Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 324: Dragon Clan

Chapter 324: Dragon Clan

What did it mean to ban an event from happening?

It meant to forbid it from happening, to alter it so it would never come to the past and was simply just an illusion.

And that is exactly what Tang Wulin was able to accomplish.

He was able to combine the Space-time Channel, Time Magic, Branch of Akasha, Luminescence Genesis, and Shocked The Heaven.

All of these powers had something to deal with the power of space-time and probability. Allowing Wulin to create and bring forth an attack that could rewrite and ban the event that Tang Wulin didn't want, to never happen.

Forbidden Dragon Emperor Technique!

Forbid History, Dragon Emperor Ban!

Yggdrasil was able to tell that changes were taking place in Tang Wulin's body as the technique was being formed.

With his three soul cores which were far apart from each other, being pulled together.

With his Dragon and Multi-colored cores being absorbed into the spinning whirlpool of his next soul core that was gradually forming.

She was also able to tell that Tang Wulin is making and utilizing this skill was able to cause a deep sense of fear into the plane.

'Of course, it's not surprising. It's a skill that surpasses the planar laws themselves.' Thought Yggdrasil with a sigh.

Forbid History, Dragon Emperor Ban, Yggdrasil can tell was derived from the heaven and earth laws that formed the true essence behind all laws.

This is similar to Tang Wulin being able to utilize God-Level technique, something that the world can't withstand as of now.

'But still... Making a skill like that... Should be impossible for a mortal. So how did he do it without being destroyed by the heavenly laws?' Thought Yggdrasil in confusion.

As in the end, what Tang Wulin did was ban an event in history. But then again she sighed as she recalls that these two idiots wanted to reverse time on a large scale.

'Weird... Just how did those words form in my head?' Thought Tang Wulin in slight confusion as he recalls back.

The words he roared out had instantaneously formed in his mind as if they were meant to be there and has always been there.

Everything after as he used the skill, felt as if the law of heaven and earth was bending and obeying his will.

Tang Wulin had now understood what he needed to and the path he needed to walk to fully combine all of his power.

'While it isn't perfect, it's a start in bringing them all together.'

While his cultivation didn't change or get stronger, he did feel his comprehension in time and probability has gotten deeper.

Moreover, he could feel this technique can help him on his path to god-hood or more specifically the type of god he wished to become.

One could say, he finally found his path and just needed to keep this up till he reached the limit of the world.


It wasn't just the Tang family that was happy but the whole Tenrou City who was in a daze.

As they stared at the people, who they could have sworn was killed and eliminated by the green wave before.

Some of them had to blink their eyes to make sure this wasn't a dream or that they didn't pass out.

While others were giving them weary glances, thinking this might be a side-effect of the green wave.

But the rest didn't care, as they rushed towards the people who just died, hugging and grasping them.

"Teacher song!" Shouted Xie Xiao as he held on to the confused Song.

" Xie Xiao? What happened? Why is everything the same... and not-"

"I don't know either but right now, it doesn't matter. All that matters is your fine."Said Xie Xiao, causing Song to blink his eyes before sighing.

He began rubbing the crying Xie Xiao back, not saying anything, and somewhat grasping how he felt.

'Still... Just what happened to cause this?'

In the east area of Tenrou City were Wang Tong and Bear Lord who were looking around in wonder.

"...Did you feel it too? That terrifying and dominating presence that came and left a few minutes ago."

"I did..."Muttered Wang Tong, causing Bear Lord's lips to twitch.

While he tries to stop his whole figure from trembling in fright, as he was able to felt it more than Wang Tong.

'Could they be related?' Thought Bear Lord as he glances at the screams of joy and people crying.



"Ouch! Ouch! Na'er baby, we get it! We're sorry!"

Mu Chen lips twitch as he saw Na'er pinching both of her parent's cheeks while glaring at them.

Tang Ziran and Lang Yue were squirming under both the pinch and the glare.

'Can't blame her though, she is still coming off the high of seeing her parents die in front of them.' Thought Mu Chen before he glanced at Mu Bao'er who was faintly smiling.

Yet he could still see she was trembling slightly, most likely from the last few minutes. Without another word, he moved towards her and wrapped his arm around.

"It's okay, everything is fine." Whispered Mu Chen as he lightly kissed his wife's head, while holding her tightly.

Mu Bao'er figure trembled before she moved in deeper into her husband's warm embrace. It was only after a few minutes that Na'er let go of both of them.

"So, anyone wants to tell me what happened?" Questioned Tang Ziran as he started rubbing his cheek.

"Yea, I thought we di-passed away." Lang Yue quickly corrected as she saw the frowns appearing on her baby's face.

"Big brother?" Questioned Na'er as she knew that this was all caused by Tang Wulin.

But she just didn't understand how he was able to do this.

She knew this wasn't simply reversing time on a large scale as she would felt the fluctuations of the power of time.

And she also knew this wasn't him simply reversing time on their parents as she saw the academy was also affected.

"Could... Could you have altered history itself?"Questioned Na'er in slight disbelief with everyone around her widening their eyes.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he simply moved his hand towards Na'er head, caressing it while pulling her in his embrace.

"I simply forbade a future where they died from happening, anything else that happened was just an after-effect." Said Tang Wulin with Na'er tilting her head in his embrace.


"Wulin..." Muttered Lang Yue who was shocked and in disbelief as she tried to comprehend the words of her son.

Because we weren't in that future... You just stopped it from happening?

