Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 167 Elder Lich (2)

And the last corpse was placed on the right side and it belonged to the High Elven Arcanist, who was sentenced to death for carrying out illegal experiments on fellow Elves in some god-forsaken world. The man thought that nobody from the Nesser Dynasty would notice or bother with him, as he was on the outskirts of the known Cosmos.

This certainly led to an arrogant conclusion of the High Elf that he was above everyone else, but sadly one of his servants was a member of the secret police of the Nesser Dynasty and not long after that Imperial Army was knocking on his door.

"What is next?"

Yvraine asked curiously as she was watching Samiel while his personal knight Juulius was standing before the Ritual Room and guarding the entrance. Juulius was not a Magician and while he had some rudimentary knowledge of Magic and knew some Spells, mainly of boosting type or healing type, with a limited amount of offensive Magic, the rituals were an entirely different thing.

Ritualistic Magic was something that was considered the pinnacle of Magic in a sense, only true pursuers of the Path of Magic and Arcane would be carrying them out, and it was something that distinguished the average Magicians from those of the Elite and with profound knowledge of the topic.

"Now, we need to prepare other resources that I have for this ritual. Namely, Soul Force Crystals, Death Pearl and Dragon Vein Shards need to be placed at a specific location across the Magic Circle to maximize their effect on the newly created Higher Undead. Aside from that, we have here some other minor resources that need to be reworked into their final form. You can start by grounding together Bonemeal of Elder Lich, Red Lyrium Crystals, Lyrium Crystals and Negative Energy Crystal Essense together to create a powder form."

Samiel explained as he pointed at the cauldron. Yvraine then went to the cauldron and started mashing up the things that Samiel named her, carefully not to cause any kind of explosions because one wrong move and tragedy was here.

Naturally, she was aware how much Samiel was trusting with her being here because normally he wouldn't let anyone to be present when he was doing something like this, but Samiel knew that his trust issues towards other people would once bite him in the ass if he doesn't do something about that.

While she was preparing the powder out of the items, Samiel was placing the Soul Force Crystals across the Magic Circle at certain places while occasionally adjusting their places by moving them by a few millimeters.

Soon enough, he was done with it, and every Soul Force Crystal was already at its place where it should be. He then took the Death Pearl and placed it at the heart of the Paladin Squire of God of Light and Holiness and around it in a triangular shape; he placed the Shards of Dragon Veins.

Then Yvraine came to him and told him that the powder mix was finished. Samiel went to it and took out a vial of some sort of liquid, as he poured it into the powder mix and started mixing it, until the powder had dissolved into the liquid.

"What was in that vial? I felt an overwhelming mana from that?"

She asked curiously while watching the powder, which was made from the Bonemeal of an Elder Lich, Red Lyrium Crystals, Lyrium Crystals and Negative Energy Crystals Essence into a new substance.

"Liquidyfied Mana mixed with the water from the Extreme Mana Area from Principal World."

Samiel answered as this thing was another pricy thing to obtain normally, but fortunately, Hall of Kadath had tons of it and they were literarily drinking it like normal water to quench thirst. Extreme Mana Area was an area rarely appearing in the Principal World and most commonly in the Higher Dimensional World, where Mana was extremely dense even for the standards of the said world.

Because the Hall of Kadath owned the entire Principal World, they had their source of it, and for them, it was not that precious. Due to the special properties of the environment when the war was appearing naturally, it was extremely rich in Mana and would kill even Silver-Tier Professional by overloading his body with pure Mana.

Because of that, it was very suitable for Samiel's purpose as he used it like a binder and base for the new substance when it was used, Samiel took the cauldron and poured it out at the Magic Circle and the second he poured it out, he started chanting something in the Eldritch Speech of R'Lyehian.

The second he started chanting, the entire Magic Circle lit up in ominous purple light and suddenly, the liquid substance that Samiel poured out at the Magic Circle started swirling around the three corpses as he proceeded to take control of the Magic Circle on the ground and started the Ritual of creation of the Elder Lich.

"lw'nafh ng n'gha, ah ahehyee ya nyth'drnn."

Suddenly, a penetrating cold aura burst out from the circle as the Void itself descended into this room, and all objects on the Pentagram started levitating and melting down into a weird glob of flesh, metal, energy, and just everything.

"R'luhhnyth ot n'ghftnah n'gha, arse hup soth, arise hup n'gha, arise hup mgepogg, arise hup l' syha'h ot n'ghaa ng llll ya ahuaaah."

