Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 257: Fourth Trial, Ring Blockade

Chapter 257: Fourth Trial, Ring Blockade

"Sea God Third Trial learns from the master. Finished."

Tang Wulin let out a sigh as the golden trident in his hand faded away.

"Not bad, it took you only ten minutes to get the hang of it. Don't forget this skill at all, as it would be invaluable to you in the future."Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch but he had to agree.

"What is it called?"

"Indefinite Storm." Old Tang eyes lit up as he chuckled as he said the name of the skill.

Tang Wulin could only sigh at how versatile the Indefinite storm was. It allowed Old Tang to create a golden hoop that he can launch at the enemy.

Once caught in these hoops, you would be forcibly restrained with no way to truly resist as the hoop begins to squeeze you.

From the words of Old Tang, once caught in the hoop, one wouldn't be able to move for a while. Even if one was stronger than the user, the hoop would still restrain the person.

Of course, the success rate of capture would decrease depending on the strength of the enemy, but it was at least above fifty percent.

But even then, the fact that these hoops can be launched one after another more than makes up for this weakness.

Yet that wasn't what made this skill so scary, as this is the type of skill that implemented both offense and defense.

Not only can it restrain you, but it can nullify attacks in its line of sight, giving the user a powerful defense.

Combine that with the fact that Old Tang could continuously send out these golden hoops with them costing little energy.

It was no wonder he mentioned the Sea God with this ability and the trident could fight against a God-King.

'And he taught me this skill.' Thought Tang Wulin.

He could already tell his father was trying to help him as much as possible. As in the world of cultivation, there was always an unseen danger.

With the help of both the Sea God Trident and Indefinite Storm, it would at least improve Tang Wulin survival rate.

Tang San didn't want his child to die as longs as he can help it even though he was in a perilous situation himself.

Old Tang smiled as he moved his hand to rub Tang Wulin hair who only raised a brow.

"I'm sure you can already tell we are trying to help you to improve as much as possible. While you learn these techniques in the outside world is possible, it would take too much time. These trials will be helping to improve both your shortcomings as well as your strength."Said Old Tang as he softly strokes Tang Wulin hair before he slowly began fading away.

But not before his voice rang out one last time.

"Get ready, the next trial is going to start now as I already commanded it to."

In the next instant, the surrounding of Tang Wulin began changing. He was still in the golden world but found himself at the shore of the island he was on with the boundless sea in front.

"Sea God Fourth Trial, breaking through the ranks! Ring Blockade. Set off from your current location to reach the opposite land, you can't use any Soul Ring and Soul Skill. You can't fly or kill any of the Sea Soul Beast. Start right away!"

Tang Wulin moved his gaze to the ocean as turbulent waves started to surge up everywhere before it began moving towards him.

He narrowed his eyes as he saw inside of these raging waves, a massive crab that was three meters big, opening its big pliers.

The crab didn't waste any time before rushing towards Tang Wulin with its two big pliers hacking towards him.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't show any sign of worry or fear at the incoming pliers.

'So I can't kill any of them. Kind of annoying but I can work with it.' Thought Tang Wulin before his arm turned into a blur as he uppercuts the massive crab that reached him.

The crab outer layer was instantly shattered from the overwhelming strenght of Tang Wulin before it was sent flying.

Tang Wulin ignored the crab that flew over the stormy waves as his eyes narrowed at the island that wasn't far from him.

It was around three kilometers away with the island being in a curved shape with water in front of him appearing in a ring shape.

'Well, at least this won't be boring.' Thought Tang Wulin as a smile began to appear on his face as the waves of water engulfed him.

Immediately after being engulfed in the seawater, he felt different. Unlike the outside world where inside of the sea, the water elements and sea would shelter him.

In here, he could feel the hostility of the sea and the water elements barring their fangs at him. He felt the overwhelming force of the water pressure as it tried to crush and press him down.

It wasn't wrong to say, that if any other soul master except those at the peak or the members Body Sect were here. They all would have been smashed apart by this pressure or worse, turned into a bloody pulp.

'Best to finish this quickly. Soul Power won't be needed.'

