Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 307: Agreement Between Leaders

Chapter 307: Agreement Between Leaders

"Sister Ji... Are you sure about this? Aren't we rushing things too far? At least we should talk about it with everyone-"

"Ha. To think there would be a day that you would be saying stuff like that."Said Zi Ji with a laugh.

"Shut up! It's just I think-"

"It's fine Bear Lord; we understand. But out of everyone here right now, only Bi Ji has the best view of what the Soul-Beast needs."Said the Myriad Demon King.

Bi-Ji had nodded her head before she looked towards Mu Ye who was glancing at all of them.

"So is this your final decision? We can give you more time-"

"No, this is our decision. We already had months to think about it. We arriving here was to either agree or not and we agree."Said Bi Ji causing Mu Ye to nod his head.

"Alright with this, we promise to keep you all safe or as best as we can in our power. We will not sell you out to any of the continents nor will we ask for you to die for us. We will not ask for any soul rings or hunt you guys down while you are under our care."Said Mu Ye as he began agreeing to all of the demands of the soul beast.

He didn't mind agreeing with these conditions as they weren't harming the people on the land.

In fact, Mu Ye had to thank that brat Tang Wulin for giving him more helpers and hands.

Especially since they were soul beasts who had far more knowledge when it came to martial souls and beast abilities.

"Well we can write up some forms, and you can sign-"

"No need, I doubt will do us any good. We will simply watch your actions for now." Said Bi Ji as her eyes began to narrow.

"And if the day comes, where you all go back on your words. Then I promise you, even if it means the end of us. We will seek justice."Said Bi Ji with a cold glare towards Mu Ye.

It wasn't just her but Bear Lord, Zi Ji, and the Myriad Demon King were glaring at all of the elders in the room.

"Hahaha! Naturally. If we're in the wrong, we will bear the consequences."Said Mu Ye with a smirk before standing up and extending his hand.

"...I think it's better we start from a head nod."Said Bi Ji causing Wang Tong to chuckle to the side.

"Foolish disciple, how dare you to laugh at me."

Yang Rui and the other elders chuckled at this familiar sight while Bi Ji glanced at the other soul beast.

"I hope this is the right decision." Muttered Bi Ji.


Once Tang Wulin and the others found themselves in the jury forest once again. They began making their way back to Shrek Academy.

The trip only took about two days before they found themselves crossing through the academy gate.

Tang Wulin told Er Ming to wait for him in the dorms. Which he agreed to as he didn't want to be caught up in the affairs of humanity.

They went straight towards the boat on the shore before crossing this sea and reaching the Sea God Island.

"So you're all back." Said Yun Ming as he saw Ya Li with Tang Wulin.

"They already reported it?" Questions Ya Li.

"They did, I already made some plans and had people working on it. For now, we're waiting for any word or signs of activities."Said Yun Ming causing Tang Wulin and Ya Li to nod their heads.

"So once again we're playing the waiting game... Well, it's not like I didn't expect this. Still, I should tell you this, since I will be needing your help later."Tang Wulin said, causing Yun Ming and Ya Li to glance at him.

As when it comes to Tang Wulin and his need for help, they were always... Interesting to say the least.

"Alright, what do you need to tell me?"

"It's about the Demon Continent..."

Tang Wulin told Yun Ming about the things he talked with Nexus about the state of the Demon Continent. From what would happen if the seal broke, if the Island was to be destroyed and their plan to fix this.

"...Another god? Are you a magnet to them?"Questioned Yun Ming in disbelief as he leaned back in his chair.

Ya Li held his shoulder to give him comfort while also getting over her shock with this development.

"You act like I actively seek them out." Said Tang Wulin with a roll of his eyes.

"But you would run straight towards them if you see them!" Shouted Yun Ming.

"He's right."

"Definitely right."

"Absolutely right."

"Hehe, he's totally right daddy."

"Ha! This human knows you so well."

Tang Wulin ignored the words of the people inside of him, not wanting to deal with this at the moment.

"Alright, at the very least we have a plan to help the plane... Still, another god-clash would have caused the plane destruction."Mutter Yun Ming with a grimace.

