Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 6: Busybody Senior

Act 3: Chapter 6: Busybody Senior

After receiving 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 from Urzottle, we then returned to our inn in the magic city, Manarak.

After entering the room, I went into the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 for the last ingredients of 《Ether》 and left after I killed a few high-ranking devils in there.


Pomera looked flustered upon seeing my figure.

「Cough, they got me there. My bad, it was just a slip.」

The devils in the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 were tough fellas.

Tough and powerful.

A devil I’d never met before came out this time and their level broke through the upper-limits of the levels that I’d seen so far.

Even I couldn’t afford to let my guard down against that kind of enemy.

「So, have you managed to get the last ingredients?」

I groped around in my magic pouch and took out a huge bottle and something that resembled some sort of entrails.

It reminds me of an eyeball.

「This fella suddenly came out when I was in the middle of gathering the brains. I almost died back then.」

I pointed to that yellow-coloured helix-shaped brain inside the bottle as I told Pomera.

「I-I see… So you beat them safely…」

Pomera replied so with cramped smile on her face.


Philia was asking with sparkling eyes.

「U~hm, it might taste bitter.」

「I see…」

Philia’s shoulders dropped upon hearing that.

Sure enough, this thing looked like colourful gummi candy geared toward children which was sold in Japan.

「Now that we’ve got all the ingredients, let’s start the alchemy experiment.」

The ingredients for 《Ether》 were 《Adamant Ore》, 《Brain of a High-Rank Devil》, and 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》.

On top of that, I had the ultimate catalyst, 《Dream King’s Mask》, to accelerate the change of materials in alchemy magic.

Yeah, things should go smoothly.

「《Dimension Pocket》」

I deployed a magic circle, putting my hand in the center of that magic circle and taking out things such as a huge kettle and the ingredients that I got from Gannet.

「Y-You’re going to do it now!? In this place on top of that!?」

「There’s no other place after all. Well, don’t worry, I’ll use barrier magic like when we alchemized 《Adamant Ore》.」

「The previous experiment was… really a close call, right? Moreover, I get this feeling that the reaction this time is going to be bigger than last time…」

Pomera kept looking anxiously at the large bottle filled with 《Brain of High-Rank Devil》.

「It’s really safe, right? It won’t cause a huge explosion, right?」

「Of course it won’t explode. This is a brain you know?」

「But… Considering the fact that it’s something from the devil in that place, Pomera gets this feeling that something might really happen…」

「It’s natural for you to feel that way, but please rest assured.」

I gave a wry smile to her.

Pomera must be scared of the chance of me blowing this room up like what I almost did back when I alchemized  《Adamant Ore》.

To be honest, that accident happened because I had yet to master how to use 《Dream King’s Mask》. I ended up generating an extreme surplus of explosive reaction due to the miscalculation of the mask’s power.

Depending on how I use it, I might be able to use the 《Dream King’s Mask》  forever.

Though it was impossible for someone with my level of skill, Lunaire should be able to do that.

Just what you’d expect from the ultimate catalyst that caused countless wars in the past.

Anyhow, now that I’ve confirmed 《Dream King’s Mask》’s power, I won’t make the same mistake as last time.

「Philia-chan, the mask, please.」


「Pomera-san, please summon the spirit that can erase sound.」

「… I understand, Pomera will be your accomplice. She will accompany Kanata-san to jail too.」

Pomera spoke while wiping her tears with her sleeve.

「I-It’ll be okay! It’s not like we’re doing something illegal after all…」

Right at that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Pomera and I flinched right away and shut our mouths at once.

Philia was the only one who was blinking cutely, tilting her head as she said 「A guest?」 with an adorable look on her face.

「W-What shall we do now, Kanata-san!? Are you going to seal their mouth? If you’re planning to do so, please stop that train of thought immediately!」

「C-Calm down, Pomera-san! We’re definitely not doing a shady thing. Anyhow, let’s tidy up, for now, we look really suspicious after all!」

「A-Aren’t you… contradicting yourself?」

I mean, we’re not doing something wrong or illegal.

Nor did we have the intention to do so. But 《Dream King’s Mask》 was a well-known item that had caused large-scale wars in the past– not to mention that we couldn’t explain the route we used to get 《Adamant Ore》. It would only take a single glance to know that the 《Brain of High-Rank Devil》 were dangerous goods.

Thus, the most obvious choice was to not let anyone else to see these items.

I leapt forward and took the huge bottle filled to the brim with 《Brain of High-Rank Devil》.

At that exact moment, the door of the room was opened.

The thing that appeared was first was goat mask.

The owner of the mask wore black overcoat on top of her heavy armor.

「Just reply immediately if you’re inside dammit. I spared some of my precious free time to visit you.」

The goat mask then slid to the side.

Behind the mask was the face of a beautiful woman painted with some red marks.

The one who came was Rosemonde.

After she said those words, she came into the room and surveyed the room.

「You… what in the hell is that entrails-like thing in your hand?」

Rosemonde asked so while looking at the 《Brain of High-Rank Devil》 in my hands.

「T-This is sweets from a foreign country.」

「That country seems like an evil country.」

Rosemonde frowned as she spoke upon hearing my made up lies.

S-Somehow I managed to deceive her…

I heaved a sigh of relief.

After that, I stowed all items including the kettle into 《Dimension Pocket》.

「P-Please don’t just suddenly open the door like that, Rosemonde-san.」

「Then you better reply first when I knock on the door. I’ve told you before, right? I’m a busy person and I’m using my precious spare time to look for your inn and visit you guys to give some advice. You should be grateful to me instead of complaining like that.」

Rosemonde was sneering a little bit at us as she spoke.

She was a high-handed person… or so I used to feel about her, but despite claiming to be a busy person, she went as far as looking for our inn just to give some advice.

Though the way she spoke would make many people misunderstand her, she might be in fact a really kind person.

「… My bad about that. And please forgive this humble one for not having enough to entertain you.」

I bowed to her.

「Your tone makes me feel itchy…」

Rosemonde touched her forehead as she heaved a sigh.

「So… what is this so-called advice?」

「The topic of the demon king incident has been settled down. But, I heard another rumour that made me feel that another incident is going to happen in Manarak again.」

「Another incident?」

「Yes. And just to be sure, it had nothing to do with what you did, right?」

I touched my chin, pondering for a while.

Another incident, eh?

It should be unrelated to my contract with Urzottle.

I mean, it was simply way too fast if to be sniffed out if it really had something to do with Urzottle.

「It’s about the 《Ares Hand》. That strangely taciturn fella who acts like some sort of hermit. She showed a lack of concern when this city is in danger, albeit still going out of her way to help with the evacuation. She’s supposed to have many treasures and filthy rich, but what she did and where she is during normal times is a mystery to many others. Her office manager is that racoon old man, but honestly, that makes her even more suspicious. And yes, she comes out during emergencies but I’ve got no idea just how serious she is at that time, that’s why I keep my eyes on her.」

「I see…」

《Ares Hand》… Kotone Takanashi.

An otherworlder, just like me.

But, why did she say that it might’ve something to do with me?

「The 《Ares Hand》 has been investigating your group. She rarely does so but was in public nonetheless. She doesn’t have some sort of resentment against you guys, right?」


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead which catching up with the raw.

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