Elder Cultivator

Chapter 880

Chapter 880

Since Anton hadnt gotten much use out of the binary system northeast of Inistra, he was determined to get something more. At the very least, he could feel anything passing through the Rif system, and unless the Trigold Cluster cultivators picked out that particular system as where their ships had been compromised they would likely pass through on a direct route to Inistra.

So far there had been no followup attacks from the Trigold Cluster. It was unlikely there wouldnt be something forthcoming, though there was no guarantee it would be within the next few months- or even years. They would want a reasonable certainty of success.

Let me show you a technique, Anton said to Varghese. Obviously this is a bit more advanced than where youve gotten to, but it uses the principles of perception and connection to a star. Or multiple stars, in this case. It has no proper name yet.

Anton reached out to the two stars that comprised the Rif system, describing to Varghese what he should be looking for when he wished to try something similar himself. With a single star, Anton would have made use of the energy it projected to see what was reflected or where it was blocked. With two, however, he could compare different angles and get a better picture of things- at a further distance. He could almost reach as far as a nearby system as a sphere of perception expanded. He found nothing of interest at that moment, but he would keep his mind on the route for the future.

Such techniques are more accurate when closer, or with a better connection, Anton said. But active attention should be sufficient to pick up any ships passing through. There are none currently, and I will keep watch while we are on our trip.

He didnt want to drag Varghese back into a war zone while injured but the sooner they could look over the remnants of Zunrose, the better. Perhaps there would be nothing that could be learned, but they had to try. And Anton had a guest who would be quite helpful.


Anton provided the energy to propel the three of them between systems, though Varghese didnt take that much effort to bring along since they shared a cultivation style. The other guest simply had little mass to worry about. Who better to bring along when searching for odd energy patterns than the Great Queen herself?

There was no trouble before reaching the border of the lower realms Trigold cultivators, and Anton didnt intend to pass through the core of any systems along the way. Instead, they slipped along outside the borders of each system. Most likely there would be very few cultivators in each, but it was possible the Trigold forces had rushed back to fill the voids left there.

With his energy recovering sufficiently quickly even away from stars, Anton was able to reach what was once the Zunrose system. And due to the limitation of light, he and Varghese were even able to watch the event. It was from a vast distance that didnt reveal any details, but Varghese shuddered when the light flashed brightly and then went out.

Anton could feel the aftereffects of energy shockwaves, especially as they approached, but the event was already long past. Which in itself was a clue about what had happened. Actual supernovae can take months to resolve, Anton said. Obviously we already knew this wasnt a proper one, but its worth reminding ourselves.

Varghese nodded. What are we looking for?

Literally anything. Rocks and dust beyond this point might all provide clues. And Anton squinted his eyes. Hopefully, a neutron star. We should already expect to see it from here.

What does that mean? Varghese asked.

I dont know. I can feel something but Anton shrugged. Well have to get closer.

As they did, he swept his energy around the system, looking for anything- but especially enemies. He would be surprised if they didnt want to inspect this place as well. But he didnt notice any currently.

Something caught his eye, and he noticed that the Great Queen was glowing. I dont suppose you are supposed to be glowing? he asked. Even without atmosphere, she should at least be able to read the vibrations of his natural energy to understand his speech.

I should not be, the Great Queen confirmed, then after that he was fairly sure her motions were just looking at her antennae and front limbs.

Do you feel any danger? Anton didnt think whatever it was seemed harmful to him, but he was paying close attention as he slowed their approach.

The Great Queen shook her head, an affectation shed picked up from humans long before. It seems to only be some sort of phosphorescence due to my chitins material.

Thats a little bit concerning, Anton said. But perhaps not for you.

They approached slightly closer, Anton angling them around in a sort of orbit rather than approaching the former center of the system directly.

I taste ascension energy, the Great Queen said. Not much here, but something. And I can sense the energy of whatever it is.

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Im just picking it out as well, Anton agreed.

Myself as well Varghese said. I require your opinion on a potentially reckless thought.

Go on, Anton prompted.

Whatever that is its not a proper star. Nor even a neutron star as we know it. But I think I should try to bind it, whatever is left?

That would depend on why you think you should, Anton said. Before we left, you had thoughts of revenge. Those could make you reckless.

Im not going to say those are gone, Varghese admitted. But something about it is calling me.

How about we all inspect it, Anton said. I can only say that I will trust your judgment. Its not a universally terrible idea.

As they approached closer, Anton finally saw the remnant of the star. Or at least, that was the easiest way to describe it. It was more of a lack of light. Not a black hole, pulling in its surroundings, but it was certainly absorbing light that passed through it. Yet it was also releasing a different sort of light.

