Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 163 Templar Knight (2)

"It is relatively simple if you know how to read the situation. For first, while the demon army under the leadership of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe suffered terrible losses, in the end, they won and managed to destroy a large part of the manpower of the Human Brotherhood in the Central Area. For the second, the Star-Moon Demon Coalition, as they have begun calling themselves, has already conquered significant parts of the Southern Area and are marching. For third, in the Central Area, even though the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe and its forces are marching slowly, the opposition they would face around the entire Central Area, minus the capital, is low because the defensive forces of the Human Brotherhood against the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe on the borders were drawn from all around the Central Area, so their complete annihilation weakened the entire Area greatly."

Samiel explained everything about the situation patiently, as he considered himself to be something akin to an expert on military strategy. When he was on Earth, he studied military strategy and tactics extensively because there were not many ways on how to improve his combat prowess.

Fundamentally speaking, Earth was almost Mana-Less World where Mana and Magic were dying out, so increasing his brute force was technically speaking night impossible due to lack of resources and time. So, he did everything else in his power to boost up his combat capabilities, one of which was to implement military tacts and strategies into his combat style, instead of just throwing Undead onto the enemy.

So he knew very well how to read the situation and was aware that the end of the war here was just a matter of time. Actually it wasn't even that hard because even a fool would be able to foretell the end of this conflict, though for Samiel, the victory and defeat weren't interesting in the first place, as he was more curious about the process itself than the result.

He knew that from the start, the Demons were treading this as a game, and only some were taking this entire thing seriously, though even they were too arrogant for their own good. Still, the end result will be the same, as Samiel awaited the right moment when the demons would attack the capital city of the Human Brotherhood.

Samiel was ordered by the Hall of Kadath to sneak up into certain facilities, or rather find them, sneak into and take everything that the Avalon Kingdom has left there, for sure there would be some notes on experiments and other things, judging how careless the humans were, especially considering the situation with de'Charetier descendant who was so stupid that he left the laboratory unsecured, without guards and full of material.

Hall Master and the Collegium of Cardinals were of the opinion that it would be contra-productive if the information about the experiments on the Genetic Strengthening Synergy fell onto the hands of the Demons. If it were the Star-Moon Coalition, they wouldn't really care; on the contrary, that would be most welcome because that would mess the situation even further.

And that was what Samiel proposed, that instead of destroying the things or keeping them, he would pass them to the members of the Star-Moon Coalition that were on the 8th Floor. There were some Princes of both Tribes on the 8th Floor of the Tower as well, and with this motion, they would gain far more benefits.

With this, they would be able to weaken the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe through the Star-Moon Coalition once more and even further because the Star-Moon Coalition will obtain the achievement of obtaining information about the Genetic Strengthening Synergies and make counter-curse against it.

This would be crucial for obtaining the allegiance of the Demon Lords from the Lower Worlds and Middle Worlds, where these Genetic Strengthening Synergies would be used en mass by the humans against the Demon Race.

"Lord Zentaur, may I have a moment of your time, please?"

Samiel was disrupted by the voice of the receptionist of the Inn, who came to their table; he looked at her, wondering what had happened as he motioned her to continue with a nod of his head. She belonged to some unknown demon race, though he had to admit that in terms of appearance alone she was very beautiful wing long brown hair and her large curved horns.

"There is a gentleman who is waiting for you in the lobby."

She stated as he cocked his head before he excused himself to Yvraine as he left the hall and went to the reception lobby, where the guest was apparently waiting for Samiel. When he entered the lobby, he saw there a young man and an enormous white tiger waiting there.

The young man looked very young, no matter how ironically it sounded, though Samiel was sure that the man was older than he looked. He had long purple hair and pale green eyes, really striking emerald green eyes. The most notable thing about him was the armor he was wearing because aside from it being of the best quality, it was adorned with countless runes in the Eldritch Speech of R'Lyehian and two sigils that he instantly recognized.

The symbol of the Holy Templar Order of the Hall of Kadath which was adorning the armor on the right side, and the sigil of the House of Crawford was decorating the armor on the left side.

"Nilgh'ri ephaisoth ah."

The young man greeted Samiel the moment he saw him, as this added the final confirmation that the young man was someone of the Hall of Kadath and was at the same time from a very high standing within the Hall of Kadath.

