Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 244 Bella's Premonition

He also became more handsome and more mature, appearance wise. As for mentally, he was still not at that level. But he was hoping to get there soon.

Either than that, nothing much had changed, except the fact that his divinities, laws, true laws and divine skills were still a lot and seemed to have undergone an evolution.

But the biggest change were his Advance Divine Arts. As you can see, he evolved all the remaining basic arts to advance level, and this surely increased his strength.

Luckily, Divine Arts weren't like Divine Skills, they could be used however much he liked until he ran out of faith power, as long as there was faith, he could use it.

First was the "Supreme Force Manipulation", which evolved from the "Divine Force Manipulation". It allowed him to add a bit of Supreme power over his abilities.

An example would be between "Absolute Attack" and "Absolute Defense". Between the two, it would always lead to a stalement, but with this Divine Art, one can be Supreme over the other despite them being of the same grade.

Next was, "Reiki Manipulation", and it made it possible to turn one unit of faith to five Reiki points. As for him, it was twenty-five Reiki points because of, you know what. It evolved from "Faith Empowerment".

But it was virtually useless with his Reiki. 800 Billion was quite a lot, and this was when it was being sealed greatly by the [Seal Of Infinity].

"Cosmic Pressure" released pressure that was comparable to a Cosmological or Supreme beings, but it did not increase strength. Only affecting the presence of a True God.

It evolved from "Divine Pressure".

"Empyrean Empowerment" could increase the strength of a true god by 500% or by given them more strength to bypass realms. With their stats that were above their equivalent realms, it was quite a lot. It evolved from "Divine Empowerment".

Especially Enigma, the current him, even with the Seal on, can become nigh-Multiversal in terms of Strength when he fused with this Divine Art, let alone his Speed.

"Cosmic-Barrier Protection" summoned up a barrier using free Cosmic particles that were not needed by the Universe. Because they were free, the barrier was not truly at Cosmic level, but was pretty solid.

Enough to block an attack from a perfected Minor Gods while they were genuine true gods. Imagine after they became Main Gods. And the stronger they become, the greater the Defense.

"Rune Casting" and "Chantless Rune" evolved from "Spell Casting" and "Chantless Casting". They allowed one to create Runes, the magic of Gods, easily and without a chant at all.

Runes such as [Instant Teleport] to Runes like [Heart Blaze]. All types of Runes can be used, but it was not like it was easy to use them. Talent was needed, because each Rune was around Divine Skill-level.

And if one was daring enough, they could literally speak nothing but Runes, choosing whether they intend for them to be effective or not effective.

"Cosmic Telepathy" was simple, it just allowed one to be able to talk Telepathically with beings throughout a small portion of the cosmos. Such as talking to someone in Great Gi, while he was here in Great Terra.

But there were prerequisites alright, such as bonds, the likes of brotherhood or sisterhood. Master and servant, trusted companions, worst enemies etc.

He wanted to use it to check up on Nia. There was a lot he wanted to know, like if she messed with the Mother Tree or not, or whether she received the rewards or not.

Oh, Lulu too. He... one way or another, had to speak with this Devout believer of his. Noelle as well. Maybe he could directly talk to Louise? He shook his head and continued to look through the Arts.

"Divine Physiology" this skill could give a person the body of a God, at the cost of a very large amount of faith. The minimum being a million units of faith power (a billion faith points).

And this was for Chosens and Champions. It was cheaper for Favoreds, but still, it was above 500 000 faith power. And now that he remembers, he had quite a lot of Followers.

It evolved from "Biokinesis".

"Cosmic Manipulation" He had this skill, but he never used it. His body didn't allow him to delve in it for now, but now he will. This skill evolved from "Weather Manipulation".

The best part was that, 99% of all True God's had this basic divine art. Meaning that for once, he would not be strange compared to his peers. Ignore the large amount of advanced arts at his disposal.

"Omnilingualism" the name didn't change much, but now, he felt like he could understand the language of the laws better. They also became more talkative with him.

Especially Fortune and Misfortune. They kept begging him to comprehend them as fast as possible, Destiny was chilled but it felt like it wanted the same thing from him.

'I'm sorry, I'll do that after I'm a Perfect True God.' Enigma shook his head and moved on, he did not really mean those words at all.

"Proprietorship: Law" This one was powerful. It allowed one to take control of anything affected by their law. For example, a person with a sea-type law could take water as their property, permanently owning it.

It was even possible to command or take ownership over a god who ruled over the same law, but with a lesser percentage than yours. Using them against their will.

Truly Frightening.

"Cosmic Telekinesis" This one was too powerful. It allowed one to control hundreds of thousands of objects at once, or affect molecules and matter to a degree with deep concentration.

They could also manipulate planets, asteroids or other stella bodies with their thoughts. Unfortunately they could not move Multiverses or shape the Cosmos.

