Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 143 Achievements And Results II

"Hey, what is Reiki?" She asked to herself, Mimi looked at her strangely and immediately understood who she was talking to. True Will was an entity that could be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

As long as you call upon it, it can appear at that place as a subconscious. Even the places that could not be traversed by anyone, literally anyone within, and beyond Existence. True Will was just that unfathomable.

『Essence of Reality power used by Demigods and above. Having the capability to warp Reality and give every Skill cast by it the effect to warp Realities. As True Gods, you can use Reiki to a minimum effect before reaching the Ascendency Rank』

Mimi also recieved the message and she understood it easily. In simple terms, even an ordinary Fireball spell or skill could literally warp reality, when cast using Reiki essence. As for how, she was unaware.

Louise took a deep breathe and looked at the 2 000 units of Faith power. She could use a thousand to immediately become a High True God. And as a moderate rated True God, she could even go against Deity Kings.

Then including her Lost grade Divine Artifacts, she could even go against even Deity Kings. Maybe including all her Divine Arts, and a bit of underhanded tactics, she might, just might take down a Fallen Angel.

With that in mind, she then planned to use 500 faith power to turn into Divine power, maybe then, she could fight some weaker Demigods, toe to toe. Thinking up to there, she waited for a perfect place to do so. Until then, she will have to be patient.

• • • • •

World of Gaea

Abyssal Realm, Deity Ruins of Desolation

Core of The Ruins

Within another Greater World, one that was more flourishing and organized than Terra. Here, the realms and Empires were not as chaotic as Terra, meaning that there was more Prosperity within the World than at Terra.

The God Realm were influencing the Mortal Realm and Heaven. While the Abyss affected mostly Hell. But still, things were more organized here, any Ancient Deity without a manifested Bodies were called Mortal Demigods as well, regardless if they were Ancient Deities or children of Gods.

Lesser Deities to Deity Kings of Terra were known as Rank 1 Deifics to Rank 5 Deifics respectively. They were not recognized as gods as well, but just Mythicals. Anyway, to the main topic.

A young girl around fifteen years old sat within a small black pond and gazed intently at nothing. In front of her were Fallen Angels, Devils and Angres. Only these three, but the weakest was a Rank 5 Deific while the strongest was a Mortal Demigod.

She frowned, causing all the higher-ups to flinch in fear. This overly beautiful girl, with a superb body only below that of Louise, was of course, the genius Alexia. She had long gray hair, gray eyes as if she was blind and a pale complexion that suited her goth-style..

Her attire closely resembled a black ancient greek chiton, with a golden toga around her shoulder and waist. Her hair was tied into a long braid, and she had a black snake-like birthmark on her neck.

Her waist was her best defining feature, rivaling that of Louise and Cheryl. She also had a devilish S-class figure like Louise. If one thought about it carefully, she was like Louise's counterpart.

『Congratulations Alexia Daimonds!!! You have recieved 1 200 000 Faith points, 17 Reiki essence, +5 years worth of deific essence』

『Congratulations on gaining the 2nd place, your believers quotation has been increased by 900%. Good luck』

『Note: Reiki essence is the power of True Divinity. From now on, True Gods can offer one unit of Faith points for two unit of Divine power essence. The most minimum essence for a Demigod is 10 trillion to 50 trillion Divine power units. Good luck』

"As expected, I could not beat him. Dammit!!" She blew her top and slammed her hand down on the surface of the black pond, causing it to splatter on her, and everyone to flinch back in fear and shock.

The three great races were in fear of a small girl. The reason being very simple, Alexia was just a monster. Despite being a Juvenile, she used a Divine Skill like Enigma and fought great figures below Gods and their children within the Abyss like a crazed battle hungry lass.

Unlike him, her body would explode right after using it and killing her opponent as well. But how could she die? As a True God, they were Immortal, and she came back, again and again. And just that alone, traumatized a lot of beings.

Within five years, she had killed multiple ancient beings and brought fear to the Deity Ruins of Desolation. Worst of all, keeping her locked up and not killing her was useless, and a very big mistake.

She would just kill herself and come back after respawning at a different location. Unlike other True Gods she was revived immediately after death, which was why she was so fearless and so daring... it was her special ability.

"At this rate, that b*tch is going to win the bet and win him over. Waa~ Enigma!! Why are you so amazing?! Kyaa~ just thinking about him keeps turning me on. Oh!!" She suddenly stopped rolling around in excitement and immediately cut off her own delusions, before she sat up straight.

She then frowned and said in a low, albeit bone chilling tone, her words targeted to no one in particular, but each and every being here feared when she said these words, "You did not see, nor hear anything."

The Fallen Angels, Devils and Angres nodded hurriedly and acted oblivious of everything they just saw. She then continued fantasizing about Enigma, luckily, she did not do anything indecent... for now.

"I... can't wait to win you over... dear." She smiled a beautiful and genuine smile and hurriedly blushed once again, "Kyaa~ I really can't." But that did not last long it seems.


Was what everyone thought, but they had to keep up with their facial expressions and not piss her off. She had just promoted to a High True God, and as a strong High True God, she could fight Mortal Demigods without a problem.

This is including without her weapons, or Abilities. Just by using her physical prowess alone. Imagine now, that she will have Reiki on her side. Something only real Demigods, with the Divine Blood of the Gods in their veins, had.

With this, even the descendents of Gods would fall under her hands in due time. Be it Mortal Demigods or Immortal Demigods, before her, they only had one end. And that end, was nothing but sure...


The legend of the "Ruined Gray Hound" was just beginning. It will truly begin when an Origin finally dies by her hand. 'Just you wait, I'll kill you all. I'll prove to the world that only he, deserves to be God.'

• • • • •

World of Aarde

God Realm, Saint Divine Empire

1st Prince's Court

Aarde, another one of the nine Greater Worlds. And like Gaea, it was far much better compared to Terra. Though not exactly like Gaea, it at least had the same organized power system as it, and stabler Realms.

And there was a single Divine Empire like Terra, unlike Gaea, which had a total of seven Divine Empires. And within the said Empire, located at the center of the God Realm, in the courtyard of the 1st Prince.

A young boy stood at the balcony and watched the stars of the Saint Divine Empire with a smile. He had a slim build, frail and not muscular at all, wore a pair of spectacles that made him look even more handsome, and a scholarly uniform.

He held himself quite well, a wine glass in one hand, and the other holding an exquisite compass made out of pure gold and colorful diamonds. His hair and eyes were green, and his complexion pale white.

"My friend." A grown up man, a bear-like adult appeared on the balcony and leaned on it with his back as he called out. His voice was loud and if the young man had to say, was also annoying.

He had sky blue eyes and messy blonde hair.

The young boy sighed and took another sip of his wine, after a moment he responded, "No wonder you are not the crown prince, you are more like a mercenary instead. Completely unrefined, like the rocks near a gold mine."

"HAHAHAHA... I know, I also don't want to be a king, or the Divine Emperor." He laughed boisterously before he replied, giving out the impression that an earthquake was happening around them.

"Why though?" The young boy sighed once again, his gaze still directed at the stars and his hands still playing with the golden compass, his other hand slightly twirling the wine within the glass delicately.

"Why? If I became King, you would use me, those old fools would use me, and I'd be caged. Why limit myself HA?! life is great like this, unrestrained and proud." He then paused and took a gulp out of the wine bottle in his hand, ignoring the wine glass on the other hand.

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