"Ng riuh'eor l' soth nogephaii."

Samiel greeted him back.

"My name is Juulius Crawford, Lord Holy Son. I am here per the order of the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath and my Lord Father, Grandmaster of the Holy Templar Order and Head of the House of Crawford, to assume my duty as your Personal Knight and Protector, as the tradition of the House of Crawford and Holy Templar Order dictates."

The young man introduced himself as Juulius Crawford, to which Samiel didn't look surprised or anything as he long expected this because every Holy Son had a Personal Knight from the Holy Templar Order.

​ Though what he didn't really expect was that the son of the current Grandmaster of the Holy Templar Order and Heir Apparent to the House of Crawford would be assigned to him as his personal knight.

"I, Juulius Raynor Crawford, hereby swear by the witness of Court of Void and the Primordial Demiurge, the pledge of eternal service to the Samiel Zentaur, the Holy Son of the Hall of Kadath, to serve him as his sharpest sword and strongest shield, the protector and companion, till the end of times."

He then knelt on the right knee as he put his in front of him standing, and bowed his head towards Samiel while touching the hilt of his head with his forehead as he gave out his Paladin Oath to the Samiel Zentaur, the Holy Son of the Hall of Kadath.

"And I accept your serviced, Heir Crawford."

Samiel stated neutrally, as he knew that in this decision, there wasn't even what else to do. Even if he theoretically rejected, it would be highly possible that the man in question would follow him regardless of the situation.

After Samiel accepted the Oath of Eternal Service from Juulius Crawford, he motioned the man to follow after him to the community room, where he was previously eating with Yvraine. Of course, now Samiel was relatively in a good mood because he obtained his first subordinate, as he led the Paladin Juulius Crawford and his overly enormous familiar which was the White Tiger Tytos.

When they arrived at the table, Yvraine noticed that Samiel was leading over there someone else, probably the guest who was waiting there for him. As knowledgeable as she was about the most important people from the various factions around the Cosmos, especially the major Aristocrats, she immediately recognized the heraldry of the House of Crawford.

Not to mention the features of the Crawfords, which were the pale striking emerald green eyes and purple hair, were extremely strong in the Juulius, even stronger than on the average member of the House of Crawford.

"Yvraine, as it seems, this is my personal knight, Juulius Ryanor Crawford of the House of Crawford and member of the Holy Templar Order from the Hall of Kadath."

Samiel introduced the Paladin to Yvraine as he gave her a low bow with his head, and she returned it back while they sat around the table. While Juulius was hesitant at first because, according to the Code, he was to protect his liege at all times, so sitting behind one table was unacceptable, as the Code demanded that he stood behind him and guarded him at all times.

"Now that we have this thing finished, we can return to the previously discussed matters."

Samiel stated, as they now returned back to the discussion about the closure of the war between the Demons and Human Brotherhood on the 8th Floor of the Tower. He already wanted to go to the higher floors, or the other way, he needed to go to the 1st Floor once again to partake in the Trial of the Last Human King, to which he cheated his way in.

The reward for that chain mission which were the shard of the Trishula, the Ultra-Order Grade Artifact, were too tempting just to resist it completely. Of course, Samiel needed to partake in the next trails of the Trial for the Inheritance of the Last Human King because he only undertook the Trial for the Iron-Tier, and now he was already a Bronze-Tier Professional.

This meant that he had two more trials to undertake when he returned there.

Samiel then started eating, as the food was delivered to the table during the time he was out, while he also ordered something to be brought for his personal knight Juulius who, despite his protests, accepted in the end, and his familiar White Tiger Tytos, who didn't protest at all and eagerly anticipated food.

During the journey to the Goldtooth City, Juulius's familiar Tytos ate only a few people along the way, none of them were strong enough to be even a bit appetizing or the enormous magical beasts, who could eat several tens of kilograms of meat daily, and that was considered as weak appetite for the White Tiger.

As they were eating, Samiel was enjoying his steaks, while Yvraine was eating some type of venison-type Magical Beasts that was freshly hunted, while Nefertari and Tytos were having their fill of meat as well.

Initially, two felines were looking at each other with suspicion, probably trying to assert the dominant feline species in the room, before the food was brought to them, then they forgo everything and started focusing on eating.

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