Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 8: God of War's Visit

Act 3: Chapter 8: God of War's Visit

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead which catching up with the raw.


After Rosemonde left the inn, Pomera, Philia, and I resumed our alchemy experiment.

But then, we had to suspend it again when we were just one step short of completion.

「We have not enough ingredients…」

I muttered so while reading the book I got from Lunaire.

To begin with, we used substitutes materials since we’re lacking too many materials.

Though we could complete it as it was by brute-forcing the process with 《Dream King’s Mask》, I didn’t dare to continue since it was too dangerous with so many unstable factors when using the ultimate catalyst.

But, this made me understand the part that was lacking in the process.

It didn’t have to be an expensive item above A-rank.

Getting the items that I need shouldn’t be that difficult if I discussed it with Gannet.

The problem is, I need money to solve that problem.

I had already used most of our money when I asked Gannet to gather the ingredients for 《Adamant Ore》.

Since it would take quite a long time to resupply the ingredients for 《Adamant Ore》.

After I bought something that I want to buy with all the money in my possession, now I couldn’t buy something that I need.

As expected, that was something that I wanted to avoid.

「We can get some funds if we sell the legendary-rank item to Gannet-san but…」

Take the brain of the high-rank devil, for example, it should fetch a high price but, it wasn’t a rare thing for me who could harvest it in 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》.

Its only use should be in the making of elixir.

「That will increase Gannet-san’s worry…」

Pomera spoke with a twitching smile.

… Sure enough, Gannet would be pressured.

Gannet image in my mind was someone who would force himself to go through any kind of tribulation.

He wouldn’t be able to explain to his subordinates from where did he got so much brain of a high-rank devil.

「Let’s try to consult first with Gannet. We might be able to sell 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》.」

《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 was also the main ingredient for 《Ether》.

If possible, I didn’t want to sell it in bulk due to danger and to prevent a price collapse.

But, we had to stock up on large amounts of ingredients for the alchemy to succeed.

I couldn’t advance Pomera’s training to the next phase unless I secure a large amount of the ingredients first.

Maybe selling one part of it to Gannet was enough.

Though he might ask me about the origin of the 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》, it didn’t really matter as long as I got the items that I need.

Thus, I went to 《Mithril’s Cane》 along with Philia and Pomera.

I looked up at the towering clock tower that became the base for 《Mithril’s Cane》.

Gannet was a busy person.

Not to mention that he was also the guild master of the adventurer guild.

Just when I thought if it was really okay for us to be here, a familiar person came out from the entrance.

It was a black-haired girl wearing a light robe and light armour.

She hardly had any expression on her face, and cold light dwelled in her eyes.

It was as if she was a living doll.

Her name was Kotone Takanashi.

Kotone had a good relationship with Gannet.

Maybe she just went to meet Gannet.

But, I suddenly remember the news that I heard from Rosemonde about Kotone investigating me.

Dammit, this meeting was too unexpected.

「K-Kanata-san, s-shall we kill some time for a while in another place? At this rate, we are bound to meet her 」

「… It’s okay. I think she has no ill intention toward us. Even if she did, she wouldn’t do so openly in broad daylight. Let’s go to meet her.」

Let her come if she wants to come, that would make things easier for me too.

This is also to confirm whether she really had ill intentions toward me or not.

Though she wouldn’t be able to beat me due to the difference between our levels, I mustn’t let my guard down since she might have a weapon that could make up for the difference between our levels under special conditions.

Keep my guard up.

「Y-You’re right.」

Pomera took a deep breath, she was clearly nervous.

「I think you shouldn’t force yourself. Maybe you should never let your guard down.」

「Hey, Pomera, smile, smile~!」

Philia headed toward Pomera with a whole face smile.

「Br careful…」

Pomera spoke with a voice that lack of confidence while pressing her face.

Suddenly, my eyes met Kotone.

Her long eyelash flickered.

She saw me.

「S-She saw us, she saw us, Kanata-san…」

Pomera kept pulling my sleeve.

Philia waved her hand toward Kotone with a smile on her face but got completely ignored by the latter.

Thus, she ended up pouting.

I nodded lightly toward her.

We met once before during the adventurer guild’s meeting.

So I should at least nod at her.

Kotone didn’t nod back at me.

But, she went straight toward us.

Pomera was looking back and fro toward Kotone and me.

「W-W-What should we do, Kanata-san! We might’ve to escape from this place…」

「… It’s okay, let’s go. Maybe she simply has some business to this direction.」

We went straight toward 《Mithril’s Cane》.

We passed by each other with Kotone.

I nodded to her again.

But, she just passed by without nodding back.

She had no business with us.

And just when I heaved a sigh, Kotone suddenly stopped on her track.

I raised my vigilance and focused my sense on my back.

「If you’re looking for Gannet, he isn’t in this place. He’s in Adventurer guild today and tomorrow.」

I also stopped on my track and turned around to face Kotone.

「… Thank you for the information. You’re Kotone-san who I meet before during the adventurer guild meeting.」

Kotone was looking at Pomera, Philia, and lastly me.

「Kanata Kanbara. I want to talk with you. There’s a room in 《Mithril’s Cane》 for a private meeting.」

Did she want… to negotiate something?

Maybe it really was a trap as Rosemonde had told me before.

Or not, the other party who obviously otherworlder too might be on her guard to me too, maybe she simply wished to confirm my origin and birthplace too.

Anyhow, this might be a rare chance to know her in person.

「… Sure. The truth is, I have a consultation with Gannet-san but, I guess I shouldn’t disturb him today since he seems busy. Let’s go, Pomera-san, Philia-chan.」

Kotone shook her head upon hearing my remark.

「You alone.」


As expected, was she want to negotiate something?

If she simply wanted to talk with fellow otherworlder, she didn’t really have to stop Pomera and Philia from coming.

Though I never told them about me being an otherworlder, I knew that they were trustworthy people.

Not to mention that Kotone might’ve realized already.

「These two are with me but, it might be more convenient with the two of them.」

「I see, I don’t mind even if you don’t want to.」

Kotone turned around and was about to leave.

It seems she refused to talk unless it was a private meeting.

「Fine, let’s do as you say.」

Kotone turned around again, looking at me, and walked toward 《Mithril’s Cane》 again.

「Follow me.」

I looked at Pomera and Philia.

「I’m going for a while. Please wait for me in the inn.」

「I-Is it really saves, Kanata-san? I mean, this smell like a trap…」

「I think it’ll be okay. Philia-chan, please protect Pomera-san while I’m away.」

Hearing that, Philia puffed her chest.

「Leave it to Philia! Philia will protect Pomera!」

This was a precaution, for the case when she separated Pomera from me and then ordered her subordinate to ambush Pomera.

I took a deep breath and followed Kotone from behind.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead which catching up with the raw.

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