"Now then... For the first time in a long while."

"I am enraged." Said Tang Wulin as his eyes began to glow with a golden-scarlet light with it narrowing in slits.

As he said this, a nine-colored light appeared in front of him, that blinded everyone around.


They felt and sensed it.

Their father rage, his fury, and wish to rampage through the world that incited his anger.

And so they began to respond.

As for how could they do anything else but respond?

In a mountain valley, that was filled with countless herbs and flowers.

Some exotic flowers and herbs were growing on the shores around a double-colored lake.

With a gargantuan flower that was towering above everything.

Everything in this valley was calm, except for the trembling of the double-colored lake that was trembling.

"Huh? What's going on with the lake?"

"Could it be their awakening? But how! Their only leftover spirits."

Six figures were staring in shock at the trembling lake before the lake surface water exploded outwards.


'Father! Father needs us!'

The lake water of different colors suddenly shot toward the skies. The water columns ascended in a spiral-like two giant dragons.

Two figures ascended from the column's water and dashed through the skies.

"...What just happened?"


"What just happened?" Questioned Xeno as he blocked Er Ming fist with his roots.

"Shut up! And Die!" Shouted Er Ming in rage as he unleashed a flurry of fists.

Xeno swiftly blocked all of those fists with his thousands of hands that were made out of wood.

While also making a barrier out of roots to block the descending Qilin foot.

"Alright, this is getting out of hand, time to go." Muttered Xeno as he began moving away.

"Where do you think you're going!" Shouted Er Ming as he launched a terrifying punch towards Xeno causing him to counter it.

As these two attacks clashed with each other, both of them felt their spiritual sense go off.

As they felt a spike in energy that was coming from the gigantic root that held Di Tian inside.


Instantly, the gigantic root burst open in a nine-colored light that swept through the whole area.

Revealing the enraged figure of Di Tian whose whole body was trembling from being held for so long.

Yet he did not move all of his attention was on the glowing jeweled in front of him.


He could hear them, the roars and cries of the Dragons in the dragon valley.

It was then the jeweled blessed in front of him turned into a streak of light nine-colored light, moving towards Tenrou City.


"It's time I showed this world why I should be feared." Said Tang Wulin as he glances up to the sky.

As he felt them coming towards, the dragons from a past long ago.

Streaks of light appeared around Tang Wulin with Na'er eyes widening as she was being held by Tang Wulin.

The jeweled blessing and two other balls of light, that were red and blue, were swirling around them.




'Dragon God!'

Everyone around heard the ball of light chanting and screaming out loud as they continued revolving around the duo.

Tang Wulin let out a sigh before squeezed Na'er tightly and kissed her on the cheek.

"Na'er watched over them for me." Siad Tang Wulin as he lightly moved her to them.

"...Are you going?"

"I am." Said Tang Wulin with a nod of his head before he stared at the swirling ball of lights.

Na'er titled her head before glancing at Lang Yue and Tang Ziran who was staring at the lights in wonder.

'I see, he is still worried... Alright.' Thought Na'er with a nod of her head.

"Okay, make them pay. I will handle things here..."

Tang Wulin nodded his head before glancing at the lights.

"I remember I once told you guys; I would allow you to follow when I rampage through the world."

The glowing ball of lights began shining even brighter with them trembling and shaking from Tang Wulin's words.

"Two of you are new, but it doesn't matter, in the end, it's all the same."

The red and blue cores were giving off a peculiar light as they heard the words of Tang Wulin.

"And so I ask you, will you follow me on this rampage?"

The ball of lights hadn't wasted a second before they exploded in a myriad of colors, moving around Tang Wulin even faster.




'Without a question!'

Tang Wulin could hear them, all their sacred chants and screams of them wishing to come.

"Then let's go." Said Tang Wulin as he began calling upon it, the power of the plane and nature to help him.

Green-gold and multi-colored light began to flow from the ground, moving around Tang Wulin.

Before they engulfed the jeweled bless and two spinning cores, then everything erupted in a blinding flash of light.

Before that light began to die down, allowing the world to see countless dragons in all varying sizes appearing in Tenrou City.

Around Tang Wulin were nine dragons, each dragon was a different color with different features and presence.

Yet all of them held the same emotion, the emotion of pride and reverence as they stare at Tang Wulin who was before them.

They all glance at Na'er, giving her a faint smile, eyes pouring out adoration and love for her.

As they all knew who she was, her significance to them, and how important she was to Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he raised a hand causing three weapons to appear.

A golden trident that was giving off a dazzling light and another trident that was giving off a terrifying light.

Sparkling Sea god trident and Trishula revolving around him through his telekinesis and Golden Dragon Spear in his hand. As he did, two souls moved from him and appeared right in front of him.

Leviathan and Tao Tie were towering in front of him, with their eyes narrowed, causing Tang Wulin to chuckle.

He glances at all of the dragon kings around him.

The "I ask again, are you all ready to rampage?"

The Nine Dragon Kings didn't respond to him, but they simply looked up to the sky.

And released an earth-shattering roar that rang through the whole continent.

Shaking everything around, with the other dragons joining in, with their cries ringing through the whole world once again.

Each roar holding different emotions, a different feeling but they all held one thing in common.

The feeling of relief to finally return to the world of Douluo.

Yes, the Dragon Clans have finally returned and for their debut, they shall show this world that had forgotten their might.

Just what it means to contend with the strongest clan in all of history.

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