Era of Galactic Elves: Starting with the Primordial Spirit of Enlightenment

Chapter 18 - Psychic-type Elf King - Hathaway!

Chapter 18: Psychic-type Elf King – Hathaway!

Turning his head to look at Canglan, Lin Feng calmly asked, “What did you say?”


Canglan’s little face turned red with anger, looking extremely cute. She pointed at Lin Feng with her small hand, feeling both embarrassed and furious.

The main issue was that Lin Feng really hadn’t heard what she was saying.

Mewsi covered her face and giggled in front, “Xiaofeng, Canglan was just asking why I am a Psychic-type Elf King.”

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded and turned to look at Canglan with a strange expression, silently complaining in his heart.

Why is she an Elf King?

I haven’t even asked you why an Elf King is acting as a trainer.

Revealing it so directly, is that really okay?

Seeing his gaze, Canglan also realized that she had spoken out of turn in her excitement, making her face even redder.

She quickly turned her head to the side, no longer looking at Lin Feng.

She silently cursed herself for being “really stupid.” Clearly, the Psychic-type Elf King Hathaway was about to arrive, yet she had jumped to conclusions.

Even if Hathaway didn’t come, it wasn’t her place to meddle in the other’s affairs!

After all, she wasn’t a Psychic-type.

The two of them stopped talking and soon arrived at a clearing. Lin Feng used the “Three-Star Trait Enhancement Ticket” on himself, then looked at Mewsi.

“Xiao Mew, since you’ve already been exposed, Hathaway will probably come here next. Why don’t you stay with me for now? I still need to train Heras and Golden Bubu.”

Golden Bubu was about to evolve into Mona Bubu, and Lin Feng aimed to evolve it before Hathaway arrived.


Mewsi nodded in agreement. She didn’t have much to do anyway; usually, she would rest in the small world using NONO video.

However, when it came to Lin Feng’s invitation, Mewsi would agree to anything!

She put away all her weapons.

Mewsi extended her jade-like hand to hold Lin Feng’s larger hand.


Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, a powerful aura of an Elf King pressed down on both him and Mewsi.

However, the other party was likely just releasing their aura; otherwise, under such power, Lin Feng and Mewsi would probably have already died.

As for why they didn’t kneel?

What a joke!

Do you think the Void-type Elf King is a pushover?

Lin Feng and the others looked up at the sky, only to see a regal woman in mid-air. She was wearing a black and purple mink coat, a crown on her head, and black silk stockings on her long legs. She sat lazily on her throne, looking down at everyone below.

【Illusory World – Hathaway】

Gender: Female

Level: 110 (Secondary God)

Aptitude: Secondary God

Attribute: Psychic

Trait: Illusion (Increases Psychic-type skill damage by 5%)

Base Stat Total: 715

Skills: …


“So fast?!”

Lin Feng silently complained in his heart. Hathaway arrived too quickly; he hadn’t even had time to gather his thoughts before she appeared.

Hathaway gave Lin Feng a strange look. Her Elf King’s aura was blocked by a mere human?

And was that Canglan beside him?

Her gaze shifted to Canglan, looking at her with a mix of disappointment and frustration.

Good grief!

An old single dog, and now she’s so desperate that she’s become a male trainer’s elf?

Canglan actually understood the meaning in Hathaway’s eyes and was instantly furious, almost wanting to take her down.

But Canglan couldn’t! She was now a human! A trainer!

So she grabbed Lin Feng beside her and pretended to be excited, “Lin Feng! This elf looks so powerful! Should we try to capture her?”

Hathaway: “…”

Lin Feng: “…”

Mewsi: “…”

Are you really that foolish or just pretending?!

A human trainer encountering a divine beast and not running away, but thinking of capturing it?

Is this guy for real?

Hathaway also noticed Canglan’s current state and shook her head helplessly, feeling quite troubled.

A human trainer shouldn’t be acting like this; it’s too much.

Ignoring her, Hathaway’s beautiful eyes fixed on Lin Feng, and she spoke in a cold voice.

“Human, how can you withstand the majesty of an Elf King?”

“Not to brag, but is an Elf King really that impressive?”

Lin Feng’s direct counter-question left the three women present speechless.

An Elf King isn’t powerful?

A dignified Tier-2 God isn’t powerful?

The next level up is a Tier-1 God!

Seeing that they didn’t respond, Lin Feng decided to stop pretending and instantly unleashed the majesty of his Void-type Elf King!

This situation left Canglan and Hathaway completely stunned.

Mewsi was slightly better off, as she knew Lin Feng possessed this power, but she didn’t expect it to be the power of an Elf King, so she was still a bit surprised.

“The power of an Elf King? Speaking of which, this power is…”

Hathaway’s mind was extremely active, but she vaguely guessed what type of Elf King power this was, which left her somewhat surprised.


From the current understanding of the universe, there simply wasn’t any known Void-type Elf King power!

And yet, the other party was a mysterious and powerful Void-type Elf King!

How could Hathaway not be shocked?

Canglan felt the same, and her inner turmoil was even more intense than Hathaway’s.

What the heck?!

So, we’re both Elf Kings?

Scumbag! Deceiving my feelings!

If Canglan had known earlier that Lin Feng was an Elf King, she wouldn’t have had to work so hard to disguise herself every day.

“Are you also an Elf King?” Hathaway asked calmly.


Lin Feng shook his head and said, “I am a human who accidentally obtained the power of an Elf King.”

This answer left Hathaway very dissatisfied. An accidental gain is still an accidental gain.

But you’re not a Psychic-type Elf King, so how did the little elf beside you obtain the power of an Elf King?

“What about her?”

Hathaway pointed with her jade-like hand, clearly referring to Mewsi.

“She also obtained it by accident.”

Anyway, Lin Feng was just making things up, feeling completely unafraid with his powerful wife backing him up!

Hathaway: “…”

Canglan: “…”

You almost had us believing you!

Without the teaching and inheritance from an Elf King, how did you manage to obtain the power of an Elf King?

You probably don’t believe it yourself!

However, Hathaway’s gaze lingered on Mewsi with hesitation.

She was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to become her disciple among the current Psychic-type elves.

But she couldn’t teach her anything now; Mewsi had even managed to obtain the power of an Elf King. What more could she be taught?

As Hathaway pondered, she felt a headache coming on, unsure of what to do next.

But just at that moment!

Eight powerful auras suddenly appeared here, and at the same time, a black mist rapidly approached Mewsi, entering her body directly!

“Damn it! Xiao Mew, what’s happening to you?!”

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