Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 297: Across The Sea

Chapter 297: Across The Sea

"It has been two months?" Questioned Tang Wulin in slight disbelief.

"Don't tell me you thought experiencing various lives would be a quick process? Each life you experienced gave you a type of insight that needed time for you to fully comprehend."Said Nexus before he let out a sigh.

"Just what was that?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Nexus to chuckle.

"Did you know that Mahal had another name? The Tower of Samsara, the tower where one could experience the myriads of life through dreams."Said Nexus with a sigh.

"It keeps the memories of those of the past, their adventures, and struggles. It's why you were able to see the fight long ago and past."Said Nexus causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"What about the others?"

"They're pretty much done, I already sent them back to the ship on the coast. I told them to go on ahead, and you will follow behind. As right now you're undergoing an important phase of comprehension."Said Nexus causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"But, one of them resolutely said she would stay."

"She? Wait, is it the woman with green hair?"Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Yes, it was."

Tang Wulin had a strange expression on his face when he heard Nexus answer. But he didn't say anything as he nodded his head and asked Nexus to teleport him out.

"You need to be careful from now on. With those monarchs out there, they will try their hardest to find a way to break apart the barrier and free their demon army."Said Nexus as a final warning to Tang Wulin.

"What will happen to you now?"

"Ha, we both know the answer to that. When the remaining essence is dried up inside of me. My body will fail and then, I will perish."Said Nexus.

"You don't seem wary or anxious about it...You seem even glad?"

"I do? Ha, maybe I might be. All of the people I know are dead and gone, so maybe it's just me wanting to reunite with them."Said Nexus with a harsh laugh, feeling it's been too long.

"Plus, this isn't a bad end for a coward like me." Muttered Nexus before then glancing at Tang Wulin.

"Take care of Yggdrasil, with her rebirth, you will be able to control the past, present, and future. She will also be able to help you on your path, in becoming a true God."Said Nexus before he flicked his hand at Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin's whole body was being shrouded in a golden light as Nexus looked at him with a serene look.

"This will be the last time we will meet, but I think...It wasn't bad to have you be the last one I see."

Tang Wulin didn't get a chance to say anything as his body turned into a streak of light and dashed upwards.

"Good luck... You will need it. For the incoming clash between worlds..."

A streak of light passed through the demon world before landing on the shore next to a green-haired woman whose eyes widened.


But Ya Li didn't have time to speak as she was also covered with the brilliant light before it once again launched itself forward, across the sea.

Courtesy of Nexus who used the bits of Mahal to help transport both of them back to their mainland.

With a sigh, Nexus slump down on the ground, gradually closing his eyes as he prepares himself for a rest that will last forever.


"Congratulations on finishing the body refining and Breaking through the ring blockade." Said Old Tang as he glances at his students.

Some of them were coughing up water, while the others were using their soul power to dry up the water from the last two tests.

Either way, they were too busy to give a reply to Old Tang who only chuckled.

'Their progress is going well, finishing four trials in six months. With this progress, they might just finish all specifically tailored trials for them in a year or less.'

Old Tang and Tang Wulin decided before bringing the other here to alter the Sea God trials to properly accommodate the others.

They both knew that the whole nine trials were meant for either the new successor of the Sea God or someone trying to gain control of the Trident.

Since his friends weren't any of this, they decided to configure it where they focus more one raising one strength.

The nine tests will be about pushing their soul power, body, and mind, refining and fortifying them to the next level.

While also aiding them to break through the ranks and if needed, bestowing them a soul ring if their soul spirit wasn't enough.

"Mu Xi and Yuanen Yehui, it's time for both of your breakthroughs." Said Old Tang as he knew the two of them had reached rank 90, Title Douluo level.

With a snap of his finger, the sea around them began to rumble as ripples began to ring through the area.

Before two towering pillars move up from the ground, shining with a golden splendor and luster with sea symbols on them.

"Gain your soul rings through these towers, touching them will make you undergo a test. If you pass you gain your next soul ring but fail...And you die."Said Old Tang causing their expression to turn grim.

But they glance at each other with smirks forming on their face before nodding at Old Tang. They both knew the benefit and reward should match up the danger.

"Be careful guys." Said Xie Xie as he gave Yuanen Yehui a worrying look before turning to Mu Xi.

It wasn't just him but the others were worried about both of them as this wouldn't be a simple battle for both of them.

Any opponent that was chosen by this God Trial must be terrifying, especially when Old Tang mentioned the chance of dying.

One has to understand from the beginning of the trials until now, Old Tang has never mentioned the danger of them dying.

