Eroge: I can Travel To The Ancient World

Chapter 7: Troubles of Cai Family

Chapter 7: Troubles of Cai Family



" Damned things! Just die!"

Cai Lingzhi's figure moved gracefully as her sword moved like arcs of wind. After a minute, four dark colored dogs with three eyes diced into pieces.

" There are Dark Furred Hounds. Since it's the Twisted Dark Forest, these Dark Furred Hounds are very common. Dealing with one is nothing. But if a pack of them comes, it will be much more difficult." Cai Lingzhi looked at Jia Hao and explained.

" But to me, even three packs are nothing. After all, I am an Apprentice Swordsman."

From Cai Lingzhi, Jia Hao got a basic idea of this new world. This world is called Yunlan Continent and they are in Great Yan Kingdom. As for the exact location, they are in the Western Province's Nanhai Mountain Range.

Cai Lingzhi's family is one of the great families of Nanhai City, which is one of the Seven Great Cities of the Great Yan Kingdom.

In this world, mystical power exists and these wielders of mystical powers can live for thousands of years, and split the mountains and sea with ease.

However, unlike the conventional system, the power system is pretty different here.

Cai Lingzhi took out a small tube and blew it. Soon, a strange sound echoed through the forest. Jia Hao was surprised when he saw that.

However, within a minute, three such sounds echoed throughout the forest. Cai Lingzhi's eyes brightened when she heard that. " It's good! My father already sent the guards to protect us. Let's go, we are safe now."

After following Cai Lingzhi, Jia Hao could hear the trotter of many horses. Soon, a dozen horsemen wearing ancient armor with silver chainmail appeared before them. An old man jumped from the horseback and knelt before Cai Lingzhi with one knee.

" Old Yang is here, Second Lady Cai. Please forgive this slave. I was unable to protect you."

" Get up, Uncle Yang. It's not your fault." Cai Lingzhi's face turned calm as she looked at her. " What about the Niu Family? Are they still in our mansion?"

" Yes, Young lady Lingzhi." Old Yang sighed. " They are already there with the marriage contract in their hands. And, I believe the First Lady might agree to it."

" No way! Why would elder sister agree to marry that scumbag?" Cai Lingzhi snorted. "Besides, Didn't Father say it would be an open marriage? They aren't giving any face to us, huh?"

" Anyway, Second Miss, Everyone is worried about you in the house. Please hurry and return." Old Yang finally noticed Jia Hao who was standing in his modern dress. " And this boy is..."

" He is Jia Hao. He saved from the group of dark goblins and a dark goblin shaman."

" Dark Goblins? Here?!" Old Yang's expression changed. " Damn it, To think they would appear here."

Cai Lingzhi waved her hands. " We shall discuss it later. Currently, we need to return to the city fast."

Jia Hao remained silent as he could barely piece the information together. Cai Lingzhi jumped and got up on a horse. Old Yang walked toward Jia Hao with another horse.

" Uhh...I..." Jia Hao was speechless as he looked at the horse. He felt it would be very embarrassing if he said he didn't know how to ride a horse. However, he felt like he couldn't hide it.

Fortunately, Cai Lingzhi noticed it, and she was a bit surprised. " Young Noble Jia, could it be...You don't know how to ride a horse?"

" Hehe, I am really embarrassing myself." Jia Hao chuckled.

" Come, Sit behind me." Cai Lingzhi spoke in a light voice.

" My lady!"

" Second Miss!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Cai Lingzhi. Cai Lingzhi understood as her face turned a bit red. " I... I mean, I would help him to..."

" No need for that." Old Yang shook his head. " Noble Jia, Come with me. You can sit with me. This horse can easily carry both of us."

' Damn, Old geezer. You ruined the entire mood.' Jia Hao was speechless, but he didn't dare to mess with Old Yang.

" Ahhh! It's so fast!"

Jia Hao nearly screamed out as the horse sprinted like a wind gale. Jia Hao felt like he was sitting on a sports bike as Old Yang rode the horse with experienced hands.

These horses looked more muscular and robust, much better than any horse Jia Hao had seen on racing tracks. Soon, the dark forest changed into a lush green forest and Jia Hao could see a majestic ancient city before his eyes.

The streets were wide and filled with people wearing ancient clothing. As the cavalry passed, everyone gave way to them.

" Look! It's Cai Family's Silver Lightning Cavalry!"

" The Second Miss! The Second Miss is back!"

