Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 50: Power Leveling

Act 1: Chapter 50: Power Leveling

As I’d planned, I spent that last two days teaching Pomera magic.

Memorizing the content with the miracle drug (doping) turned out to be quite the effective method for her. We were even able to train in a safe way with casting high tier magic.

In addition to learning White and Spirit Magic, Pomera was also learning a bit of Fire Magic as means to attack. For the time being, she should have a pretty solid foundation for these three types of magic.

At the same time, Pomera also taught me a lot about the common sense around this world within the last two days. Though I was really troubled the first time I arrived at Aarburg city, now I could at least stroll around outside without feeling lost like before.

Naturally, the whole process has been a bit of a culture shock, but I guess I’ve got no choice but to make my peace with it.

Regarding Pomera’s training, I think this was the best moment to stop her lessons and raise her magical power through raising her level. Pomera and I received an F-rank quest to pick up medicinal herbs from the adventurer’s guild and went to the plains, which were located a bit away from the city.

It seems that high level monster materials such as meat, fur, entrails, and fangs could be sold for a fairly high price. That’s why, selling the corpses of the monsters we hunted to the adventurer’s guild would be more profitable for us.

Even if we didn’t receive a specific extermination quest from the guild, there was nothing stopping us from selling monster materials at the guild. Plus, it was possible for us to raise our adventurer rank in accordance to the level of monsters we deliver.

Going that route with the adventurer’s guild was a lot more preferable for the current me.

Our current goal is to raise our adventurer’s rank and steadily gather more income while doing steady guild commissions like medicinal herb gathering.

Selling the monster corpses to the adventurer’s guild would make less profit since there was a deductible for the intermediation fee, but there wasn’t anything that we could do in that regard. After all, usually when an adventurer without any connections to merchants would try to sell monster corpses to a merchant without an intermediary, they would devolve into quarrels most of the time.

There are some adventurers who boast about themselves for having cheaper intermediation fees than the adventurer’s guild, but, most of them didn’t hold a good reputation. In short, they were scum. That’s why, leaving all these troublesome things to the adventurer’s guild was a failure-proof method to go with.

「C-Can we really… come this far in the outskirts?」

Pomera looked around with a cowering look.

「I don’t think we’re that far though…」

「It’s not the distance… more like the location we came to. Uhm… shall we retreat a little bit? I mean, the 《Demon’s Great Forest》… is a dangerous place even for a first-rate adventurer . In addition, we might accidentally meet a powerful monster who wandering close to the entrance of the forest if we walk in this direction.」

In short, the place that I’d come out from was a dangerous place.

Surely, this place was basically the entrance towards 《Cocytus》, which was located deep within the forest.

The monsters in 《Cocytus》 were definitely far more powerful than Pomera and co. Maybe I could be considered as lucky for leaving the forest without encountering any one of these dangerous monsters.

「I guess you’re ri–」

The howl of a wolf could be heard from behind before I could finish my sentence.


A pack of six black wolves were heading in our direction.

「T-Those are Dark Wolves, one of the monsters who live in 《Demon’s Great Forest》!」

They approached us immediately.

I guess we should’ve retreated earlier.

Or not. I mean, even if their levels were somewhat higher than most of the adventurers I’d met, I don’t think that their levels are higher than the monsters in 《Cocytus》. I should be able to send them to the afterlife while protecting Pomera.

I pulled out the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 and used 《Status Check》on the wolves.

The three in the front from the left were Lv 22, Lv 20, and Lv 21.

I returned the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 back into its sheath.

… That sword was too much just to deal with these D-rank monsters.

I couldn’t picture myself being in a pinch no matter how many of these monsters surrounded me. They’re… well, suited to be the kind of monsters that live on the outskirts of this forest.

I knocked them down with my bare hands, using just enough strength to allow me to retrieve their corpses intact.

「D-Don’t let your guard down, Kanata-san! The Dark Wolves’ true strength lies in their cooperative tactics… no matter how powerful you are, you can’t win against num—」

「They’re just the right prey to raise your level, Pomera-san.」


Pomera stared with panicked confusion upon hearing my muttering.

「K-Kanata-san? you’re just… joking right? it’s true that you taught me magic but… Pomera is just Lv 7 you know?」

I jumped to land diagonally behind Pomera.

「Earth Magic, 4th Rank 《Clay Shield》」

I pushed my hand forward, deploying a magic circle.

A lump of earth gathered in front of my hand, forming a large clay shield.

「W-Wow… such detailed shield made in just a second!」

「Alchemy Magic, 15th Rank 《Mana Argon(Enchanted Steel Transformation)》」

Following the first cast magic was the alchemic magic. With the chant, green flames enveloped the earthen shield, altering its composition. Within a moment, it transformed into a jade green metal shield.

《Mana Argon》 was the transformation of soil as a result of the soil being basked in the earth’s pulse deep within the ground for many years. However, that process could be shortened through the use of alchemy magic.

Since Lunaire told me that having this magic or not would make a great difference, she said that I should learn this magic till I at least reached this rank.

Pomera was looking at my hand with her mouth wide open.

「… EH? No way… the shield that made from lump of earth… suddenly turned into… enchanted metal.」

「It’s okay. I’ll be tanking their attack. Please use your magic to attack from behind.」

I repelled the Dark Wolf that sprung towards us with my 《Mana Argon》 shield without much effort. I could cope with any number of them thanks to the vast difference between our levels.


「It’s okay, Pomera-san! I’ll protect you from their attack!」


「Your level won’t raise if you’re not attacking them you know!」

Even if Pomera’s body didn’t move very well at first, she eventually was able to send forth her attacks towards the monsters. Though it took her quite a while, Pomera was able to annihilate the entire flock of Dark Wolves with her barrage of magical attacks.

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