Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 314: Clash Between Continent

Chapter 314: Clash Between Continent

"There ahead." Said Tang Wulin as he glanced at Chen Xinjie who was standing next to him on the deck.

"How far?"

"Twenty Meters away."

"Alright." Chen Xinjie glanced at the general next to him and continued, " Have them move out with the submarine, you guys need to infiltrate and look if they have the weapon. If not, then plant the soul bombs and leave."


Just as the general said this and began moving towards the hatch, a soldier's voice rang out.

"Sir! We are picking them up, ahead!"

"Get into position! They will be firing at us, as soon as we come into view. Just like we have sensed them, they have also sensed us."

While Chen Xinjie was relaying his orders to everyone, Tang Wulin outstretched his hand, summoning the Sea God Trident.

A dazzling trident appeared in his hand, giving off a resplendent light and divine glow.

"Already getting into it?" Questioned Chen Xinjie.

"Not one to allow a free hit."

In the next two minutes, the ships of the Dou Spirit Empire came into view, giving off a dark and pale presence.

"There they are."

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes as he saw the hundreds of soldiers on the deck of the ships, all of them glaring ahead.

Not only that but he saw and heard them yelling orders.

"Get into position!

The battleships began to slowly turn with the soul cannon and guns on the battleship moving.


The cannons on the battleship began to align with their target, making sure not to be too close to each other. So the cannons don't hit each other, with energy beginning to swirl inside.


Hundreds of soul energies blasted out of the cannons, piercing through the sky and towards Tang Wulin and the others.

Tang Wulin instantly thrust out his hand causing the seawater and the element to begin to rise up.

As the soul energy closed in on them, a huge dome of water rose up in between causing the energy to smash into it.

An explosion rang out that sent ripples through the sea around everyone.

The expression of the Dou Spirit Empire soldiers began to change. With some of them wondering which soul master had such a high mastery in the water element.

While the soul masters of the Douluo Continent let out a sigh of relief, gaining even more confidence.

Yet that confidence began to wave when the ships were finally able to turn fully, allowing them to aim all of their guns at them.

"Well, I be."Mutter Chen Xinjie as he saw over fifty ships guns aiming at just their mothership.

Then in the next instant, fixed ammunition began raining down on and on, one after another.

"I hope they hurry up." Mutter Chen Xinjie as he saw Tang Wulin commanding the sea once again.


"Infiltration, complete. Move out." Muttered a general of the Federation navy with the others nodding behind him.

Quietly, they began moving into the ship, moving past the dead bodies of the two soldiers that were near.

They needed to find the weapon area and see if they have the God Killer or not.

They all believed that the God-Killer wouldn't be kept hidden and would be kept safely in the mothership.

The main plan was simple, while the supreme commander and the others confronted and stalled the Dou Spirit Empire fleets.

They would use this time to move through the almost empty mothership. As most of the soldiers would focus on the battle in front of them, instead of paroling the ship.

During this time, the general and his men must infiltrate the base and scout to see if there is any God-Killer here. If there wasn't, put explosives on the cannons, the provisioned storage, and finally the command control.

This was being done for every Mothership.

Once this is done, they will need to leave and wait to see if they could push back the ships without the explosive.

If not? Well, let's just say the Dou Spirit Empire will be having a bad time.


"Hmm, different but interesting." Mutter Er Ming gazes down at the town, interactions between the Beast and human.

"It took a while for us to reach this point, though." Said Mu Ye with a sigh.

For one, they had to somehow explain to the citizens of Tenrou City their reason for allowing the beast inside.

This, of course, caught a lot of backlash as some of the people who came from the mainland.

Were still angered and enraged at the soul beast because of the actions of the Calamities. They didn't like the fact that soul beast would be living with them and disliked it even further.

When they heard that they would have the same rights as the people on this continent.

Some people didn't seem to mind, as they believe as long as they have Tang Wulin.

Nothing bad would happen and that the soul beast wouldn't dare to act out of order here.

The rest didn't seem to mind, as they have given up on their hate and anger after the death of the calamities.

The Beast was outraged that the humans kept blaming the action of Calamities on them.

Either way, both sides have been aggressive to the other through the looks and words for the past months.

Mu Ye believed it was only after they stayed with each other for the past months, that they learned to tolerate each other.

But that was it, tolerate.

"I am not surprised, the Soul-Beast and Human have a history that spans even beyond 20,000 years. A few months isn't going to change their relationship. It might take even thousands of years to even come close to what Wulin is envisioning." Said Er Ming causing Mu Ye to nod his head.

"But Wulin seems to have a plan. He was able to get Di Tian of all people to agree with his plan, with that dragon working together with our staff as we speak."

"Yea..."Mutter Er Ming.

To say he was shocked that Di Tian was helping Tang Wulin would be an understatement.