Jia Hao was surprised when he saw the reaction of the people, It looks like the Cai Family is really a renowned family in this city.

Soon, they arrived in a giant mansion through the back gates. Cai Lingzhi jumped from her horse as she rushed forward.

As Jia Hao was appreciating the surroundings, suddenly, his heart chilled as a cold aura swept over him.

Turning around, his gaze met with a fierce gaze, making Jia Hao statue on the spot.

In front of him stood a burly middle aged man with a thick beard covering his neck. His entire body was like a barbarian with a fierce aura suppressed around him.

" Are you the person who saved my youngest daughter?"

" I...Uh...Yeah?"

Suddenly, Jia Hao felt he was suffocating under extreme pressure as the man gazed at him.

" Father! What are you doing?!" Cai Lingzhi shouted. " He is an ordinary person! He doesn't have any internal qi!"

" What?"

Suddenly, the pressure vanished, and the middle aged man was surprised. " You are saying he is an ordinary mortal?"

" Yes! Now stop scaring him!" Cai Lingzhi glared at her father. " His name is Jia Hao, he came from...A faraway land."

" Faraway land?" The man frowned. " Is he from Westen border?"

" I don't think so." Cai Lingzhi shook her head. " However, He truly saved my life. Therefore, You can't mistreat him, ok?"

" As you say, Dear." The middle aged man sighed as he glanced at Jia Hao. " My name is Cai Yunhai, I am the Patriarch of the Cai Family. Since you saved my daughter, I will reward you generously."

" Young Noble Jia, Please come with me." Cai Lingzhi looked at Jia Hao and smiled lightly.

" Yes, Miss Cai Lingzhi." Jia Hao nodded as he followed her.

The mansion was pretty grand. It was like Jia Hao looking at an ancient yet advanced civilization of the eastern continent.

" Xue'er, You know you don't need to accept this marriage."

" Mother, You also know what will happen if we don't accept this marriage." A gentle voice of a lady answered. " Not only it will give the Imperial Family a chance to reduce our army, but the Niu Family will also have a chance to retaliate against us."

" Currently, the financial situation of Cai Family isn't good. Therefore, I have to marry into the Niu Family."

" Sister, You can't be stubborn like that." Cai Lingzhi walked forward as she shouted. " If that Niu Family bastard is so capable, why doesn't he come to marry you in open marriage selection?"

" Lingzhi?"

Jia Hao followed her and saw two more beautiful women sitting before him. One looked slightly aged, with some white hair covering her black hair.

The other lady looks much younger yet mature. However, she also looked dignified, making people stay a few feet away and look at her with respect.

" Lingzhi, You know it's not possible." Cai Yixue looked at Cai Lingzhi and shook her head. She took out a parchment and showed it to her.

" This was marked by our father's internal qi on this Thousand Year old Peach Paper." Cai Lingzhi smiled bitterly. " Unless we burn this parchment, it won't be destroyed. And if we burn it, we will fall right into Niu Family's trap."

Cai Yunhai stomped his feet in anger. " That bastard Niu Feng. To think he will make me drunk with Moon Mist Wine and make me sign on the betrothal papers."

" Hmph! How many times have I told you not to mix with those bastards? A single mistake years ago, and look how it's going to affect us!" Her wife chided, making Cai Yunhai turn red with anger and shame.

Jia Hao became curious as she leaned forward and looked at the parchment. Cai Yunxia's gaze fell on his body as she was a bit startled.

" Perhaps you are Jia Hao, Who saved my sister?" Cai Yixue asked in a mild voice as she stood up and bowed. " I am truly thankful that you saved my sister from danger."

" It was really nothing." Jia Hao hurriedly spoke. " Besides, It was rather Miss Lingzhi who kept me safe from the monsters."

As his gaze fell on the parchment, he saw two stamps in the end. And, he saw one of them matched with the insignia of the Cai Family.

" Haah, Only if we could say this certificate is fake." The mother of Cai Lingzhi lamented. " Yet, It's simply impossible to do so."

" Hmph, I wish I could just rush to that bastard Niu Feng and rip him apart!"

" Don't! That's what he wants us to do!"

Jia Hao suddenly remembered something as he waved his hands, and took out something from his Pot of Miracles.

" Uhh...Didn't you just say the marks can't be erased?" Jia Hao pointed at the paper.

When everyone looked at the paper, their eyes almost popped out,

" What the fuck?!"

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