Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 45: It was bitterly cold.

Wolves have a keen sense of smell.

Not long after Wolf Girl came to Su Lin's side,

I could smell it very keenly.

He smelled of other wolves,

Wolf girl sniffed a few times,

It smelled like a wolf mother.

This smell wolf girl will never forget.

After all, he has lived in the arms of the wolf mother for a long time.

This made the wolf girl couldn't help but howled in surprise.

The immature wolf howl echoed in the cave.

Su Lin had no choice but to reply.

Tell Wolf Girl that I did go to see Wolf Mother and Wolf Father today.

Back to the original wolf pack, looked at everyone.

The meaning conveyed in the wolf's howling sound, the wolf girl only has a half understanding.

But I still know, brother wolf went to see mother wolf.

This made the wolf girl **** a few more breaths in Su Lin's hair.

Then he howled and said that he also wanted to see the wolf mother.

She misses Mother Wolf very much.

Su Lin stretched out his paw, and touched Wolf Girl's little head comfortingly.

He signaled that he would take her with him when he went to see Wolf Father and Mother Wolf next time.

This makes the wolf girl very excited.

The small body is also facing Su Lin,

Arching and arching, looking for the residual smell of wolf mother everywhere.

Wolf Girl and Su Lin were born on both feet.

It's only half a year old now.

In other wolf packs, the cubs are just able to eat independently.

Following Su Lin, the wolf girl grew up very quickly.

The development of a potential medicine and the supply of abundant food,

In just over half a year, he had grown to the strength of a level 2 attribute.

this strength,

It can already be compared to many wolf cubs who are one year old or even two years old.

However, the attribute strength can grow rapidly, but the will cannot.

The wolf girl misses the wolf mother very much.

Feeling the wolf girl sniffing Su Lin in her hair,

Decided that next time I have a chance, I will take the wolf girl to watch the wolf mother together.

but now,

It is better to rest early to replenish energy and strength.


He howled in a low voice, signaling the wolf girl to be quiet,

He is going to rest.

This made the wolf girl's small body stop arching around.

But he was still close to brother wolf, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Smelling the familiar smell of wolf mother,

Wolf girl soon fell asleep and fell asleep soundly.


the next day,

After Su Lin got up, he stood at the entrance of the cave and looked outside.

Discovering the cold wind under the extreme night, it began to howl again.

A lot of ice and snow that never melted all year round were rolled into the air.

Although not quite a blizzard,

But this kind of weather is not suitable for going out.

This made him give up his plan to go out.

out of the cave,

The notification sound that hadn't appeared for a long time sounded again.

"The climate is too cold and harsh, and the physical strength of the host is doubled. Please pay attention to saving physical strength."

Su Linquan added the free attribute points to the speed.

Although this makes his own speed amazing, but in terms of physical strength, it is still quite satisfactory.

The physical strength of ordinary sixth-level attributes,

In this kind of weather, it cannot withstand long-term consumption.

At this time, he patrolled the cave on a daily basis.

The ice and snow rolled up by the cold wind fell on him,

Su Lin, whose hair was already very thick, still felt a little cold.

In this biting cold wind,

Nothing was found nearby.

After Surin returned to the cave,

It was found that the little gray wolf and the wolf sister were still sleeping soundly.

It is normal for pups to sleep soundly.

And Xiao Hui has already woken up,

It looked at the cold wind outside, and also wanted to go out for a walk,

But as soon as he went out, under the ravages of the biting cold wind, he ran back to the cave in a hurry.

Even if Xiao Hui is a level 4 alien,

It still couldn't stand it, and the cold wind of the blizzard was faint.

As for the cousin,

Still on guard at the entrance of the cave, but already lying on the leeward side.

At this time, Su Lin also glanced at the numerical attributes of the wolves.

Discovering the strength of my cousin, I have taken another big step forward from level 4.

The cousin also used a potion of potential,

Given the abundant supply of food, it is not surprising to have such a growth rate.

It is estimated that in another one or two months, the cousin will break through level 4.

At that time, it can be regarded as officially grown into an adult arctic wolf!

And Xiaohui's strength,

It's made some progress than before,

However, there is still a long way to go before level 5.

As a different kind of little gray,

If he breaks through to level 5, his combat power will probably be able to overwhelm Dad Wolf.

By the time,

Su Lin also received a lot of help.

As for Gray Little Wolf and Wolf Sister,

The growth of the two wolf cubs was faster than that of ordinary wolf cubs.

But in Su Lin's eyes, it can only be regarded as ordinary.

If you want to break through to level 3 attributes,

I'm afraid it will take at least three or four months for the two wolf cubs.

The strength of the wolves has been steadily improving.

But in fact,

The one with the fastest growth in strength was Su Lin himself.

Since hunting the grizzly bear until now,

Surin's accumulated evolutionary value is not far away from being promoted to level 7.

The meat and gall of the grizzly bear, the meat of arctic salmon, the meat of northern pike, and the few small fruits eaten by the wolf mother all provided him with a lot of evolutionary value.

With this in mind,

Su Lin opened the property page and looked at the latest evolution value.

Name: Su Lin.

Species: Arctic wolf.

Level: Level 6. (Upgrading requires 640 evolution points.)

Vitality: 600.

Stamina: 60.

Strength: 60.

Defense: 60.

Speed: 120.

Evolution value: 593.

Talent: Hunting (Level D), Healing (Level The evolution value is less than 50 points, and you can upgrade again.

After upgrading again, Su Lin's strength will be improved again.

By the time,

He will be getting closer and closer to the position of the overlord of the Arctic.

Thinking of this,

Su Lin didn't think much about it.

With a low howl, he greeted the wolves in the cave and began to eat.

in the cave,

With a lot of food reserves,

that arctic salmon,

It was eaten by the wolf sister and the little gray wolf yesterday.

Today, there are still about 300 catties of grizzly bear meat and 20 to 30 catties of northern pike in the cave.

Surin is the head wolf,

have priority access to food.

He didn't eat the grizzly.

Because of the meat of the grizzly bear, the evolution value has been reduced to 0.1,

Even with the increase of the evolution medicine, it is 0.3.

The evolution value is very low.

And the northern pike can also provide him with some evolutionary value.

Due to the cold climate,

The northern pike is frozen and has a layer of frost on its surface.

But under Su Lin's strong bite force, it's nothing.

He tore off a piece of northern pike and swallowed it,

Can feel the coldness on the tongue.

However, freezing also preserves the deliciousness of the fish.

Surin swallowed the fish meat into his stomach, and the hint of evolution value also appeared.

"Ding! The host eats the northern pike and gains 4 evolutionary points."

"Ding! The host eats the northern pike and gains 3.5 evolutionary points."

"Ding! The host eats the northern pike and gains 3 evolutionary points."


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