Er Ming knew and understood Di Tian's view, this was someone who would sacrifice everything for the Soul beasts.

So one could understand just how deep his hatred for humanity was. But to hear and see him mingling with them, well that was just a big surprise for him.

At the same time, he was wondering how things with the Dou Spirit Empire and Tang Wulin was going.

Er Ming didn't know when Tang Wulin moved out as he left before Tang Wulin. But it has been about over a month, so he should already be on the ship and making his way over.

"I should go see them-"

Er Ming stopped talking as he felt his danger sense going off with him widening his eyes.

Just as in the next few seconds, the whole city began to shake and tremble from the sounds of explosions.


"Thank you, Miss Bi Ji." Said an old man in construction attire as he saw the wound on his knee healing.

"Think nothing of it." Said Bi Ji with a smile causing the old man to chuckle.

"Why are you even thanking her, this is far from-"

"Shut up! She didn't have to heal us while we were working but she did, stop being ungrateful." Said the old man as he smacks the young man who was sitting next to him, on the head.

"Sorry about that Miss Bi Ji."

"It's fine, I am well aware we aren't welcome."

"...So why are you guys even here." Muttered the young man causing the old worker to glare at him.

Bi Ji didn't get mad, she continued to smile before moving towards the others who needed healing.

She knew some of them were glaring at her but they all still let her heal them. As she was able to make a reputation for herself, as the best healer on this land.

While treating everyone she treated the same, whether that may be soul beast or humans.

This made it so some of the humans began favoring her, others losing their hatred for her and others begrudging respecting her.

"Bi Ji!" A voice rang out causing Bi Ji's smile to grow wider as she glanced behind her.

To see the smiling face of Lang Yue coming towards her with a basket filled with food.

"Sister Yue."

"Aww, I am glad you're finally calling me sister, even though it took a while."

"That's because you came out of the blue and told me to call you sister." Said Bi Ji with her lips twitching causing Lang Yue to giggle.

"Well here the food for you and the others, I wish I could stay here a bit longer. But I have to get back to Tang Ziran."

"That's fine, we are thankful you brought it for us." Said Bi Ji as without glancing around, she could imagine the smiling faces of the others.

As it was usually Lang Yue who would come around with their food and extra supplies when they needed it.

"Hehe, alright. Remember to come over later, so we can talk more." Said Lang Yue as she put the basket down before waving.

"Of course."

Bi Ji let out a content sigh, as she smiled at the fading figure of Lang Yue. It was through people like Lang Yue that her wish of both races looked like it could come true.

She also noted that after Di Tian came back from helping their Lord, he seems a bit happier.

As if a huge load that was centered on top of his shoulder was gone. She simply chalked it up as him not having to have so much responsibility since their Lord has fully returned.

As she was passing out the food and supplies, with a few minutes passing by. It was then that they felt the land shake and tremble with the sounds of explosion ringing out.

"What is that!"

"Is it an earthquake!"

"No... I heard cannon fire!"


"There seems to be a barrier that is surrounding the City."Said a person in green-gold robe as they knelt.

"I noticed... Have our soldiers move on foot and begin invading the city, while our ship will continue raining down attacks on them."

"Yes, sir."

The person who was kneeling stood up before moving towards the men who were armed and ready.

"Let's see if this city can withstand this assault, but first. Let's go take care of those strong pests." Muttered the man as his figure began to turn translucent before he vanished.


"Were being attacked." Muttered Mu Ye as he stared at the barrier that appeared around the whole Tenrou City and academy.

As well as the black cloud of smoke around.

"But who? It doesn't matter right now, we have to have to stop them from destroying the city." Said Er Ming as red and purple aura began to shine around his figure.

"Alright, we will have the staff and students get ready to defend the city, see if you can scout the enemy strength." Said Mu Ye as he took out his soul communicator and began sending out an order to everyone.

Er Ming dashed towards the shore of Ishgar, moving at a blinding speed before arriving there in a few seconds.

'Ships? And they're sending out forces as well. But who are they?' Thought Er Ming as he narrowed his eyes.

He found the answer to his question when he saw the uniform that the soldiers were wearing.

'Dou Spirit Empire... Meaning the Holy Spirit Cult, to think they would send another force to try and destroy the city.'

Er Ming couldn't allow this city to be destroyed not only because of the soul beast here but his nephew's hard work would be a waste.

With a roar, he released his soul power, which ruthlessly descended down on the sky and pressed down on soldiers.

The Dou Spirit Empire soul masters felt themself kissing the ground, not understanding what was going on.

With the sounds of their bone-breaking and feeling of suffocation as they tried to struggle free.

With a snort, Er Ming swung his arm, creating a huge gust of wind that lifted the soldiers up and hurled them back on to the ship.


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