Samiel continued chanting in the Eldritch language or also known as R'Lyehian, as the weird, disgusting mass of flesh, metal, Mana Crystals, and other things he put there started taking shape.

He was basically repeating the same thing he did when he was creating his first Higher Undead, Frost Death Knight Ashimer. It wasn't that much different from the first time, as the three corpses melted down and were fusing with the other materials that Samiel prepared for the creation of the Elder Lich.

"Nafl'fhtagn ya r'luhhnyth, uh'eog ot ya n'ghaauh'ee ng uh'ee, ahf' ephaitharanak n'gha ng llll ah'lloigshogg ya mghrii."

Yvraine observed, in wonder, how Samiel was crafting the Undead, especially as she was witnessing the creation of the Higher Undead. The Higher Undead were dangerous, not only because of their power but also their potential, as all of them could reach the Legendary Level given enough time and resources.

Soon enough, the form took place as she saw the silhouette of the Elder Lich; it looked weird humanoid, but considering the base of the Elder Lich was the Paladin Squire because, from all corpses, he was undoubtedly the strongest one.

That was due to the influence of the Divine Power of 'Him' that was inhabiting his body for such a long time; the passive effects on it were tremendous; for that reason, Samiel chose it to be the main building block of the Higher Undead.

"Your name shall be Negash, the greatest Lich that ever walked through the Cosmos."

The last thing that was required was for Samiel to name the Elder Lich when he was created to finalize the Ritual, as he chose a perfect name for his creation. Certainly, this one was even slightly better than Ashimer.

Of course, he invested a lot more resources into the creation of Negash, because he wanted to achieve the best results for the Higher Undead and the Elder Lich he wished to have. With the creation of Negash, Samiel automatically obtained a whole Undead Army numbering thousands with ease.

After he named the Elder Lich, he opened his Record to observe the exact strengths and powers the Elder Lich Negash was born with, and certainly, he wasn't disappointed even a bit.

[Name: Negash

Race: Higher Undead (Elder Lich)

Class: Lord of Death (0%)

Sub-Class: N/A

Magician Level:

Basic (Necromancy Arts, Shadow Magic)

Intermediate (Necromancy Arts, Shadow Magic)


Tier: Silver

Level: 62



Undead Crafter (0%) - Rare Ability

Dark Wisdom (0%) - Rare Ability


Necromancy Arts (20%)

Shadow Magic (10%)



Undead Creation (24%)]

When the creation of Higher Undead Elder Lich, now named Negash, was finished, Samiel opened his Record to see that the Elder Lich was created with two Level 2 Rare Abilities, probably each of them had the potential to evolve into Level 3 Ultimate Ability, as he then proceeded to check on the Abilities themselves.

[Undead Crafter - Level 2 Rare Ability, Bearer of this Rare Ability, is able to craft Undead like any other, greatly lowering the speed needed to create a single Undead and could even craft several Undead at the same time. Additionally, at the same time, it makes it much easier to create higher forms of the Undead life.]

This was indeed a pretty powerful ability; in its fundamental nature, it was very similar to Samiel's Skill, Undead Creation when he was manually creating every Undead, basically making them stronger, just Negash had it as a Leveled Ability. In the future, this ability would allow him to create a really powerful Undead Army.

After he checked the first ability; he opened the Record of the second one.

[Dark Wisdom - Level 2 Rare Ability, Bearer is not limited by any branch of the Magic aligned with the Dark, Negative, Evil. Usage of any kind of alignment Magic becomes easier and Bearer can master Magic in a much shorter time. The higher proficiency of this ability is, the more Magic the Bearer could master.]

Now, this was more like a passive ability, but Samiel felt a bit envious because it was giving his Elder Lich a tremendous headstart. Abilities like Dark Wisdom are essentially a wet dream of any Magic User because they would allow them to learn Magic more easily.

In fact, if Samiel didn't have a Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect that could partially do the same thing, he would have considered using the Level 3 Soul Devour on Negash to devour him in hopes of obtaining Dark Wisdom for himself.

Meanwhile, Yvraine observed the newly created Higher Undead from the sides in wonder because this was the first time she had seen something like this. Additionally, she could sense the power of Elder Lich, whom Samiel named Negash.

"I take that you are satisfied with your creation."

She said, seeing that Samiel was adoring his new Higher Undead and she was right. He was absolutely delighted with the results, even considering how much money he invested in it, but he knew that those results would show themselves in the later stages, especially at the Legendary Level, as he was playing a long-term game.

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