Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 279: Back To Ishgar

Chapter 279: Back To Ishgar

In the snowy land of Endless Mountain, in the tallest tower that was overseeing the whole area.

"They have been quiet lately." Muttered Zhang Huanyun as he gazes out of the window of the blood-god army command center.

His eyes were staring at the area where the Blood God Army Array was located and where the abyssal creatures invade through.

For the past months, after Tang Wulin and the other lefts, he and the others have been monitoring the situation. They were expecting the abyssal creatures to ramp up their invasion or ferocity after what had happened in the battle months ago.

But contrary to expectations, not only did the abyssal creatures not increase their ferocity but less and less have been coming out of the portal.

While this was a good thing to the average blood-god army soldiers who finally had more time to breathe.

For the likes of Zhang Huanyuan and the other higher-ups, they could only think this was the calm before the storm.

As they find it hard to believe someone like the Sage Emperor, a being that was equivalent to a god based on the pressure they all felt.

And the words of Tang Wulin would be passive enough to take what happened to him, lying down.

Especially when Tang Wulin and Surtr treated him no differently than a pest that was getting in their way.

'So why the passiveness? Are they waiting for something? Or someone?' Zhang Haunyun thought as his eyes slightly narrowed.

As he was getting lost in thought, the door opened with Cao Dezhi walking through and entering the room before taking a seat.

"Still thinking about it?"

"It's all I can think about. My intuition is telling me that something big is going to happen."Said Zhang Huanyun with a sigh as he turned around to look at Cao Dezhi.

"Hahaha, well you're not the only one. Still, the best we can do is increase our strength around here and fortify the area."Said Cao Dezhi, causing Zhang Huanyun to nod.

As he was about to speak, he saw the soul communicator of Cao Dezhi go off causing him to raise a brow.

As he was sure they weren't expecting a call unless it was something extremely important.

'Could it be?'

Cao Dezhi picked up the communicator and began talking to the person on the other line. During the call, Zhang Huanyan notices the expression of Cao Dezhi changing, with the most notable being shock and awe.

With his face turning back to expressionless as he nodded one last time on the communicator before hanging up.

"So?" Questioned Zhang Huanyun a bit curious about just what could cause so many changes in the famous Blood One expression.

Cao Dezhi glanced at him before letting out a chuckle as he leaned back into his chair.

"You're going to need to take a seat for this one."

"Is that bad?"

"Let's just say, that man is more monstrous than we initially thought."


"This is the last one, isn't it? Brother Wulin really is extraordinary!"Shouted Brother Long as he stared at the recent news in his hand.

"Brother Long! Is it true he was your junior apprentice?"

"Yes, Brother Long how was it?"

"Was it also true he was a genius in blacksmithing?"

Mang Tian let out a chuckle as he saw the countless number of blacksmiths he accepted over the months around his main disciple.

It wasn't wrong to say, with the truth that Tang Wulin worked in his shop and was also his apprentice known to the world.

Recently people have been coming to his shop and wishing to learn under him. While those who didn't come for an apprenticeship, came to purchase his metals or ask him to do a personal job for them.

'If only that brat continued on his blacksmith path.' Thought Mang Tian with a sigh as he knew with Tang Wulin talent.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he could have been another Divine Black Smith, like the famous Zhen Hua.

'Also wish he would call sometime.' Thought Mang Tian with a shake of his head.

It was only because of Tang Ziran that he knew of all the things Tang Wulin was up to. As well as the fact he went missing for a year and a half.

"Still, I didn't think he would be the one to do it. Slay all of the calamities."Muttered Mang Tian with a chuckle as he went back to his office with a shake of his head.


Once again, the world was launched into an uproar, this time one greater than even the last two.

Not only because of the news that the last calamity, Jorgunmandr was dead but also Tang Wulin once again was the one who did it.

He was the one who slew all three calamities, these beings who reached the god level. Just this feat alone was enough to cause his name to resound through history from the past, present, and future.

Yet this wasn't the main reason for the uproar throughout the world, as the shock from the last two uproars was enough.

The main reason was the reaction of the people through the continent and the way they viewed Tang Wulin.

