Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 54: Pomera's Agony~The Fruit of Agony~

Act 1: Chapter 54: Pomera's Agony~The Fruit of Agony~

Note : By the end of close door training, she transformed into cheat-like character… amongst normal people that’s it.


Four days had already passed since the start of our leveling spree within the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》. Today too, Pomera and I continued our battles against the devils within the mirror.

Currently chasing behind me as I was flying while carrying Pomera were crowds of devils. There was a giant skeleton with thirty-two arms, a child with a swelled up head and hundreds of eyeballs– just a glance was enough to convince anyone that they were monsters through and through. There was even a devil that looked like swelled up red meat wearing a coat.

Each one of these devils had an outlandishly bizarre form.

Since their numbers were increasing further as time passed, I tossed an 《Inferno Ball》 at them when I saw a chance and closed in to finish them off with my sword.

After our continued time within the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》, Pomera had also gained resistance against the bizarre appearances of the devils.

「Flame Magic, 7th Rank; 《Flare Flies[Crimson Firefly’s Swarm]》」

Pomera unleashed attack magic one after another while being carried by me. Thereupon, countless crimson lights were being thrown towards the approaching swarms of devils and exploding upon impact.

Such an extensive attack range guaranteed certain hits even for Pomera.

In the first place, those devils weren’t even trying to dodge Pomera’s– someone who they didn’t even consider an enemy– attacks.

「Yeah, now it’s time to end this…」

I pointed the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 towards those devils and unleashed my magic at them.

「Time-Space Magic, 19th Rank; 《Graviburn》」

The resulting black light that spread from the magic crushed those devils at once.

From the second day and forth, we had been using the tactic that involved me flying around to bait them into forming a crowd while carrying Pomera and weakening the devils with  《Inferno Ball》. Meanwhile, Pomera would scatter 《Flare Flies》 to attack them and make contribution in the battle before I use 《Graviburn》 to finish them off.

This was currently our best tactic.

「Finishing them off perfectly. What a good da— AAH!」

I saw four buddha-like statues come out from the otherside of the boundary. Each one of those Buddha-like statues were painted in a single color, different from each other.

Those devils were bad news.

They could release a barrage of various different magics from afar or respond to magic coming towards them with an uncanny speed. Though I’d tried various methods to defeat them, none of them had worked and my barrier magic was really too lousy to protect myself.

Though I might be able to do something if there was only one of them, fighting against multiple of them with their ultra long magic barrage with my lousy barrier magic was basically impossible. However since they’d already entered our line of sight, I guess it was already too late to escape from them with 《Gate》.

「Sorry Pomera-san, it’s the Buddha-like statues! There are four of them, three with different colors! You’re done for!」

「… N-No way!」

Thereafter, my line of sight was basked with flame and thunder. What came after that was a barrage of countless sharp needles followed by another flame prison.

I kept holding onto Pomera’s charred corpse and teleported right above those Buddha-like devils by casting 《Short Gate》 three times in succession.

I mean, these guys were nothing aside from their ultra long magic barrage. Though their magic was really dangerous, it wasn’t a problem as long as I used the restorative-type miracle drug.

「Time to leave but, take this wrath of mine!」

I threw the bottle of the just emptied miracle drug to the floor.

「Time-Space Magic, 17th Rank;《Fracture》」

The black roots that burst forth from the magic circle tore through those Buddha-like statues. After making sure that every last bit of those Buddha-like devils had vanished, I decided to evacuate from the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 alone with Pomera.

「Today, you died only five times in less than half a day. Have you gotten used to this, Pomera-san?」

「I haven’t…」

Pomera was lying in the inn bed with a completely exhausted face.

I regenerated her clothes with Time-Space Magic, 14th Rank; 《Repair》. It was a magic that could restore an object that had been damaged by reversing the cause and effect.

「It’s okay. I’m sure that inside, you’ve been getting used to it.」

「Kanata-san… I don’t think there’s a human who will get used to this kind of feeling.」

「But I did.」


I used 《Status Check》 to confirm Pomera’s current level.

She had reached Lv. 201.

I heaved a sigh.

That was all I needed to dispel my needless anxieties about her not being able to gain any levels from our previous training session. We someone reached one of the milestones in her training: to reach Lv. 200.

Though some of me was thinking something alone “Finally, at Lv.200,” I realized immediately that she would be alright since her level had already surpassed Lovis’. But, of course, I still doubted my ears when I heard the story about Lovis being the boss of a large-scale underground organization and famous for being a charismatic villain.

「It seems you’ve raised your level to Lv: 201, Pomera-san.」

「Lv: 201… it’s more than I thou—」

Pomera, who had covered herself with a blanket, suddenly sprung up.

「L-Lv: 201!? W-Who reached that level? is it you, Kanata-san?」

「It’s you, Pomera-san.」

We would’ve been slaughtered by the inhabitants of the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 if I really was just Level 200ish.

「If you don’t believe it, shall we use 《Level Slate》to confirm the increase of your magic?」

《Level Slate》 was a tool that displayed the status of a person who injected his or her mana into it. It felt like the native version of this world’s Status Check.

Since I could only confirm the target’s HP and level with Status Check, we had to buy Level Slate to confirm the increase in Pomera’s magic.

「You should’ve noticed it few times but…」

「E-Even if you telling me that… I might’ve been really surprised seeing the Cursed Mirror’s devils to the point that I missed the notification of my level up… b-but still, Pomera can’t believe that she’s Lv: 200 now.」

「We’ve been secluding ourselves for the last few days to train in 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》… now it’s time to goes out to confirm your current strength.」

We had reduced our adventuring activity in the last few days. We should’ve gained enough time to let everyone forget about our special rank promotion by this time. Now, it was time for monster hunting again.

「P-Pomera can… leave!?」

Pomera asked with a deeply moved voice.

「Of course. Or rather, you don’t need my permission to leave you know.」

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