and nearly a million lemmings under its command were shocked to death by the white wolf.

The alien lemming king is heartbroken!

Because even with the fecundity of a lemming group, it would take half a month and a lot of food consumption to reproduce a swarm of nearly a million lemmings.

[To be honest, I have recently followed up, changed sources, and have many voices for reading aloud. Both Android and Apple are available for .huanyuanapp. 】

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

Even the eyes of the remaining lemmings were filled with horror and fear.

But facing the threat of the white wolf, the alien lemming king gave another sharp and long howl before he could feel his heartache for a moment.

The bloodthirsty look in the eyes of the other lemmings also became a bit more intense, which suppressed the horror and fear in the eyes.

Then the rat wave also quickly separated under the call command of the alien lemming king. Only by separating can the sonic damage be reduced to the weakest.

Then the Rat Tide began to rely on the superiority of numbers to surround the wolves in all directions.

This is what the alien lemming king has come up with, and it is the best way to counter the talent of the white wolf howling.

As for the alien lemming king's talent sound wave, he once again had several head-to-head decisive battles with Sulin's wolf howling sound wave in this cold arctic ice field.

The sonic talent of the alien lemming king has reached level A, and it is second only to him among the many alien species that Surin encountered.

But still too weak!

How can the A-level splitting talent compete with the S-level Sirius Xiaoyue?

The current s-level Sirius Xiaoyue sound wave already has 70% of Su Lin's current attack power.

Seventy percent of Su Lin's attack power, even without opening the hunting talent, has reached a force of more than ten tons.

This kind of force combined with the pervasive sound waves, at close range, even the bones and internal organs of the alien species will be shattered under the roar!





The tyrannical sonic impact resounded through the cold arctic ice sheet.

It was nearly 100 degrees below zero, and the hard ice layer that had been frozen for an unknown period of time also exploded a lot in this fierce collision.

Shards of ice flew and sea water splashed in all directions.

In this sonic collision, even though the rat tide spread out, some lemmings were still crushed by the aftermath of the impact.

After all, the vitality of lemmings is still too fragile. With the aftermath of terror spreading, death can only be their final destination.

In this tyrannical sound wave collision, the alien lemming king was also under the tyrannical sound wave of Sirius Howling Moon by Sulin. He was so shocked that he only felt pain in his internal organs and flesh.

Even though the teeth were clenched tightly in the pair of sharp mouths, there were still traces of blood overflowing.

There is no doubt that in this sonic duel, the alien lemming king suffered a lot!

In its pair of small eyes, there is some madness, but also some shock and anger!

It never expected that after hundreds of days and nights of hiding in the dark and gloomy snow cave and developing in obscurity, it still lost to this white wolf!



It also has an entire colony of lemmings to support!

Could it be that millions of lemmings are no match for the terrifying growth of this white wolf?

Or is it less effort?

The alien lemming king couldn't accept this ending, and more ferocious arrogance and fighting spirit rose from its small eyes.

It can fight again!

This is just a sonic duel, it doesn't represent anything!

It also has an overwhelming rat wave under its command, and it also has a more powerful talent that has not been used.

At the same time, the alien lemming king could feel the chilling killing intent of the white wolf not far away had locked on him.

The killing intent was so intense that every cell in the alien lemming king's body was stimulated into the strongest state of combat readiness.

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

This strong killing intent also means today's battle, it and this white wolf are destined to die here!

Under this kind of stimulation, the alien lemming king screamed even more sharply.

The momentum on the huge body of eight or nine meters has also risen to become more and more domineering and crazy!


Since one of them is destined to die between it and the white wolf, why can't it be the white wolf's blood staining the ice field?

Following the frenzied cry of the alien lemming king again, the surviving rat tide and the wolves under Sulin's command completely confronted each other.

In terms of individual strength, even the arctic fox, the weakest among the wolves, far surpassed the lemmings.