Even when they had to rush through the ring blockade that was swarming with countless Sea Soul-Beast who wasn't weak by any means.

With their age ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 which would be equivalent to a Soul Emperor to a Title Douluo level strength.

Old Tang never mentioned or told them that they had a chance of dying.

Mu Xi and Yuanen Yehui reached the golden pillars before reaching out their hands and touching it.

The golden pillars began to lit up before golden energy began to move from it and gently wrap around the too.

Moving and coiling around them, forming something akin to a cocoon that was giving off golden fiery lights.

"Alright then, now for the rest of you." Said Old Tang, bringing everyone's attention back to him.

"The next trial for you all will be considered sharpening you guys and all that you have learned so far."

"Sharpening? Do you mean we will be going to a battlefield?"Questioned Xu Xiaoyan.

"Yes, I will be having you all fought in the various battlefields to help stabilize your foundation and push your growth even more." Said Old Tang.

"These battlefields will not be easy, they will be exceptionally dangerous, with the chance of losing your life very high." Said Old Tang as he swept through them all with his eyes.

All of them had their eyes narrowed, with no weakness or hesitation being spotted, even Liu Yuxin and Dai Yun'er seemed confident.

'Oh? They were all worried a bit when those two went to the pillar from the chance of death. But now they aren't...Oh, I see, it's because they're all together.' Thought Old Tang with a chuckle.

How could they not have confidence when they are together with each other? After all, they have been through and the challenges they have done?

It wasn't wrong to say that they all felt they could take on anything when there here with each other.

Even though all of them weren't here, it still didn't matter.

"Well, while I did say you guys were going to be on the same battlefield. That doesn't mean you guys will appear at the same place together."Said Old Tang with a smile as he snaps his fingers, right as Xie Xie's voice rang out.


All of them were whisked away by a golden light with the last thing Old Tang seeing was an incredulous look on Xie Xie.

"They should be fine." Said Old Tang before turning towards the golden cocoons that were in front of the towering pillars.

"Now let's see how both of you are doing."


In a golden colored forest, a light appeared in the middle of the countless trees around before fading away and revealing Xu Xiaoyan.

In the next moment, she swiftly summons her bow and evades to the left, just in time to avoid a streak of light.

As the spot where she was got cleaved in half with the trees behind splitting and the earth opening up.

Xu Xiaoyan didn't ask anything as she swiftly expanded out her spiritual sense, locating and determining her attacker.

"...It's a stone golem?"Questioned Xu Xiaoyan as she saw a golden golem with a broadsword in his hand moving towards her.

But as she said this, she was already placing four arrows into her Silver Moon that gave a light blue shine.

Four arrows flashed through the skies, streaking forward as they pierced over to the golden golem.

The Golden Golem withdrew his broadsword before slashing across, smashing into the arrows.

'Strong.' Thought Xu Xiaoyan as she nocked another set of four arrows, that were coiling with the ice element.

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!

Four arrows flashed out simultaneously, leaving behind four icy trails in the sky, piercing over again.

The Golden Golem once again slash sideways, smashing into the arrow but this time the arrows exploded.

With stinging frost and ice forming on the broadsword as well on the golden golem.

The golden golem narrowed its eyes before releasing an earth-shattering roar before dashing forward.

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes widened as she saw the terrifying speed of the golden golem, already crossing the halfway point to her.

Her rings appeared behind her before shackles made out of starlight appeared around the golem.

The golden golem felt its movement becoming completely sealed, with no way of escaping or resisting.

Xu Xiaoyan dashed forward while shooting out arrows at the golden golem. With them smashing into and chipping away the golden golem body.

While at the same time, forming frost and ice around his body. After a few seconds, the golem was finally released from the shackles and quickly hacked down with its broadsword.

A fiery light erupted from the broadsword as sword energy moved to chop down Xu Xiaoyan.

Yet she didn't panic as she continued moving forward as frost began to generate around her body.

Before she shot ten arrows forward that smashed into the sword energy and created another ice explosion.

A layer of shimmering mist was formed from the violent explosions, masking Xu Xiaoyan, and the golem from each other.

But the golem instantly shivered as it felt like it was being stalked and keenly watched by something.

As if it was the helpless prey to a vicious predator.

In the next moment, an obscure figure appeared behind it, hacking out with an elegant bow that smashed into its head.

The golem head slightly went back but at the same time, it slashed across with its broadsword, aiming to bisect the obscure figure.

But the golem body was once again frozen as another set of shackles appeared on it.

At the same time, the figure jumped up, with its feat landing on its shoulder and a bow in front of its face.

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