Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 268: A Father and Son Farewell

Chapter 268: A Father and Son Farewell

Two figures could be seen, standing apart from each other with a trident in their hand, gazing at each other.

'Hm? What happened just now...Weren't we clashing just a minute ago?' Thought Tang Wulin as he glances around the white space around him.

He and his father were no longer in the familiar golden halls but were in a world that was painted white.

There was nothing around except him and Tang San as if the world was something newly created.

"Come now, my son. Show me your skills."Said Tang San as he twirled the Sea God Trident in his hand while beckoning his son forward with his other one.

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes, as he had some questions about where they were and what happened in the last clash.

But for some reason, he felt a distinct feeling, a feeling of not caring and simply wanting to continue fighting with Tang San.

"Here I come!"

Tang Wulin gripped Trishula before dashing forward, thrusting forward and watching as it pierced through the air towards Tang San.

He didn't utilize any skills as he could feel his soul power, spiritual power, and even blood essence was empty.

Not surprising considering he poured everything into the last attack, meaning he will have to rely on his physical prowess and skills.

'Yet for some reason.'

As his trident closed in on Tang San who didn't move and was watching his son with a smile, Tang Wulin twisted his body.

Moving the trident into a slash, hacking upward on Tang San, his trident cleaving through the air upon Tang San.

'I don't care.'

The trident in Tang San arm blurred as it hacks down upon Trishula, deflecting it downwards. As if he was expecting this, Tang Wulin used the force of the Sea God Trident to spin around before hacking down upon Tang San.

The Sea God Trident began moving, deflecting and redirecting all of the attacks that came from Tang Wulin.

Redirecting a slash, deflecting the chop and hacking down on the thrust that came forward. At this moment, Tang San defense was impenetrable, as if he was a towering mountain.

Even with his absolute speed and strength advantage, Tang Wulin still wasn't able to break through Tang San guard.

Thursts, chop, slash, swings, and hacking were all perfectly defended against with Tang San not moving back an inch.

Yet even with all of this, Tang Wulin had a smile on his face as he continued attacking his father. It was a smile of sheer joy, a smile that was describing his feeling at this exact moment.

In a way, he wasn't just fighting against his father, but he was playing with him. Tang San is the only father that he had, that he could play and fight with like this.

Unlike Tang Ziran, he didn't need to worry about hurting him. His feeling for Hui Mei was a bit complicated but either way, he was dead.

Tang San was the only one that he could fight with his all.

A father that wouldn't break even as he gives his all, he was happy that he could fight like this.

And he could feel it, his father was telling him and urging him to keep going on. Go as wild as he can, as much as he wants with no need to worry, for he will take it all and continue to stay strong.

Tang San chopped down upon Tang Wulin who quickly tried to evade but then was hit with a swing from Tang San.

But his body quickly reacted, moving his arm up and taking the swing before he thrust out his trident towards Tang San.

Tang San only laughed as he swiftly deflected the thrust, as he continued to dance and play with his son.


Xie Xie's eyes snapped open as he regained his consciousness before sitting upright and glancing all around.

He found himself In a blue hall that was looked no different than a royal chamber filled with sea stones and carols.

"What the..."Mutter Xie Xie as he stared at all of the mermen soldiers that were surrounding him.

To his surprise, they didn't have their weapons leveled at him, as it was rested to their side. They were simply staring down at him, with their indifferent gaze.

'Wait, it isn't just me but everyone else.' Thought Xie Xie as he began noticing the people around him.

"Yuanen!" Shouted Xie Xie as he swiftly got up to run towards Yuanen Yehui who was still lying on the floor unconscious.

This unfortunately stirred up all of the mermen that were lined up next to him and the rest, with the lifting up their trident to attack.

As Xie Xie got close to Yuanen Yehui, he sensed the trident from all directions coming towards him, as he gets ready summoning his martial soul.

To his horror, he found he was out of soul power and spiritual energy; something that hadn't happen in years. As the tridents were closed to piercing through him, a voice rang out through the room.


In the next instant, the tridents were halted, with them being an inch away from piercing through Xie Xie.

Xie Xie released a gulp as he glances at mermen who had their eyes narrowed before glancing at the direction of the voice.

He saw a mermaid with pink hair, holding a silver trident with her back facing him as she stared through the windows in the palace.

"Let the human check on his friends, their resistance is pointless at this point." Queen Mariana said as her gaze continued to stare through the window.

The mermen who had their weapons pointed at Xie Xie began retracting them, resting them at their side and waiting for further orders.

Xie Xie furrowed his brows at this sight, but he only shook his head before shaking his head and rushing to go check on Yuanen.

'My queen...' Thought the Sea General Aron as he glances at Xie Xie before moving his gaze towards her back.

Staring at her back, he knew his queen was carrying the heavy burden of keeping the sea soul beasts around this area safe.