Some viewed him as a hero, marching forward and slaying the demon's gods that were the calamities and putting the people at ease.

Others saw him as a savior, saving them from the hidden danger of the beast and from being in constant fear.

Others also saw him as an avenger, taking revenge for all the people they have lost and bringing them justice.

And the list goes on in how the world viewed Tang Wulin.

If the last two uproars didn't make it obvious enough, the world will be paying close attention to Tang Wulin and his next actions.

For it seems, he was an existence that seems to love breaking conventional sense, similar to the great Tang San and Huo Yuhao.

But on a far higher scale.


"You have been busy." Said Mu Ye as he stared at the heir to the Body Sect, Tang Wulin who was walking beside him.

"And it will only get worse. Anyway, we only came here for an errand."Said Tang Wulin as he walked forward with Na'er and Gu Yue beside him.

"Oh, so you're not staying here. Is that why the others are missing?"

"More or less, once I am done, I will be heading back to the Douluo continent." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Ye to nod his head.

"How has the school and sect been developing? Nothing bad or unexpected has happened, right?"Question Tang Wulin.

"Things have been going well. While there were some setbacks when it came to the training in the school, it wasn't too much of the plans we created. Of course, I had to do some changes to the training plan of the sect and school ever since more and more people started joining."Said Mu Ye with a laugh causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

"So, you're also using my fame."

"Oh? You actually noticed you're famous? Could have deceived me from the way you're ignoring all of the glances being directed at you."Said Mu Ye as he glances to the side.

Just as he said, countless gazes were being directed at their group but more specifically Tang Wulin as they walked through the streets of Tenrou.

Most if not all of the citizens of Ishgar have learned about the feats of Tang Wulin causing all of them to feel a great sense of pride.

As not only did some of them have a huge enmity with the Calamities that destroyed their home. But because of the fact, the principal of the Tenrou Academy was the one who did this.

The one who was training their soul masters was the one who slew the calamities, their principal!

The leader of the Academy!

One of the overseers of the island did this!

This generated a huge sense of protection and security in the hearts of the people, as they all felt with the presence of Tang Wulin.

Nothing can threaten or harm them!

The only reason none of them were cheering was the cause of the Body Sect Leader Mu Ye telling them not to.

As Tang Wulin simply wanted to enter to do his business without causing an uproar. Normally this wouldn't be enough, but Mu Ye told them, they can do a celebration later with a festival down the line causing them all to agree.

Of course, this didn't stop some from shouting out there thank you or bless you to Tang Wulin as he and the others passed by.

"I am too busy to deal with them at the moment. No one has bothered the other residents, right?"Questioned Tang Wulin as he glances at Mu Ye.

"No, I made sure to make it, so the continuing exploration of the forest is to be halted until further notice. With having some of the elders oversee and guard the place, for those who don't wish to listen or take heed."

"Good, right now I am going to go visit them." Said Tang Wulin with a nod his head causing Mu Ye to raise a brow.

"Can you at least tell me they are? They have to be pretty important for you to go through so much trouble?"

Tang Wulin didn't say anything at first and simply glanced at Gu Yue and Na'er who have been quietly following behind since they got here.

"It's fine. This might be the best if we want to avoid any incident." Said Gu Yue after seeing Tang Wulin glance and understanding its significance.

"Yes, this might be a chance for open communication between both sides." Said Na'er as she nodded with her eyes brightening, causing Tang Wulin and Gu Yue lips to twitch.

"Alright old man, the people on the other side are Soul Beasts." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Ye to widen his eyes.

"More specifically the Soul Beasts from the Star Luo Forest, all of them have migrated from there to come over here." Said Tang Wulin, ignoring the shock and look of disbelief on Mu Ye's face.

"A-Are you saying...That on that boat-"

"Yes, it held all of the top soul beasts that are over hundreds of thousands of years old. Which includes the ferocious beasts, the true rulers of Star Luo Forest."

Mu Ye's expression had gone through various emotions before it settled on blankly staring at his disciple.


"I had them moved over here."


"Through a simple plan really." Said Tang Wulin before he informed Mu Ye on the plan, he enacted to move them over.

While Mu Ye simply listened on, beginning to have a new understanding of just how insane his disciple was.

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