Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 165 The Conclusion Starts

7 Months have passed during the passage of time, which Samiel spent through the combination of training and studying magic. Of course, this wasn't the only thing he was doing, as he managed to increase his Level from the previous Level 37 to Level 38, as he realized that he needed to have some longer period of time between each Level Up to have a better adjustment period.

That was because, Samiel's raw power was getting bigger and bigger with each increasement in his Level, far more than anyone should obtain with the same Level Up. For example, if Samiel's raw power increased by one Level by a certain amount, it would be equivalent to ten to fifteen Level Ups for normal Professionals of the same Tier.

Because of that, he was taking his time when he increased his Level once, as he noticed that during the last times he increased his Level several times at that, he had slight problems when it came to controlling his power. Certainly, when Samiel meant that he had slight problems, it meant that his control was not 100% but rather 98% or 97% of his overall power.

Yet for perfectionists like him, such an outcome was absolutely unacceptable, not to mention that even that lost 1% could do wonders in Life and Death Batte. Thus he was investing more time in perfecting what he already had, and it was paying him off.

His Unique-Class Grand Necromancer was increasing in proficiency once more as he kept on strengthening his Undead from time to time, mainly because he managed to collect all resources necessary to create an Elder Lich, which would be another Higher Undead another his command, straight after Ashimer.

If he got his hands on the Elder Lich, Samiel would practically obtain an entire army because Liches had unnatural control over the Undeads and even ordinary Lich could control fifty or more Undead per single Level, which was absolutely terrifying, though. That was the reason why they were so feared, and the moment someone was found gathering an army, everyone would spend no effort disposing of them by sending the best Magicians, Paladins, or Priests after the Lich.

Naturally, he invested a no small amount of money to buy the necessary resources from the various Necromantic cults and factions that existed in the Cosmos because, unfortunately for him, the resources needed for the creation of Elder Lich were something very scarce and on the top of that, those who had them, didn't really want to part with them.

Even now, he had around one thousand Undead in his disposition, and if he got his hands on the Elder Lich, then the number would skyrocket several times over. Even though the Undeads would be cannon fodder weak, if they were armed properly, they would still be a force to be reckoned with and as a bonus, Samiel was rich, so he was able to afford that.

[Proficiency with the Mana Technique: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Technique: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Technique: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Technique: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Technique: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1%.]

Currently, Samiel was sitting cross-legged in a meditative posture while he was practicing the Nuclear Void Mana Control Method, as he was getting a better grasp on the wonderous Mana Control Method that his master taught him.

Naturally, getting the increasement in proficiency in something which was basically a Transcendental Mana Control Method was night impossible under normal conditions. Yet, right now, it appeared that Samiel was undergoing something akin to enlightenment, as he heard the notifications from the Akashic Records sound in his ears five times after each other.

Suddenly in a split of a second, he opened his eyes as he stopped his meditation and ended his training with the Nuclear Void Mana Control Method. Immediately afterward, he opened his Record through the Akashic Records, as he scanned the changes very fast with his eyes sharp like a hawk.

[Name: Samiel Zentaur

Title: Blessed by Azathoth

Age: 29

Race: Old Deus - Eldritch Creature (80%) / Human (20%)

Class: Knight of Niflheim (37%), Grand Necromancer (24%)

Sub-Class: Apostle of Azathoth (Sealed)

Magician Level:

Basic (Void, Necromancy, Winter, Warding)

Intermediate (Void, Necromancy, Winter, Warding)

Mana Quality: Void, Ice, Frost, Outer Holiness

Records Points: 5,640


Tier: Bronze

Level: 38



Winter Ruler (38%) - Ultimate Ability

Soul Devour (39%) - Ultimate Ability

Architect (4%) - Transcendental Ability



Nuclear Void Mana Control Method (18%)

Star Mind Protection Technique (25%) - 3 Stars


Necrosis Magic:

Necromancy Arts (34%)

Void Magic (23%)

Winter Magic (18%)



Undead Creation (46%)

Swordsmanship (14%)

Trident Mastery (20%)

Metamagic - Spell Fusion 3rd Level Spells (98%)

Metamagic - Spell Control (19%)

Metamagic - Spell Penetration (18%)

Metamagic - Empower Spell (13%)]

The growth in his Metamagic Skills was probably the most noticeable thing here, and he was also nearing complete mastery over the Spell Fusion Metamagic Technique, 3rd Level Spell Fusion, meaning he would be soon able to fuse two or more 3rd Level Spells together flawlessly. Spell Fusion, as dangerous as Metamagic Technqieu certainly was, was also Samiel's most favorite one, because the firepower generated through the Spell Fusion was simply overwhelming.

"Only one remaining Evolution and I will be Pure-Blooded Eldritch Creature... though based on what my master stated about this, I could predict that the final Evolution will happen during my transition to the Legendary Level. That moment is most suitable because the overall metamorphosis would be carried out either way, so this will increase my power and success rate."

Samiel muttered under his breath as he observed the Record Sheet within the Akashic Records before he closed it down and went to meet with the rest of the band. Fortunately, Juulius was already registered within The Guild, so he joined the Khaos Chapter immediately.

