Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 4: Chapter 15-2: Artificial Magic Stones

Book 4: Chapter 15-2: Artificial Magic Stones

Building a defensive wall like this was straightforward but incredibly monotonous labor. It required both motivation and perseverance to make progress. I was amazed that they had progressed that far with just over a hundred people.

The defensive wall we were constructing was first built with wooden frames. Then, a mixture of clay, sand, and stones was packed in and compressed, and finally, it would be hardened with the fire foxes' fire. It was a very simple process, but just transporting the materials needed to enclose all of Erucy from the forest day in and day out required an exhausting amount of effort.

But Cyril, is this defensive wall enough? The defensive wall in Bell Erucy was much higher.

This height should be sufficient. Even if it's not that high, it's still difficult to scale a 4-meter wall.

But it's strange. Despite not being very tall, it's incredibly thick.

The importance of height and thickness depends on what you prioritize. Lucy, do you know why we're making the defensive wall thick even though it's not very high?

Higher walls make it more difficult to climb and from a higher vantage point, bows, arrows, and projectiles have increased range and power, right?

That's correct. On the other hand, if it can't be easily scaled, there's no need to make it very high. Also, if we can ensure sufficient range and firepower without excessive height, then height isn't necessary. Moreover, the taller it is, the more challenging and time-consuming the construction becomes. The people of Erucy don't have the technology to build walls over 20 meters high.

The defensive wall I designed was only about 4 meters high, but it had a thickness of around 10 meters. In the Empire and Erin, the typical defensive wall had a thickness of 2 meters and a height of about 20 meters. Erucys wall followed a completely different construction concept.

To compensate for the lack of height, we incorporated various other features We designed it in a trapezoidal shape to make it harder to climb. Additionally, we planned to install barbed wire capable of discharging high-voltage electricity in emergency situations. Attempting to remove the barbed wire, whether with armor or bare hands, would result in electrocution. We also implemented small tricks like lowering the ground around the defensive wall to effectively increase its height.

The battery connected to the barbed wire wasn't based on science but on magic. It featured an artificial magic stone that contained magic within itself without leaks. By engraving the electric conversion runes used by the hero onto the magic stone itself, the stored magic was released and converted into electricity.

Currently, even with my knowledge and the skills of the dwarf Kuiro, the artificial magic stone can only hold about five times my total magic power.

This artificial magic stone can be used as a direct weapon against Ashno, but due to the time limit of [Samsara Recursion], it takes five days to create just one. So, we only have two, one for regular use and the other as a backup

There are some drawbacks to this design that I didnt explain to the others. For example, with a low wall, there's a risk that attacks following a parabolic trajectory, like those from catapults, can overcome it and land inside the wall. I plan to tackle this issue using means other than the defensive wall.

This is the last question. Do you know why we're making the defensive wall thicker?

To prevent it from being penetrated, right?

That's correct too. Right now, a thickness of about 2 meters is considered sufficient, but in the near future, such a wall will be easily pierced. I cant rest easy unless it's at least 10 meters thick .

Fortunately, Erucy is situated in the mountains without a properly maintained road, so it would be quite a challenge to transport large-scale siege weapons here. It's unlikely we'll face an attack with siege weapons.

However, this is only true for now. Highly portable and penetrative weapons will soon be developed.

What concerns me the most are cannons. Since gunpowder has been introduced to this world, it's only a matter of time before cannons make their appearance. When cannons were first introduced on Earth, most of the existing defensive walls were easily breached and rendered obsolete.

However, if the wall is ten meters thick, cannons won't be able to penetrate it easily. Clay mixed with stone and sand not only has hardness but also absorbs impact. The slope that increases difficulty in climbing also has the effect of deflecting the impact.

Cyril could probably pierce it even if it's 10 meters thick.

I responded with a wry smile.

It could actually be done. As Cyril, it would be impossible, but if I use [Samsara Recursion], there are several Me who could destroy it.

And, the enemy this time, Ashno, should have power of that magnitude. The fundamental premise of this operation is for me to keep her occupied. Can I really do that?

Lucy, how would you feel if I suddenly looked completely different, like I suddenly turned into something else, like a monster from a fairy tale, for example?

Cyril, what's gotten into you all of a sudden?

Lucy looked puzzled by my random question.

Sorry, it's nothing. Just a joke.

I had never used [Samsara Recursion] in front of Lucy or the people of Erucy, and I hadn't even told them that I had memories from my past life.

It was truly terrifying. To cease being the Cyril Lucy loved and become something else. There were moments when I questioned whether I was still the same Cyril, or if I had been altered by Me' into someone else.

I think I would be really surprised.

I I see

My voice trembled a bit due to anxiety.

There might come a time when I have to use [Samsara Recursion] in front of Lucy and the others, if she rejects me then

But no matter what form you take, if I look into your eyes and hear your voice, I believe I'd still recognize you.

However, her next words dispelled that anxiety.

Thank you, Lucy. Hearing those words makes me feel relieved.

At that moment, I thought I could tell Lucy my secret someday.

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