"At least we have a way to heal a bit." Said Ya Li causing Yun Ming to nod his head.

"But the problem is that we're not sure if it can be healed before those demons make a move or not. Now I am starting to wish it was the Holy Spirit Cult who took the God-Killer weapon." Said Yun Ming.

"God-Killer weapon?"

"Weren't they destroyed?" Questioned Ya Li after Tang Wulin in disbelief.

"Right... You guys only just got back. A while back, the Federation sent out a report that their God-Killer weapon was stolen. It seems they had another in secret but it was damaged and they were trying to fix those damages."

"And it was stolen right under their noses... Those fools!"Shouted Ya Li with a clench of her hand.

Did they not know how dangerous those weapons were?

Didn't they understand they recently just came back from the fight against the Calamities and now they're pulling this?

"If that weapon is used... It will weaken the plane even more." Said Tang Wulin with a frown.

"Not only that but it will poison the nature of the world." Said Sleipnir in a grave tone.

'That is true.'

The God-Killer weapons from what he learned from Mu Ye were that inside of them was destruction energy.

And not just a little bit of destruction energy but a vast amount, enough to completely wipe out a whole country.

If such a weapon was to be released and if it was to make contact with the plane.

Then the whole area that it made contact with would be filled with a large amount of destructive energy. That would run rampant inside of the plane until it slowly began taking root.

Or worse began to corrode the plane.

Not only that but there was also the radiation that would begin to pervade from the explosion.

Their area will be no different than an area devoid of all life, where nothing can live there.

Maybe only strong soul masters would be able to explore that area.

"Yea, well, there's not much we can do to them at the moment. We need all the help we can get to stop the people who stole it from using."Said Yun Ming.

"If either the Demon Monarch or Holy Spirit Cult stole the weapon... Why haven't they used it yet? Is it still damaged?"Questioned Tang Wulin.

"...That might be part of it. But the other reason I assume is that the amount of energy needed to power those weapons is astronomical. It would take them a while before they could fill those requirements. During that time, we must find them."Said Yun Ming.

"Do you have any clues on where they are?"

"Well, the Tang Sect has found some clues about the Holy Spirit Cult with them having activities in the Dou Lin Empire." Said Yun Ming.

"The Dou Lin? Could it be the Holy Spirit Cult invaded them?"Questioned Ya Li causing Yun Ming to shrug his shoulder.

"Not sure but they seem to be active there. The Tang Sect there is scouting for details, hopefully, they will have a report back soon. No, you shouldn't go over there, to seek them."Said Yun Ming as he glances at Tang Wulin.

He didn't need another incident like the Star Luo Empire happening again.

Especially since he knows both, Tang Wulin and Holy Spirit Cult won't care about their surroundings.

'Plus I need him for standby.'

"I already know you want me here."

"At least you understand, now that is out of the way. Are Na'er and the others still doing the Sea God Trials?" Questioned Yun Ming with a slight frown.

It wasn't wrong to say he missed her dearly, with being unable to contact her in months has been getting to him.

Even though he has been keeping a cool look and has been busy with all of these recent problems.

There was always a part of him that worried sick for her.

"They are, although I am not sure when they will be done." Said Tang Wulin as he recalled he did tell them Na'er and Gu Yue were with the others.

'Well, I just have the others agree with my story later on.'

"Where are my mother and dad? I didn't sense their presence when I passed by the academy."Said Tang Wulin with an arched brow.

"Oh right, they and a few others went to Ishgar. It was something about work and the people there needed Tang Ziran."

"Alright, I visit there later. I need to check something out, so I may be leaving the academy."Said Tang Wulin.

"...If you must, at least tell me and keep your communicator ready. Just in case something happens."Said Yun Ming causing Tang Wulin to nod his head before leaving.

After Tang Wulin left through the door, Yun Ming glanced at Ya Li and said, "You seem happier than usual. Is there a reason?"

"Nope. Hehehe, just relishing on a joyful sight."Said Ya Li with a faint smile causing Yun Ming to be confused.

"Say...How do you feel about having a son or a nephew?"


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