He wouldn't be surprised that at the moment, she was very stressed as she tries calculating the best path for everyone.

'My queen, just what do you plan to do with these humans?' Thought the Sea General as he moved his gaze back to Xie Xie who was shaking the women with red hair awake.

It wasn't just her that Xie Xie was shaking away but everyone else around as he started seeing Yuanen Yehui stirring awake.

"Xie Xie..."Muttered Yuanen Yehui as she began to gradually get up, holding her head as she felt the remnants of a pulsing headache.

"Few, you okay." Muttered Xie Xie as he was shaking the body of Xu Lizhi causing Yuanen Yehui to furrow his brows.

"Xie Xie where are we? Why is everyone unconscious? Wait did we get captured?"Questioned Yuanen Yehui as she narrowed her eyes at the mermen soldiers around her as she got into a fighting position.

But to her displeasure, she felt all of her soul power was drained at the moment, with it needing a while to reach a satisfactory level.

But this wouldn't stop her from trying to escape, even if it would be tricky and hard.

"I know, but for now help me wake up the others. We will need them."Said Xie Xie to Yuanen Yehui, he didn't try to whisper as he knew they could hear them with their mental power spread out.

With beings at their level, Xie Xie would find it ridiculous they wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying because they whisper.


Yuanen Yehui moved towards the people around her, shaking Liu Yuxin awake before moving on to Gu Yue and the others.

Xie Xie was shaking the body of Xu Xiaoyan, who let out a groan before moving to Mu Xi.

It didn't take them long to get everyone up, with the mermen soldiers simply staring forward and not making any sound.

"Do you all remember the last thing that happened?" Questioned Liu Yuxin as she held her head in both of her hands, feeling a surging pain.

"We were knockout by the divine sense of Jormungandr." Said Gu Yue as she stood up while holding her head, trying her best to get rid of the lasting effects.

"You think so too, huh." Muttered Wu Zhankong as he glances all around while recalling the terrifying pressure he and Shen Yi felt.

An existence that made them feel so small, without even gazing or acknowledging their presence. It made Wu Zhankong sigh both in praise at the beast dominating existence and regret at how useless he would be against such a beast.

"Okay, so we all know it unleashed its divine sense through the palace. But why now? Why didn't it do it before?"Questioned Yue Zhengyu as he didn't quite understand the beast thought process.

Was it simply waiting for them? Seeing if they would fall to the mermen soldiers or was it just stealthy stalking them as if they were prey?

"It was fighting another beast, that was able to pose a slight challenge to it." Queen Marina's voice rang out causing all of the humans to turn to her.

"Fighting another beast? Wait there was a sea soul beast that could actually pose a challenge to Jormungandr?"Questioned Shen Yi in slight disbelief.

'Could it be a beast that has reached the cultivation of a million years?' Thought Gu Yue with her eyes slightly narrowed as she knew only a beast like that could even pose a challenge.

She believed only a beast in the sea could reach such a level, as this was a domain where not even humans can freely venture in.

The number of beasts that was over a hundred thousand years was a thousand times greater than the one on land.

"Let's talk humans, depending on your choices, you all may become sacrifice or helpers." Queen Mariana said as she turned around towards the human.


Two tridents clashed together, ringing out loud.

Tang Wulin had lost track of how long he was fighting with his father, how long he was playing with him.

He didn't exactly know why, but he wanted to enjoy this moment, these small wonders and exchange between him.

Each clash with his father, he felt they got closer and closer with each other, whether that be in skills or familiarity, he didn't exactly know.

He just knew, if he top swinging this trident, this dream and fantasy he was in would end.

He truly didn't wish for it to end and so he kept swinging, slashing and chopping towards the gentle smile that hacked back.

But like all dreams and fantasy, it all must come to an end.


Tang San hovered over his son, who lay down on the floor with his eyes closed with a smile.

"Congrats my little Wulin, you won. You have defeated me when I was at my strongest as a mortal even when I used the power of a god."

Tang San moved his hand towards his son's face, softly caressing it with a gentle smile on his face.

"Our last battle was caused the world to shatter with you winning, but I wanted to help you improve your spearmanship. So as you dream my son, you are getting stronger, with me playing with you even if it's a decade too late."

"Father loves you so much and can't wait until we reunite with each other, so we can play once again. Father trusts you will be fine, even though it will not stop the worry in his heart, daddy hopes you can stay happy and healthy, just like mommy wishes. I will take care of Xiao Wu, so worry about yourself and enjoy your life, my son,"

"Enjoy the people you are around, enjoy the moments you make and the memories you leave behind. Cherish the people you love, keep them safe and secure, you never know when they might vanish from your world."

"My little Qilin, you are daddy little dragon, his joy, and pride. Rampage all you want, make as much trouble as you need but above all else."

"Stay safe."

"So I can hold you in my arms once again, my son."

"I love you."

"Until we meet once again as a family."

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