Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 282: Influence Of The Past

Chapter 282: Influence Of The Past

The silence was the response to Tang Wulin's words, as all of the soul beasts had varying expressions on their face.

All of their thoughts were in disarray as they kept on recalling the countless images they saw.

Bi Ji's expression was grim, as she tried to come to terms with what she saw, the cruelty and monstrous actions that her ancestor took.

Yet no matter how hard she tried, it became too much for her to accept. It was to the point she was questioning if she was sleeping or not.

Soul Beasts peeling off humans' skins and having them make a sculpture out of it? Soul Beasts making the humans fight against each other as they cheer?

How could anyone even think of such a sick thing?

Was the thought of the humans being insects to them, that severe that they would go so far.

'This...Is this the reason why our race is being treated like experiments? Is this punishment by the heavens for our race? All because of our ancestor's sins?' Thought Bi Ji as she clenches her fists finding it unfair they are continually being punished.

Didn't they already suffer from the fact that none of them could achieve immortality?

Weren't they already punished that their future descendants would have to live in fear from the tribulations?

Wasn't it enough that they weren't at the top of the world anymore?

Yet Bi Ji couldn't help but feel a type of sorrow as she recalls the human's expressions. The men and women among them, young and old were all shedding tears as they stared at their oppressors.

The despair and unwillingness as they failed their loved ones, their powerlessness to stop the tragedy from happening.

Bi Ji closes her eyes with her face scrunching up, as she desperately tries to forget the scenes.

But no matter what, she couldn't as they kept on playing in her mind.

Gu Yue and Na'er expressions were grim, as they saw the despair, the lost hope, and brokenness inside the human's eyes.

They understood.

They finally realize why Tang Wulin said there is a story for both sides and how none of them are the victims in this long battle.

As if it was a cycle, one side treated the other like bugs and pests before later through time.

They were also treated like bugs and pests.

A cycle that doesn't seem any close to being broken.

'Big brother...You said you would help bring them together? Are you doing this, to help show both of the races aren't different?' Thought Na'er as she glances at Tang Wulin.

"What is your purpose in showing this? Is it so we can feel sympathy? Or is it for us to understand we are being punished?"Questioned Di Tian with a tired sigh, his shoulder slumping down.

He didn't know this happened, as back then, he was still in the divine realm. No one told him of this or maybe they didn't know?

He honestly didn't know which truth he liked the best but what he did know was, this proved it.

Humanity and Soul Beasts can't work together, they can not become a race that can co-exist equally.

As when one race gains the advantage over the other, a tragedy like back then and now will happen once again.

He glances at Na'er whose expression was filled with such sorrow and shame, that he couldn't watch for too long.

'I hope you understand now, my Lords. Our race can not exist together.'

"Neither the purpose is simply for you all to understand both of you are the same. Humanity and Soul Beasts, both sides have been cruel and horrible to each other through the stream of time."Said Tang Wulin causing the soul beasts to fall silent.

"Both of you are victims and at the same time not. For you both abused your power over each other, not caring about the other side. I am sure some of you have already noticed the cycle that is happening."

"Where we both are suppressing the other?" Questioned Bear Lord causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Had Gu Yue or Na'er regained the full power of the Dragon God, would you all have not asked her to suppress the humans? Or have her slaughter them all?"Questioned Tang Wulin causing most of the soul beasts to look down.

As Tang Wulin's words were exposing their greatest desire.

How could they have not asked? With their lord's power, they would have been able to get revenge and rescue their people.

'But by doing this, we would be continuing the cycle of hatred between both races.' Thought Gu Yue with a sigh.

"You are right, we would have pleaded for the lord to do that. But what else are we supposed to do? Are you telling me you all would stop what you were doing if we asked? That if we didn't showcase power far beyond you all, you would listen to our pleas?"Questioned Zi Ji with her eyes narrowed at Tang Wulin.

"Don't get it wrong, I am not blaming you all. Your actions are no different than what any race would do, once they taste the feeling of oppression."Said Tang Wulin with a shake of his head, not really caring about the conflict between the two races.

"So what do you-"

"Come to a compromise with both of your races. Work together, so this cycle of suppression and oppression doesn't have to continue."Said Tang Wulin causing Zi Ji to furrow her brows, while Bi Ji spoke up.

