Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 3: Chapter 12-1: The Gates of Hell

Book 3: Chapter 12-1: The Gates of Hell

We divided our main force into squads.

The members of Nettle were normally divided into groups of four. I would lead 3 squads totaling 12 people and Roleau would lead 2 squads totaling 8 people.

Yukino would be accompanying my team and Kuu would join Roleaus.

Kuu and I had the highest combat power so we needed to divide between teams. Thats how this composition came about.

Unless there was something really important or we were undertaking a final plan like attacking the supply base directly, we probably wouldnt have a chance to work together.

Roleau you take command of that squad. Ill leave them in your care.Gotcha. Leave it to me Chief!

I noticed throughout the training that Roleau had the disposition of a leader and the ability to bring people together.

He had some issues in situations that needed very hard decisions, but other than that he accomplished his tasks properly.

You know the plan?If anyone tries to take up positions behind or go for reinforcements, we need to prioritize attacking their horses and if possible take out their people?Thats right, dont let any of them through.

Our main plan was to halt their forward march and cause them to exhaust their supplies. Once the march started going poorly, they would surely send messengers back to the Empire to ask for help.

A horse could run around 60km a day.

These horses looked alright, but did not have amazing stamina. Even back in the legendary days of the Mongolian riders when they specially bred horses and rode them every day, the maximum distance they could move in a single day was 70~100km. Seeing the quality of both the horses and riders in the Empire it would be good if they could manage 60km in a day.

If they completely abandoned all their luggage and armor to lighten the burden on the horse they might manage 70~80km.

However, that is still a threat to us. If they can reach a base 50km away and seek help from the Empire, a supply train could reach them within two days.

In order to remove that possibility, Roleau and his team would eliminate all the riders that would be sent back to alert the supply base. Then they would ambush any wagons that attempted to move forward to resupply the army.

The biggest reason why we would aim for the horses first, was that horses were much bigger targets and easy to take down. Even if a person escaped we would have gained ourselves a lot of time.

ButChief are we just gonna attack anyone even if we dont check whether theyre trying to meet up with the army?

Roleau said as his expression warped a bit.

I made an unpleasant expression as I spoke up.

Yeah, all of them.Butthere might be some unrelated peopleThere are very few villages around Erucy that can bring out a horse and wagon, furthermore the timing is bad. Theres almost no chance of it being anything other than someone trying to meet with the Imperial Forces.Almost none? But what if.Even so.

We cant hesitate. Hesitation reveals gaps.

Roleau, we dont have enough people. If we dont do surprise attacks then theres no guarantee we can win. We cant crush our chances to surprise them just to go around checking everyone. What if someone you decided wasnt an Imperial Wagon got through by disguising themselves? Then, even if they werent part of the Empirewhat do you think would happen to people carrying supplies when they met with the starving Imperial Army? The outcome wouldnt change.Thats

Roleau was at a loss for words.

I understood that those feelings were painful. I was telling them to attack people who may not be enemies.

We cannot lose. We must not. If we lose then its the end of Erucy. They will take everything dear to us. So pleasebecome demons. Only think of how to win. Please.

I bowed my head.

If possible, I didnt want to give them such a dirty job. I wanted to take on that responsibility. However, I couldnt leave the main force. When we attacked the Empires main forces then we would have to react to each and every move they made. I was the only one who could give appropriate orders in that situation.

ChiefIm sorry I said too much. I know you dont like doing this kind of thing either. This planbut even so you decided on it because its necessaryeven knowing your thoughts I

Roleau bowed in apology.

Its okay. You getting angry in situations like this is why I can trust you. I want this to be the last time we do things like thisso lets win.I got it. Well win.

Roleau resolved himself. How reliable.

Then Kuu came up as Roleau walked away.

Well, Ill be off Cyril-kun.Kuu, if something happens Ill be counting on you.Yes, leave supporting Roleau-san to me.

Kuus job was to use fire magic in support of that team and if something irregular happened, she was to be combat strength used to turn the situation around. I didnt expect any serious fights, but there was always the chance of something going wrong. We had to be prepared for that.

I had wanted to be with you Kuubut sorry.

I murmured into her ear so that no one else could hear.

Thats okay. Im sure you made the right decision without being misled by emotions. Thats why I like you and look to you as an example.

I smiled back at her. I wanted to give her a big hug, but everyone was watching.

May the fortunes of war be with you.Ill be praying for your safety Cyril-kun. Ill leave my precious friend and my little sister to you.Dont worry, Ill protect both of them.Im relieved. Then, let us meet again with a smile.

And so our groups split to engage in our tasks.

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