Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 39: New harvest.

Xiao Hui finished eating,

Climbing to the side of the little gray wolf, he also began to sleep,

For a moment, the cave fell into silence.


the next day.

Su Lin rested his eyes in the cave all night,

After waking up, first patrol around the cave every day,

No surprises,

With a low howl, he brought Xiao Hui down from the cave.


Under the pitch-black polar night, the wolf father and mother must also be short of food.

Su Lin originally wanted to take the rest of the fish meat to Wolf Father and Mother Wolf.

but when you wake up,

Seeing the wolf girl sleeping, she was still drooling beside the arctic salmon.

This made him give up the plan.

After all, there are huge ice sheets and the Arctic Ocean, just go and catch some more.

Su Lin took Xiaohui and went to the ice layer again.

Along the way, let Xiaohui hunt a few lemmings as bait for the blood to spread,

Xiao Hui is already considered a good hand at hunting lemmings.

No need to explain too much.


A few lemming corpses were brought to Su Lin as if Xiao Hui was asking for credit.


He and Xiaohui came to the Arctic ice once again,

Arctic Circle,

The land occupies only a small part,

The largest area is the ice sheet.

There is white snow and ice everywhere.

It is also a paradise for various living creatures.

On the ice layer, the beautiful aurora flickers faintly.

This time, there are many living creatures on the ice layer.

Seals, sea lions, and birds flying around the sea.

Many birds migrated before the arrival of the polar night,

Therefore, there are not many of these flying birds, and they are rare under the polar night.

For these prey,

Su Lin glanced at it, then looked away.

Because it is not good for hunting,

Being able to survive under the polar night means that they are very vigilant.

Surin looked around, but found no sign of the polar bear.

He asked Xiao Hui to stand aside to be vigilant.

Then came to a mouth of ice and began to prepare to continue fishing.

The meat of fish, even if the wolf father and mother are in this area, they have never tasted it for many years.

The Arctic Ocean is rich in herring and cod,

It's just that the fish that are attracted by the smell of blood are all ferocious fish.

Su Lin ripped open the lemming brought by Xiao Hui with sharp wolf claws, and the lemming's surface was scratched with blood.

Then it was thrown into the mouth of the ice layer.

The strong breath of blood suddenly spread.

Under the vast Arctic Ocean, there are countless fish.

After a while, several fish attracted by blood appeared.

These fish are not small in size.

It is forty or fifty centimeters long, and the largest one looks sixty or seventy centimeters.

These fish are scrambling to devour the corpse of the lemming.

even the largest of them all,

With a flick of his tail, he knocked an arctic salmon aside.

It wants to have this delicacy to itself.

But in a short time, the fish that could be found following the smell of blood were all fierce.

for a while,

Several fish under the ice began to fight each other for food.

For this scene, Su Lin,

Just watching quietly, waiting for the best time.


The largest fish took away several fish,

It bared its sharp fangs and bit the dead lemming.

At this time, Su Lin's eyes also flashed a gleam.

The sharp wolf paw of the right claw shines out from the fur.

Then he ruthlessly grabbed at the fish closest to the mouth of the ice layer.

wolf paws into the water,

The sea ripples and shakes.

Su Lin already had previous experience, and this time the capture went smoothly.

The wolf's claws pierced fiercely. The belly of this fish does not have many scales.

Then with a violent lift, the fish with a height of sixty to seventy centimeters was pulled up.

Out of the sea, no matter how the fish struggles, it is a foregone conclusion.

After several fierce slaps, the fish became silent.

This is also a pike, but smaller than yesterday's one.


The fish under the ice had already scattered.

But Su Lin disemboweled a lemming again and threw it into the sea.

Yu'er's memory is rumored to be only seven seconds.

In fact, the memory is not so short.

The few fish just now knew that there was danger here, so they didn't swim over again.

But Su Lin was not in a hurry,

Because the Arctic Ocean is the most indispensable fish.

At this time, Su Lin looked up at the vast ice layer,

It was found that in addition to some animals that lived on the ice, there were also a lot of marine debris.

Marine debris floating in the oceans,

Floating to the Arctic Ocean, after encountering the ice layer,

As if entering a dead end, they piled up here.

Su Lin glanced at the lemming's body, and saw that no fish had been attracted.

Then he set off to the outermost edge of the ice layer and looked at the marine debris.

There are many types of garbage,

Most of them are plastic bags, cigarette butts, foam blocks, fishing nets and glass bottles.

For these marine debris,

Su Lin pulled it a few times, and pulled out a fairly complete small fishing net.

This fishing net can be used to hold the caught fish.


Simply using their mouths, he and Xiao Hui can catch at most two or three fish in one trip.

If there is a fishing net, you can catch more.

Take the fishing net and go back to the mouth of the ice layer where the lemming's body was thrown.

Su Lin took a look and found that after a while, there were two new arctic salmon.

It happened that one of them was very close to the mouth of the ice layer.

This fish was also biting the dead lemming.

without hesitation,

The sharp wolf claws flashed a cold light under the light of the aurora.

into the sea,

Su Lin directly caught this small salmon that was only 30 to 40 centimeters long.

Then thrown into the fishing net.

at this time,

The rest of the animals on the ice,

Looking at Su Lin's actions, he was a little confused.

I am very curious, why the fish caught are put into the broken net?

Of course, UU Reading

Their IQs may never be able to understand what a tool is.

At this time, Su Lin also threw the pike he caught earlier into the fishing net.


At the mouth of the ice,

Continue to wait for the fish that are lured over.

This traditional fishing method,

For the current Surin, it is still very effective.

In less than two hours,

The hunt ran out of lemming bait.

Su Lin also successfully harvested seven fish of different sizes.

The largest of them is the pike that was just caught.

This pike also weighs about thirty catties.

The rest of the fish are salmon from 30 to 50 centimeters,

There are also forty catties,

Add up a total of more than 70 catties of fish,

If you want to bring these fish meat to wolf parents and mothers as a meeting gift, it will definitely give them a big surprise.


After the bait was used up, Su Lin let out a low howl,

Xiaohui is just **** and ready to catch the fish,


paw down,

Su Lin didn't let Xiao Hui hold a single fish, but began to teach Xiao Hui to hold a fishing net.

Sometimes, for animals living in nature,

It is often harsher to make them remember something faster.


Xiao Hui, whose IQ is much higher than that of ordinary wolves, after being taught by Su Lin several times,

Learned to drag the fishing net.

And I was also surprised to find that it only needs to hold such a small network cable, and all the fish will follow.

This seemed to have opened up a new world view in Little Gray's head.

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