In the next moment, the aura around Tang Wulin erupted as a golden light began to shine brilliantly around him.

His dragon aura began expanding around him, pushing against the force of the sea and its pressure.

Instantly, a three-meter barrier was formed around him that held wisps of seven-colored energy. He could feel his blood-core inside of his body pulsing as it began sending him energy.

It seems that while he can't use any soul skill, that didn't mean he couldn't use the other ones.

Tang Wulin stomped down on the sea causing the whole water to roar and shake. Under the oppressive force of his aura, a vacuum started forming under his feet as he began tensing his muscle.

The Sea Soul Beast, who was rushing towards Tang Wulin from all directions was staggered from the shockwave before being blasted away.

As Tang Wulin launched himself forward with unparalleled speed and force.

Like a released arrow, his figure was piercing and penetrating through the water pressure. His movement didn't stop even as the sea soul beast came to attack him as his dragon aura kept them away.

Even with there densely packed numbers and their myriads of attack, the dragon aura still protected Tang Wulin.

There were also some powerful Soul-Beast some that were around Fifty-thousands years to close to Hundred-thousand years.

Tang Wulin would simply use his overwhelming physical strength to smash them away. An octopus soul beast hacked towards him but Tang Wulin seamlessly move through arms before burying his fist into its face.

He chopped down on a white shark, struck the body of a dolphin and even used the body of a whale as a whip to smack the other beasts away.

If one was to look at Tang Wulin in this trial, they would see a full-blown smile on his face as he faces everything in the storm waves.

Whether it be the pressure, sea soul beast or even the water elements trying to suppress him. He overcame it all as he began closing in on the island.

Even though he wasn't flying or running on top of the water surface, the distance of three kilometers was still short for him.

As a god-level body could easily cross such distance in an instant above land, let alone underwater.

The stormy waves were broken through with water splashing everywhere on the opposite island as Tang Wulin landed on the shore.

His landing caused the whole island to shake with a small crater forming and the sand scattering everywhere around.

It only took him a few minutes from the start of the test to the end to break through the blockade and reach the other island.

Tang Wulin glance behind to see some of the sea soul beast coming towards him as they jump out from the stormy wave.

With a swing of his hand, they were all backhanded into the stormy wave with the others being too scared to come out.

As he chuckled with the bright Sunlight shining upon his body once again, he began hearing the same familiar voice.

"Sea God Fourth Trial, breakthrough, Ring Blockade, finish. Do you want to continue your assessment?"

Tang Wulin let out another laugh as he couldn't help but affirm his belief that straightforward trials are the best.

"Start the next trial," Said Tang Wulin without the slightest hesitation.

His body was already recovering the lost energy as his regeneration was just that terrifying.

Couple with the fact he barely wasted any energy, it only took a second for him to be fully rested.

"Sea God Fifth Trial, Refining Body Through Tides. Resist the tide and wash 49 days."

In the next moment, he found that his surroundings changing once again, but it wasn't like the other past changes.

As Tang Wulin found himself tied and bounded to with a pair of unique chains to an enormous pillar.

Moving his arms and body, he found he couldn't budge the chains at all. As if the chains were made out of unbreakable materials.

Even with his terrifying body, he still couldn't budge these chains, something that made him a bit shocked.

He glances at the stone pillar that he was bound to before glancing at the directions of the sea. It didn't take Tang Wulin too long to grasp what was going on.

49 days

"Old Tang can you increase the speed of this." Questioned Tang Wulin with a grim look, as he didn't have time to waste.

"...I can, but it will raise the intensity over a thousand-fold." Old Tang's voice rang out.

"Do it." Said Tang Wulin with no hesitation as he didn't have any time to waste.

Within the next instant, a bounding pulse of golden light spread throughout the sea and the pillar from Tang Wulin.

In the next second, a monstrous wave appeared in front of Tang Wulin, towering over the sea pillar and Tang Wulin.

Yet this wave wasn't calm at all, it was raging like the sea in a stormy night as it hacked down upon Tang Wulin.

The last thing he heard before the wave smashed into him was Old Tang's voice.

"Good Luck."

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