"Is this why you said, you wanted us to work with the humans on this Island?"

"Yes, one part so you guys can work together and another part for you guys to finally have a home that won't be in danger." Said Tang Wulin causing Di Tian to chuckle with a shake of his head.

"Do you believe a history of hatred between our races can be mended, just like that? Do you even believe that our two races can come together?"Questioned Di Tian with a glare causing Tang Wulin to shake his head.

"I don't believe this will get rid of the hatred overnight, as things like this will take time. Maybe thousands of years or longer, I am unsure. As for if I believe, I do believe you two can come together in the future."

"Why?" Questioned Di Tian with his eyes widened, wondering just where Tang Wulin got his confidence from.

"Because it has happened before." Said Tang Wulin with a faint smile before the surroundings began to change once again.


They stared, in wonder at the scene before them.

A land filled with both soul beasts and humans. They were working together, building a kingdom for both of them.

They saw the humans working on a building while soul beasts used superiors their strength to help them carry the heavy loads.

They saw humans in a high-ranking position, giving their own opinions, and leading another band of humans forward.

They saw the humans having fun with other soul beasts, some little ones were riding on a tiger soul beast who was laughing while shaking them.

It was amazing to the watchers.

Before they would have never thought a civilization like this would exist, one where both humanity and soul beast were working together.

"This was the same year that humanity rebelled and pulled the soul beast off their thrones. Not all humans were suppressed, as some of them were treated equally by some soul beasts."Said Tang Wulin as he glanced around, looking at all of the familiar images.

"The humans who rebelled, instead of hating the soul beasts, decided to work together with them. They gave up on their hatred and went for a peaceful option, allying with them."

The soul beasts' eyes widened, as they saw a huge population of human and soul beasts standing before each other.

They saw a man in blue-black robes standing in front of a peacock soul beast, both of them holding out their hands and shaking each other.

Smiles were on both of their faces, with everyone clapping and shouting.

"It's funny, isn't it? That even with all the pain and torture those humans in the old went through, they still choose the peaceful option."Said Tang Wulin with a sigh while looking at a few people with a bit of fondness.

"...Even with all our ancestors had done? They still forgave them? They still had the ability and courage to ally?"Questioned Bi Ji with her eyes wide, not believing such a thing could be possible.

One has to understand that what the humans experienced was both horrifying and hard to forget.

It wasn't something you could easily forgive or forget, so for them to try an alliance with the soul beast was.

"Of course there were problems but in the end, humans chose the option of peace. As in the end, they were tired of the constant fighting."Said Tang Wulin as he recalls the words from the text in the book he got from Wu Yiyi.

'It is possible.' Thought Na'er as her eyes shine with hope and thrill as she took in the scene of a human and soul beast shaking hands.

She began engraving the scene in her heart and mind, as this becomes an even greater motivation for her.

It wasn't wrong to say this scene gave her a prime example of how humanity and beasts can come together.

'No wonder, Wulin said it's possible. As he was there to both see and experience it.' Thought Gu Yue with a sigh as she glances at Na'er whose body was trembling.

"Where are these images from?" Questioned Di Tian to Tang Wulin but his eyes were still on the handshake of both races.

"They are from my memories when I was transported to the past by the Nine Dragon Kings." Said Tang Wulin, causing all soul beasts to be shocked but none more so than Di Tian.

"They did? But why would they-"

"To help me on my journey of becoming the heir of the Dragon God." Said Tang Wulin causing Di Tian's whole body to shake.

"...They want you to be the next Dragon God?"

"Yes." Tang Wulin said, causing Di Tian to fall silent with his head down.

It wasn't just him but the other soul beast as they stared at Tang Wulin in shock and disbelief once again.

As they couldn't understand why their ancestors the nine dragon kings would want a human to become the next Dragon God.

Especially since there, lords were here, the split half of the Dragon God, the Silver Dragon King.

"Now then, if these humans, who have been through so much can agree or to a decision like this. Don't you think it's possible? After all, I am sure you all are tired of this constant fighting with humanity." Said Tang Wulin, causing Di Tian to let out a sigh.

"I agree...But I don't believe we can work with them even with this scene. At the very least, not with all humans." Said Di Tian as this was the best he could compromise.

Could they trust all of humanity?

The answer was a resounding no!

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