Of course, the second his personal Knight and Paladin met with Dharzug, it resulted in a fight, but before it could dwell into real Life and Death duel, Samiel summoned his Undead and basically forced both of them to calm down, especially Dharzhug, who was brought down by more than hundred Bronze-Tier Undead throwing themselves at him.

This led to a complicated chain line of events, and animosities between the two of them, as they would be fighting at every other possibility. Interestingly enough, during the months, one would say that they developed a very weird frenemyship together.

During the past 7 months or so which had passed, Samiel noticed that the war on the 8th Floor of the Tower was already nearing the end as the armies of the Demon Tribes, either the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe or Star-Moon Demon Coalition, broke through the resistances of the Human Brotherhood, and now the Human Brotherhood was standing on the last legs.

Which were weak and shaking as hell and would be falling probably every second. Of course, Samiel planned to make use of it, as he would at first create an Elder Lich and rampage through the Western Area of the Human Continent by creating a Scourge, at least a weak imitation of it. However, nevertheless, it would still be an Undead Army that would be marching its way through the lands, burning, slaughtering and killing everything that lived.

The Western Area of the Human Continent was now the most defenseless because the Human Brotherhood forces were contracted at their capital city in the Central Area, which still stood firm, surprisingly and despite all of the attacks of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

Most of the soldiers and forces from the Western Area were withdrawn to the capital, while some were sent to reinforce the Southern Area, which the Star-Moon Coalition ravaged. Right now, as he was sitting here, the entire Southern Area already long ago fell to the Star-Moon Coalition as the demon armies long ago, approximately two months or three months ago, took over the whole Southern Area and now were just playing around with their prey, that was still alive, but dying kicking.

Northern Area, as barren as it was, was not the primary concern of the demons, but despite that fact, the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe sent some of their weaker vassals and slave soldiers to wreck it, as they were successful in absolutely cutting out the humans apart, not leaving them able to support each other in the defense.

Samiel could read the lines as the demons started playing around, because they could have ended this entire charade several months ago, but not. They were taking their time because they were either arrogant or it was their racial predisposition to torture those who were way weaker than themselves, but alas such was the reality; not like he cared about that because the chaos that followed was suitable for his next development.

There were also several more Missions posted through The Guild's System of various characters, mainly the sabotage of the Human Brotherhood defenses and Samiel saw there even a mission that was about sneaking into the human capital at the Central Area and assassinating the Leaders of the Human Brotherhood that were still covering there behind their tall walls.

Based on the information available, the demons had a problem when it came to the siege of the capital because the city was built for the Human Brotherhood by the Avalon Kingdom, and thus the defenses were pretty formidable, to the point of repelling even some weaker Legendaries.

Especially the walls of the city were made of the best materials that could be used in this Floor of the Tower. Samiel knew that demons would have a hard time breaking through the capital of the Human Brotherhood if the Avalon Kingdom built the city because the city was built with that in mind, that it should be able to resist and attack Legendaries for a certain amount of time.

Unfortunately for the humans, in the long run, the demons would win because they had time on their side, which was something that the Human Brotherhood didn't have. Samiel stood from the meditative cross-legged posture as he went out of the training yard that was adjected to the Inn which was under the ownership of The Guild.

Tomorrow he would be creating an Elder Lich and after that, he would take some mission through The Guild that would take them to the Western Area of the Human Continent. He would be getting money, killing, repeating souls and wreaking havoc, all four in one to much of his delight.

When Samiel arrived at the common room of the Inn, he saw that Yvriane was playing some sort of card game with Dharzug while the Ork was looking frustrated that he was losing the game, and Samiel's knight Juulius was enjoying that the work was losing.

"And with this, I win... again."

Yvraine put another card on the table with a smirk, to which the huge ork grumbled angrily because he had lost once again. Indeed this proved, once again, that Orks were not that good at thinking generally, but it was nothing new in the greater scheme of all things.

This was already the fifth or sixth game of the card game, which the Ork Dharzug had lost against Yvraine fair and square during the time they were playing. As it seemed, the Silvermoon Crown Princess was very skilled at card games and was using her cunning to win.

"Now it is clear that the situation on the 8th Floor is coming to an end, and thus, I see it that we all move to the Human Continent... the Western Area is unguarded and many of the cities and forts not even properly defenses, as I plan to unleash my Undead Army to harvest souls there."

Samiel stated as everyone had different reactions, ranging from absolute indifference in the case of his personal knight Juulius Crawford to joy which went well with Dharzug because they would be going to fights many fights and ending with hatred aimed at humans from Yvriane's side, as much as the delight that many of them would be killed.w

"Now, at the end of the endeavor, we would be participating in the siege of the capital of the Human Continent, as there would be many treasures to reap and many battles to fight."

Samiel stated because such was the plan for now. At first, the entire Khaos Chapter would depart to the Western Area of the Human Continent, where Samiel would wreak havoc and harvest some souls, so he could start evolving some of his Undead. For that one, many souls were needed, like, a very high number of souls was needed.

Then when he had had enough, they would all head to participate in the siege of the capital of the Human Brotherhood at a later date when the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe bore enough of the situation they were artificially creating and prolonging.

"Yar good, a long smash some skulas."

Dharzug stated with a heavy orkish ascent in the Cosmos Common; from the sentence, Samiel deduced that the ork was certainly not against such ordeal of things.

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