It's just that there are too many rat swarms. Even though Su Lin's sound waves of Sirius Howling Moon just now killed at least one-third of the lemmings, the rat swarm is still densely packed at nearly four to five million.

Four to five million may not sound like a lot, but it is unheard of for such a rat swarm to gather in a cold region like the Arctic where food is expensive and scarce.

Because of such a terrifying rat swarm, the food they need every day is huge.

This is also the rat tide that devoured the herbivore population in the wolf pack's territory, devouring thousands of Twolegs,

Then the alien lemming king led the swarm of rats without stopping, and rushed to this area with pure energy.

It is not only for itself, but also to alleviate the food problem of millions of rats under its command.

You must know that the rat swarm was on the way, and even forcibly gnawed off a layer of the ice layer, so you can imagine how hungry they are.

In the rat tide who was extremely hungry and had the talent bonus of the alien lemming king, seeing the charging wolves,

There was no fear in the pair of bloodthirsty eyes, on the contrary, there was excitement and desire to see the food.

And the monstrous pack of wolves gathered together, facing the lemmings at the bottom of the food chain in the icy and snowy world, even has the belief that they must kill!

How can such a group of weak and dirty mice be compared with wolves in their eyes?

Do you really think that gathering together and rushing over in a swarm is a group battle?

Do you really think that relying on the large number, you can be unscrupulous?

You must know that lemmings have always been abundant in the Arctic ice sheet, but no matter how numerous they are, they can only be used as rations for hunters from all walks of life!

Today's battle is no exception!







The different species under the command of the Sulin wolves all screamed and commanded the members of their respective command after the start of the war.

Countless alien races, wolf tribes, and bear tribes also frantically slaughtered rats after entering the war.

With the sound of Red Tail's cry, the mental power was activated, and the powerful mental power also wiped out all the damage caused by the rat tide.

These weak lemmings, who only knew that they were fighting desperately under the orders of the Lemming King, couldn't even make a miserable cry, and died under the fluctuation of terrifying mental power.

Nighthawk led more than 20 alien species, and even killed them in the rat wave!

The same is true of the elite wolf clan led by Xiao Hui.

On the one hand, the little lone wolf led his wolf clan to divide the battlefield, causing the huge rat swarm to fall into chaos, and on the other hand, he was still killing one after another of the alien lemmings in the rat swarm whose size exceeded the limit!

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

A ferocious gleam flashed in Xiaodu's wolf The alien lemming in the Land of Adventures had only one lemming, and it didn't let it kill the wolves under its command. Rat Tide happened to satisfy his regret!

Attack in an all-round way, bloom at multiple points, divide the battlefield, and decapitate the alien species!

The hunting tactics that the wolves have perfected for thousands of years are also displayed in this forest of ice and snow.

There are also hundreds of female wolves led by the cousin, which are used as restraints to interfere with the rat tide, preventing the rat tide from attacking Little Gray, Little Lone Wolf, Red Tail and so on.

The bear clan under Xiao Bai's command, because they don't have the bonus of the wolf king Sirius Xiaoyue, and they are bulky, once they are possessed by the rat tide, they may not be able to get rid of them at all.

Therefore, Xiaobai just led the bear clan, hunting and killing the wandering lemmings at the very edge.

Now that the wolves and rats are colliding fiercely on the Arctic ice sheet, no one knows what the final outcome will be?

But the confrontation between the two species will determine which side is the real master of this arctic ice sheet in the future!

In the fierce battle between the rat wave and the wolves, Su Lin's peak speed was fully activated, and he rushed towards the upright alien lemming king.

When the alien lemming king saw the white wolf charging with a sonic boom, the mad and ferocious arrogance on his body became more intense.

Let's fight!

Let's fight!

Isn't the development of hundreds of people hiding in snow caves day and night just for the present?

It has been suppressed by this terrifying white wolf for too long, and it has been too long to look forward to this hearty battle!



At this time, the sharp chirping of the lemmings and the loud howling of the wolves intertwined together under the dark night sky.

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