The most they can do for now is move a couple of planets or ignite a star to combust, or even move entire Universes and mentally alter them. But even then, these Arts were quite powerful.

But he didn't complain. Because he could use them however he likes without affecting his body at all!! That was true power, he could partially go all out.

And proudly tell his enemies that he was going nigh-all out, without feeling any shame at all!! This was true satisfaction, because he worked hard for these.

Unlike all those Divine skills.


"Dont give me that attitude." Enigma said as he stood up, now he was ready to box it out with gods. Maybe not even a perfected Major God will be his match now.

He opened the door and breathed in the fresh air of this place after two months of seclusion. 'Bella really outdid herself, I wonder how I should repay her now.'

"Wasn't that artifact enough?"

'Point taken.' He nodded.

"Lord En, you're finally out. I think something is wrong with little Jue. He isn't growing at all." Bella rushed over as he just walked out of his room.

She seemed worried as she put the baby version of himself, with black hair and golden eyes, before his face. 'We really are alike... maybe i should treat him like a little brother?' He subconsciously thought.

Enigma was more Western, while Jue was more Eastern in terms of looks. But overall, they looked 97% the same. '...Probably not a good idea. Mystica might nag me.'

"...That's normal. By the way, I'll be leaving today." He took the boy, who didn't refuse him, but instead stuck up on him like a koala as he said. 'You missed me, little guy?'

"...Where to? How come you always leave me?" Bella pouted and looked down. Enigma smiled and gently rubbed her head, "Getting ahead of ourselves aren't we?"

"How can't I if you continue treating me like this?" Enigma ignored her resentmeng-filled words and removed his hand, causing her to pout even more.

He really didn't know anything anymore. He wasn't good nor bad at dealing with women, but it was worse now that he had a fiancee, and someone else liked her.

"Anyway... I'll be back soon. The gods are going out of control, someone has to stop them." He sighed and said helplessly.

Bella did not say anything and moved closer to him. She then wrapped her arms around him for a while, pulled back, took little Jue from him then said sternly, "Take care of yourself. You have a younger brother relying on you now."

"...Mhm." Enigma smiled and vanished, leaving both little Jue and Bella alone. 'I mean it, please do take care of yourself. Something feels fishy... but I don't know what.'

Bella thought in worry as her eyes flashed briefly with a crimson-purple glow. And within that glow, she saw something that she could not understand or put to words.

She saw three scenes.

One that represented a bleak area of nothing but endless darkness. Either than that, there was nothing else, and within this place was a man covered in a glow of light.

The light extended to an infinite degree, and its brightness was also at an infinite scale, as it seemed bright enough to even break down the endless dark Nothingness.

And within this light, was a single person who stood at the center, as if all this light was nothing but his mere halo. A small representation of his grand brilliance.

The second scene was of a group of tens of beings fighting it out above the now destroyed Great Terra, alongside eight other Worlds of similar grandness.

These beings were almost a hundred in number, and fought a large cloud of darkness, their bodies also covered in light that was stretched out Infinitismally, but not at the level of the first being.

In fact, even when combined, their brilliance was not even close to comparing to his. And worst of all, the almost a hundred powerful beings, were being easily oppressed.

And she saw a few couple of familiar figures mixed in, the three brothers, along with three other guys, and ten girls, even Goddess Abigail was there as well.

She didn't understand what was going on.

As for the last scene, she saw herself, crying within a sea of crimson-purple cloudy mist, sorounding her being yet another sea of crimson-gold blood, and more resplendent crimson-purple blood.

She did not understand anything at all, but what made her warn Enigma before he left, was because far ahead, was the figure of him, slaughtering behemoths.

And each slaughtered so easily, it was reminiscent of a man killing chickens, and easily spreading out their crimson-purple blood in relish... and yet, he was also in tears like herself.

'What... does that mean? What's the meaning of all of this?' She thought as she looked at the door, subconsciously hugging little Jue tightly, who held back his cry of help due to feeling her chaotic emotions.

That were on another level of being Chaotic, and he knew that one reason for this, was his predecessor. And becomes of that, he decided to keep silent.


The scenes that Bella saw, he could also see them, and because of that, he felt partially responsible as well.

But unlike her, he could see that whatever scenes she saw, were parallel paths of a single point in the future that would take place, depending on the choices made by his predecessor.

A future that was quite far from their current one. At most, thousands of years into the near future, which was more than enough time for him to think of a way out.

"Alright, come little Jue, let big sister teach you something else. Maybe 'Chaos Interpretation'? Or maybe something more simple?" Bella said in enthusiasm.


En Jue did not strongly answer strongly nodded his head, his apathetic expression making him all the more cute to her.

"...And next time, please tell your bug brother that he should relax. No, tell all your brothers that they need to take better care of themselves. Hmph..."


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