Anton could feel the ascension energy, though he didnt think it was being generated by this thing. He might as well call it a neutron star, or perhaps an inverted version. There is something that is or was inside that, Anton said. It seems to carry with it the proper signature of the upper realms. Which is why Im going to stay back here. Id rather not see how it reacts to me at a greater density.

I will take care of this one, the Great Queen said. I cant eat a star, but as long as he doesnt fall in, I can devour a shape large enough to cover his body, should anything odd occur.

Well thanks, Varghese said.

As Varghese approached closer, carrying the Great Queen so they didnt drift apart, Anton considered what theyd learned so far. Not that much, but something from the actual upper realms. Was that good, or bad? It likely wasnt any worse than theyd already expected. And in a way it was definitely good, because while it meant there had been interference, it was most likely not something that could be easily repeated. Whatever precipitated the destruction of the star had to have been transported during some previous cycle. It wouldnt be easy to replace. The only question was how many similarly destructive things they might possess.

Varghese approached the star, and began to reach out with his energy. Anton thought that was a bit soon, but if it was calling to him what could be done about it? His apprentice was in a vulnerable state, but he wasnt a little kid. Anton wouldnt have entrusted him with the role of branch head if he didnt think Varghese couldnt handle such things.

Whatever he was doing seemed to be taking some time. More than a few minutes, or hours. It stretched into days, and Anton supposed that was not a terrible thing. At least it was not being rushed.

Then he felt something. His perception shifted to the feeling hed picked up, and he noticed a number of ships. On the way to disrupt his apprentice, no doubt. Well, that shouldn't be their purpose. But the nearly twenty ships would doubtless do so, if given the chance.

So of course they wouldnt have it. Anton considered taking them down from where he was, but not only was this not a system where he was at his peak- indeed, there wasnt a proper star at all, let alone a bound one- he wasnt quite certain of their intentions. If they stayed away from the star, they shouldnt notice Varghese. And Anton had some sliver of hope that they might be a dissident faction or some such within the Trigold Clusters forces. They had blown up a star and planet without warning anyone ahead of time. The off balance feeling of the Shining Cooperative and the Lower Realms Alliance had to be far worse for them. They were still people after all. Even if theyd put in their lot with the worst sorts generations prior, they still had emotions and didnt like losing things.

Anton approached within just a few hundred kilometers. They clearly sensed him, but instead of approaching they scattered. He thought to give chase to one, but decided on something better. He focused thin strands of his energy on one ship, piercing through their shields.

... unknown power He could pick out only a small portion of their words, but that was better than nothing. Different signature anomaly.

Even fainter, he heard a verbal response through the ships systems. ... registers as known enemies

Well, that wasnt so odd for Anton. Varghese and others of the Order had interacted with them on several occasions. Or, perhaps the information had come from some roundabout method, bouncing between the upper and lower realms. He couldnt figure out much more as they seemed to notice his intrusion and took active control over the ship formations.

They didnt approach any closer, and while Anton didnt want to let them escape with information about his presence, he also didnt necessarily want them to disappear. They seemed to be sweeping the system for something, and he wanted to know what it was. If they even knew.

And while there was only a small chance that they were actual enemies of the Trigold Cluster, Anton couldnt see many routes where an investigation of the Zunrose system actually caused trouble for his own side. If they didnt know anything, they had to already assume this was the fault of Anton and his people. His presence wouldnt really change that. And if the fleet hadnt known what they were doing, an investigation could turn people against the upper realms. Wouldnt that be nice and convenient. Alternatively, civil conflicts in these worlds could benefit them as well.

A calculated risk, but Anton could see several potential benefits and few downsides. The worst would be them calling upon a proper combat fleet, but Anton could tell that Varghese was nearly done with his task. Within a day or less he would complete whatever he was doing.


Anton truly hadnt expected the light of the stars to die out, but as a wave of energy washed over the system that was exactly what happened. And with it, a sense of dullness with regards to all natural energy beyond himself. It wasnt a pleasant sensation, and Anton wanted to rush towards Varghese to check on him- but he was effectively blind and lacking even a proper sense of orientation and momentum. His memory would lead him in the right direction, but he moved cautiously.

He then began to feel something. Rather than a light in the darkness, it was like the blackest patch of midnight. But along with that came just traces of a familiar aura. Whatever this thing was, it was enough of a star for Varghese to make a connection. Though perhaps that was only because some of his essence should have been infused within it during its formation.

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